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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetProgramming & Design · 1 decade ago

what is the best free database software for a ecommerce website?

ecommerce database website free software

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That depends entirely on

    - What technology you are using on the frontend (eg aspx, jsp, cfm, php, etc)

    - How fast you want to develop your site

    - What special things you need in your site

    - How scalable you want your site

    - How distributed your site would be

    - The type of calculations required on the database backend as opposed to any other tier (web frontend and possibly middle tier business logic for example)

    In other words, you can't just ask that kind of question about a database engine because you also need to consider the organic whole application.

    MySQL and Postgres are probably the leading candidates, but other vendors (even Microsoft!) also have free database engines and often with features MySQL and Postgres don't have.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the best all-round database for many such applications is MySQL.

    I am a professional database programmer (Oracle, SQL Server) and have looked carefully at MySQL. It is very good, especially since it's free.

  • 5 years ago

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  • 5 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    MYSQL or MYSQLi (basically same thing) but since you are going to be a commercial site, you will have to pay a very nominal fee to use MYSQL in a commercial setting. Of course, it beats the $10,000+ fee that Oracle can charge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The simplest and most commonly used is mysql, using a php front end to control the data.

  • 5 years ago

    I recommend you Shopping Cart Elite. It is not free, but It is not expensive ecommerce platform with many advantages.

  • 7 years ago

    Forget everything and Relax, Calculate the time spent by u to build a ecommerce website, calculate money, think about headache u had and moodoff. visit and create your store at just $2.6/month.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are currently a paid Internet subscriber, you are entitled to a "homepage" which often contains simple navigation and editing tools. And if you use the Netscape browser, the built-in Composer feature is a superior HTML authoring tool. You can easily generate a full-blown website as a Homepage.

    Nevertheless, the "homepage" URL is likely to be " name" and that URL can easily be overwritten via a redirection service, i.e., "" which allows you to link any registered domain name to "mask" another website. For example, should you type in the "domain name," you will be immediately transported to the homepage and the hompage URL of, a homepage URL which will be masked by the domain name. And the charge for the redirection service [even at] is normally FREE.

    Here's a demonstration: Type in the URL window: "" which will bring up their pizza website. Take note of the domain name. Then type in the URL window: " and you will see that this is the original homepage which is unmasked without the domain name.

    The most effective way to advertise on the Internet is to first set up a website and publish its domain name on major search directories such as, [at and since 85% of Internet shoppers rely on these search directories to provide them with goods and services. In a sense, these search directories are a very large Internet Yellow Pages.

    You may want to consider some simple algorithms which, when observed and committed in designing of a website with placement of various critical metatags that can surely achieve a high search engine presence and increase Internet traffic to your website. These metatag strategies work well with published webpages at Google and Yahoo.

    Design: Should you create an extensive Flash-based website, make sure to fill-in the property entries such as the Title, Description and Keywords. Failing to do so, leaves no hard HTML or ALT resource that can be readily indexed by search robots. Also consider the Internet audience and their incoming setup. For example, if they are on analog/dialup, Flash webpages take too long to load up and therefore analog users will likely lose interest and discontinue entering the Flash site. On the other hand, anyone on hi-speed DSL lines, will welcome Flash pages which load quickly. So before designing a pure Flash websitge, ask the simple question, "Who's my end user - is he on dialup or DSL?" And if you had to choose between these two users for maximum marketability, then select analog users since 80% of most resident users are still analog Internet subscribers and pure HTML designed webpages is best for them.

    A non-Flash-based website which relies on hard text, is far easier to be indexed by search robots. Limit the use of stylized text saved as .gifs since as a graphic, they are not indexable by search robots.

    Avoid use of frames since any number of search robots are unable to properly classify textual material.

    Placement of Metatags:

    A ranking or search order does take place with Google and Yahoo and it begins with the "Title" metag which should consist of no more than 65 characters separated by commas. The "Title" should describe in generic terms, the goods and services, followed by a location from which the resource is located, i.e., city, state. The placement of a domain name which is not generic within the "Title" is not appropriate, unless your domain name is a major recognizable brand name.

    The second metatag is the "Description" which is usually 25-30 words to form a complete sentence which best describes one's goods and services.

    And the very last category - "Keywords" are also somewhat limited to 15-16 words which can be plural and compound in nature. Again, avoid multiple entries which could be mistaken as "spamdexed entries" which is defined as the loading, and submission of repetitive words into a particular metatag category. "Spamdexing" when discovered on a webpage and reported to Google's can result in the elimination of your website from their search directory.

    Here's an example of a very highly-placed website on Begin with the search query "pizza downtown los angeles." It will bring up some 1.4 million+ websites as results. Check out where "Pizza Next Door" is ranked. It's in the Top Five! Again, Pizza Next Door's high web presence was achieved by proper web design and placement of relevant metatags according to Yahoo's publication guidelines.

    Good luck!

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