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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Beginner workout routine...?? Please help.?

Hi, I have joined a gym and need help with a workout routine. I am roughly 25lbs overweight and want to lose it while building some muscle. I am very dedicated and just need a program to help me on my way. Can u help me?

(Also wondering whether to use machines or free weights first also??) THANKS!

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I was in your shoes a while ago. This workout really works. First, try to cut on the carbs. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Oh and fibers are very important. You need loads of protein for muscles, eat meat but without bread. For the workout, free weights are always the best, but machines are not bad too. Go on the trademill and walk for half an our, with some running whenever you can (depending on your weight). Then use the cycle for another 30 minutes. If there is a step machine, 10 minutes is enough. It deoends how bulky you want your muscles and how much fat you have, make sure you talk to the trainer in the gym. He has to measure your fat first coz you need to lose it before building muscles. For bulky muscles, lift heavy weights but always start light. For a fit shape, not too bulky, light wights but many repititions. For example 20 to 25 repetitions. Make sure not to lift weights for muscles opposing each other in the same day. For example, don't do biceps and triceps on the same day, or stomack and back. They should be in different programs. That's all the info I can provide you, I'll have to write much more if I wanted to go into details. Make sure you consult the trainer first. Good luck

    Source(s): Just lost 37lbs few months ago.
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Start Gaining Muscle Today -
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hi there.

    a brief introduction of myself first.

    i am a personal trainer from singapore carrying the level 3 personal trainer certificate. i myself aint big. but i can't put on pounds easily due to my high metabolism rate.

    anyways, my advice to guys hitting the gym is "do not mind your weight, mind the "you" in the mirror instead" research shows that muscles are 6 times heavier than fats. and since you havent done any weighlifting before, i can only imply that what you have on your body is pure fats and no muscles at all.

    so after you follow my instructions, your weight will remain the same, BUT, you will have a nicer body.

    I guess this is the only solution for you.

    this is what you have to do. DIET and GYM comes together as a pair. you cant do weightlifting without the proper diet, you wont be able to grow. and when you diet without gymming, you become overweight.

    Dieting is very much simple. you just have to control what you eat and NOT, stop eating. you should take 5 meals a day, with 30% carbohydrates, consisting of rice/noodles/potatoes for your energy output. 50% protein, consisting of fish/chicken/red meat for muscle repair and muscle building purposes and an additional 20% fibre, consisting of greens such as cabbage, carrots and such for your dietary fibre. you can "sh*t" easier this way.

    Also, 5 meals a day with 3 hours gap will help keep your stomach moving consistantly to increase your metabolism rate. MR (metabolism rate) has to be increased as after you work out, you need lots of food intake to replenish your body. and MR is there to process the food faster. in reality, the higher the MR, the better it is.

    this summarises as 30% carbohydrates, 50% protein and 20% fibre. 5 meals and above a day for 3 hrs each seperation. you do not have to take 5 heavy meals, you can take 3 heavy and 2 light.

    coming to the work out part. since you are a beginner, i would recommend the SMITH MACHINE. it's much like a bench with a big bar across with straps holding on to it. since you are a begginer, you wont be able to control the bar as well as the pros do. so you use the smith machine, lie parallel to the ground to do some bench presses. it will help with your chest building up. start light with 12 reps and 4 sets.

    following that, you can do some squats and do it the same routine, 12 reps 4 sets. and you can do military presses where using the smith machine, u sit at 90 degress and the bar goes behind your head and up with your hands stretched up. this will help your shoulders.

    any further advice and i'll have to charge you.



    feel free to contact me at

    hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can't your gym do a programme for you? My gym figures that stuff out for everyone. Also they have a better idea of your physique etc.

    Anyway to lose weight make sure you do weights about 4 times a week and cardio about 6 times a week, so at least half an hour of treadmill, bike or ellipticals. I don't know your age height or weight so I have no idea what weights are good for you so really you should talk to your people at the gym. But you can't go wrong with free dumbbell weights, some barbell curls or simple leg presses.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You don’t need to exercise for hours on end. Short, sharp sets of exercise will produce better results in the event you work hard. Get a missing rope, skip for two units, do push ups for a minute or so, skip for two minutes, rest for starters minute. Then change the push up to something else like sit ups along with do the set again. Repeat it five times and it’s a rapid, effective workout that will improve results than a long run or swim.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lifting isn't going to do much for your weight issue, especially short term. Head for the treadmills, bikes and pool.

