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poppidad asked in TravelCaribbeanVirgin Islands · 1 decade ago

What should I visit in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico?

My cruise ship will visit Puerto Rico for 12 hours and the Virgin Islands for 15 hours. Given he limited time, what should I see? Any bargains at these stops?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Puerto Rico is a full country, the Virgin Islands are a tiny territory. You are going to need a week to see all of Puerto Rico, if you only have 12 hours in PR i recommend the historic city (at least 4 hours) and the rain forest (5 hours [2 hours driving from and to])

  • 1 decade ago

    12 hours is plenty in PR In PR, the rain forest is fair to see. i enjoyed the nunery hotel sorry can't recall full name. you should probably have a traditional PR meal. there is a place in the down town area called metro / metropol .. it's been there years. you can order the pork chops or steak and they serve the white rice / black bean soup and those incredible fried plantains. if you are there in the evening you might enjoy a floor show / traditional dance. casinos are also open if that is your thing. enjoy ... trust me twelve hours is plenty for this stop. the virgin islands are beautiful. suggest megans bay. spend a little time shopping downtown and at charlotte amalie near the port. you will probably not feel you have enough time in this port. have a great time!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I lived in Hawaii - definitely a fine place. I've never been to the Caribbean. Yellowstone is a wonderful, magical place, as no one else has mentioned. They haven't mentioned it because it's camping, or like camping. The local attractions are trees and streams (well, hot springs, too), the culture is bears and elk. That's a fine thing and it's a fine place but from the tone of your question I doubt it's what you're looking for.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i am from the U.S. Virgin Islands and i can personally say try to taste the food and go to the beaches or coral world ~ just explore once u get there you will see how wonderful it is ~ there are slave plantations on the islands also and you can look up on websites or ask the people at the airport wat the best sites are to see ~ but i think coral world is a great idea

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  • 1 decade ago

    while in USVI I visited Meagans bay and I did the skytram thingy that was awesome...

    While in PR you should visits the fort and el yunke the rain forest....

    Im a beach bum so I would visit the beaches in both but thats just me.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Say hi to my daughter for me. Her names Katie and tell her I miss her. She's on St. Thomas. The beaches are beautiful from the pictures I seen.

  • 1 decade ago

    talk to girls explore the beaches get soveniers and take pictures stuff like that you will probaly know what 2 do when u get their

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nude beaches.. maybe?

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