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What is with all the racism on answers?

I am getting very disillousioned with the level of racism on here the past few nights.

It is either people abusing the English (me being English), or else the English abusung others.

What is the point?

Yahoo answers is a cracking idea for people to ask serious questions, and receive sensible answers from people with experience.

Haven't you ever wanted advice, but have no one at home who can help. This is a fantastic solution, and I love trying to help ANYONE who needs it.

Unfortunately, with the way that things are going, with racism, religious abuse, sexism, gender stereotyping, and homophobia, it won't be long before this site is either **** down, or totally populated by users hurling filth at each other.

Please, PLEASE, please stop it, and act responsibly.

I know this will fall mainly on deaf ears, but have to get it off my chest.


Sorry, the censored word above was "shut" as in "shut down" - I presume I typed an "i" instead of "u" - LOL

Update 2:

Thank you so much joeappela - nice!!!!

Update 3:

joclua-japes - still not grey at 43 - how old is before my time.

If no one tries to say anything to stop racism - then we might as well all give up and bomb each other.

Update 4:

rishi - reported

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Agree, there is a lot of racism on here, but some of them are just banter, but there appears to be serious, intended racists attacks which is not on!

    us Welsh (my dad is English) have banter with the English all the time, on here, Y!IM and 360, but there is serious racism going on, and as you say, this could shut down a good site!

    Good point made!

    Have a star!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i think of this is because of the fact we are all, in some way and to a pair degree, biased or perhaps bigoted to a minimum of a few quantity. In immediately's "politically properly suited" international, there are maximum of issues (some valid ands others no longer) that a individual could prefer to declare yet is afraid to for worry of repercussions. so they motel to the anonymity of the internet to precise techniques they can't in any different case exhibit. i individually have faith if maximum individuals might desire to easily say what they think of in public, there could be greater incorrectness in open society and much less needed to be spewed forth on numerous boards. purely a warped thought.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I second the motion. It is always a shame when humans are unkind to one another just because someone is the way they are. We all have a genetic blue-print, and if that's what the genectic-instructions say; that's the way you come out. It's truly sad when people abuse others (no matter who is hurting who), when there are so many better things we could all be doing to help one another.

    Source(s): Spoken from the heart.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suppose other people are used to racism, actually thinks that way, have experienced it and thusly conveying it, or is simply not thinking in an idealised, politically correct way in which everything has to be neutral and objectified.

    One of the things that drew me to Yahoo! Answers was the fact that it was uncensored, that it allowed people to share their intimate, personalized knowledge with those around the world, without being filtered through a political or religious lens. In a way, it's refreshing, but it can also be offending.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with you for the most part. but this is one of those problems that is never going to go away here. it doesnt bother me as much as it used to. just think of those bad people as pests! we cant eliminate them but at least we have the power to report them! if you see a cockroach then just SQUISH it or STEP on it (in other words, if you see bad answers or questions such as the types you mentioned and if they really bother you, then report them!). But i got to admit, there are some racist answers that can actually be good!

    even though this place is infested with "pests", i still love this site! dont let them ruin your good taste! :).

  • 1 decade ago

    This just comes down to the YOB culture of today. Great facitlites like this have and will be mis used by the idiots in this world. It's a shame that people like this ruin it for all the down to earth people that use this service . I definitley agree with your comment but as you say, it will fall on deaf ears as racist people choose to turn their ears and brains off to common sense dialect!

    Source(s): Common Sense
  • 1 decade ago

    Your comments haven't fallen on deaf ears. I'll try to be more responsible :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree, but have you noticed how it is not picked up by Yahoo, instead they remove people or their q&a's if they get a little political, religious or silly instead.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes i do beleive that there are many people on yahoo answers that do these things. It's self-explainitory, these people have nothing to do, there life is basically on the computer.

  • 1 decade ago

    jocular_japes FTW!

    I think it's a combination of anonymity and 'keyboard warrior' that produces the racist comments.

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