    Eventually, additional muscle bulk may help your metabolism a bit, but the brute force calorie burning of long aerobic sessions is what you need. In addition, the endurance training also trains your system to use fat resources for fuel.

    As for weights, stick with the machines if you're a beginner. Its easier to maintain proper form.

  • 1 decade ago

    well best to get a personal trainer at your gym as you need someone to guide and watch over you for your technique not only that but to offer dietary advice, do not before you build muscle you need to lose your fat, which really can only be achieved by diet and cardio not weights

    in terms of your work out, you probably should do 4 sets with a lot of reps , and use light weights, two days on two days off,remember your muscles need to repair so work out different muscle groups each time

    free weights are so much better than machines, as they are not so two dimesional and work smaller muscle groups, at the time as working out the major ones you are focusing on use machines if you don't have a gym partner to spot you

    hope this helps

  • 5 years ago

    In regards to developing muscle, every one wants to teach you how to complete it and them all have their own system they declare will work for you. Life's too small to test these, therefore you have to find the ones that talk for your requirements, and that resonate with you and that is Critical Bench from here

    Critical Bench program will attract a very particular goal consumer, therefore should you feel that this is coating up in your sweet place, positively provide it a spin and put it to use.

    The bench press is certainly one particular workouts that could give you a load of energy, and also form the body so that it gets noticed. When you yourself have a powerful chest, it's one of many first things that gets checked out by the alternative sex, and it's one of the very of good use muscle organizations for several kind of actions and with Critical Bench program you are certain to get everything you want.

  • Mike T
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Congrats on joining a gym and being so dedicated to it. This is the sort of programme I'd do if I were a beginner, looking to lose some weight and build some muscle:

    To start, 20 mins high intensity cardio. It's up to you what you do it on, but because you need to be working hard all the 20 mins, I'd say pick your favourite machine (mine is treadmill) and do this to begin with every time. If you're on a machine you don't really like you may be tempted to slack off a bit. You need 20 mins good hard cardio to start with!

    Once you're done, hit the abs. Do 4 lots of 15 crunches with a heavy weight on your chest. For beginners use 25kg.

    After abs, upper body. Working down from the top, start with shoulders. The seated shoulder press machine is ideal. The machine makes sure your form is correct, so you can build strength without worrying about dumbells. Pick a light weight and do 8 reps. Move to the next highest weight, 7 reps. Next weight 6 reps etc til you get to 3 reps of a weight. Next time in gym start on a weight heavier and do 8 reps etc etc so you finish by doing 3 reps on a heavier weight than last time. Keep adding weight like this every time.

    Chest. Bench press is good for arms and chest. Follow the same routine as for shoulders. Again, use the bench press machine til your form is correct and you've developed enough strength to use the barbell.

    Arms. Find the weight you can lift 5 times, so that on 5th time you really struggle. Do 5 reps. Next time in gym 5 reps. Next time 5 reps. Next time 4 reps of 1 weight heavier. Next time 5 reps of this heavier weight. etc etc.

    There are lots of other weights and machines to use. Generally, use a machine to work out a body part and get used to it before trying free weights on the same body part.

    Pick a few machines and do a few reps on each. Learn which ones target which parts of the body.

    Finally finish with 10 mins of cardio. On a different machine to what you started with. Each time in the gym, do 20 mins hard on your fave machine, but finish with 10 mins light on a different machine every time. This stops the body getting used to a certain routine.

    Same for the weight training. Do each exercise in a different order occasionally. Do arms first and finish with shoulders. You need to keep mixing it up to stop the body getting used to a routine. As soon as it does you start losing.

    Keep hydrated throughout with Lucozade or other energy drink.

    As you get stronger, you'll start to develop your own routine. As long as you're increasing the weight over time you will build muscle and lose weight.

  • 5 years ago

    If you like big effects in relation to your benchpush journey you then need this program .

    If you have ever wished to bencha particular number, like 200 or 300 kilos, and generally dropped small, you should explore getting some suggestions from Critical Bench program.

    Critical Bench will demonstrate benefits in developing muscle tissue through benchpress.

    Considering the factors stressed out in the program, you are fully guaranteed to discover good results as assured with applications created by a specialist for future bodybuilders

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