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Is man finally outgrowing religion. As a race have we matured?

sufficiently? Or do we still need these outdated crutches ?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes you are correct, and perhaps the most obnoxious religion of the lot will go first, all around me I see Christian churches falling down, unused, unrepared, just a large blot on the landscape! Something like Stonehenge.

    Unfortunately I have also noted more Muslim places being built, but as this Islamic thing hasnt been running as long as Christianity it will also soon die out.

    After all whats a couple of thousand years out of history, not a lot is it?

    The old religions were not so far fetched when we compare them to this latest batch, but we are certainly taking far too long for my liking.

    A lot of folk still need crutches, I really dont have any objection to any one having a belief in God, it's the religions that get right up my nose, all a big rip off.

    The latest one must be the best (at least I think it's the latest one)?

    Some guy that made a living from writting Sci Fi books found out that the planet earth was first inhabited by a group of aliens from some daft planet or other, we have evolved from them???

    But if we compare that little story with the Christian one , or even Adam and Eve, which is really the odd one out??

    Complete and utter BS, the lot of them.

    The very strange thing about all these different religions is the fact that they can debate among their selves as to which one is correct, very very strange!!

    Have we matured? Yes again one day we will just laugh at this lot, but not soon enough for me, I just try and nudge that day forward a bit whenever I can.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not really. People on the whole are always going to have a need for dogma and ritualistic expression. They want the fantasy element to keep life entertaining. Religion is still the most convenient package for this. Though I suspect other alternatives will eventually prove to be more popular.

    What I see going on right now is a reverse bell curve: many people who are fine rejecting religion all together, but a number of fundamentalists (or maybe they're not so big in number, but just LOUD).

  • 1 decade ago

    Old does not necessarily mean wrong. Man is not growing and maturing . He is believing a lie. Technology has made man believe he is powerful and intelligent and can do it all on his own, so he feels he has no need for a God. The truth is before us look at the way man has trashed the planet and can't get along with each other. Since the dawn of man on this planet it has all been downhill. If man was totally honest he would see he needs God because he certainly can't do it himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Religion is like Peter the rock. It is not crutches we need. What would be good is less attention to fashion. All that has happened is economic pace has quickened. Wait for the updated religion. It will happen

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The proportion of the human race with a religion is increasing as atheism goes out of fashion in a big way in the former Soviet empire and the Christians of Africa and South America outbreed the agnostics of Western Europe.

    Don't worry. Although you're a shrinking minority group we won't persecute you (well only a bit).

  • 1 decade ago

    With the conflicts in the middle east? Including sectarian violence between groups of the same religion? Are we outgrowing it? No. Our weapons have evolved, matured....

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think it is possible to outgrow religion it is not a simple subject and we need to work on it and figure it out the best we can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it seems in times of great education, religion sort of goes to the wind. When religion swells, education seems to go to the wind. If you look at history any how.

    I think man will always want religion if for no other reason then the after life. It can freak people out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The world is purposely created in such a way as to help us grow and learn. There will always be uncertainty about the afterlife, there will always be multiple logical explanations. Its life's way of testing and enlightening us. Don't hold your breath the world will always be this way, until of course we all reach enlightenment.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to think so, but when I see the answers to questions on this site, it doesn't seem that way. So many still rely on the Bible for all of the answers, and so many think they need the walls of religion to worship.

    I think it is going to take a long time still

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