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Heather asked in Family & RelationshipsWeddings · 1 decade ago

Getting married in 4 days...any last minute advice?

Anything that you think I should know please tell me. I am not nervous...yet! I know I will be Saturday. I hate being the center of attention and that is what makes me nervous. At my bridal shower I was shaking the whole time. lol! How did you calm your nerves down on your wedding day?

But anything that you think I should know tell me. It can be about anything. I don't care. Thank you so much!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best advice anyone gave me was from my husband's cousin (who had gotten married 3mo before us). While everyone is dancing and enjoying your celebration. MAKE SURE YOU FIND YOUR GROOM.. go off to the side, or sit at your table for like 2-5 minutes.. just watch everything.. take a deep breath and check out everything going on.. do this a couple times during the night and you're sure to 1) HAVE MORE FUN YOURSELVES 2) remember the night so much more! g/l and congrats darling!

  • DSL
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I hate being the center of attention too - I was able to stay calm at my wedding by spending the morning with people who were laid back - mostly, my sister and I got our nails, hair and makeup done together, then had Burger King just before heading the church to get dressed. I didn't want any high-drama people with me while I got ready.

    If you get nervous, just remind yourself how much fun you're going to have being married and that this day will be over before you know it, and you will treasure the memories forever.

    We just celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary June 16, and I swear it still feels new and fresh. If you'll take a little advice: never raise your voices to each other - discuss things like people in love: with respect. Kiss him goodbye every morning and hello every evening. Hug often. Spend holidays and birthdays and vacations together. Keep exploring your world and making time to have fun, Dating each other is still fun, even after the wedding!

    Best wishes to you both!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Make sure you have your wedding ring on for any pictures you take before the ceremony

    2. Pick a silly song. Whenever I start to get nervous or think I'm going to start crying my bridesmaids are going to break into a loud annoying version of it. "Going to the Chapel" is a goodie.

    3. Go with the flow! People won't remember six months from now if the caterer was late or if they put the wrong flowers on the tables....they will remember that you freaked out about it and threw a hissy fit at the reception. As the bride and groom you set the mood so make it a good one.

    4. Take detail pictures. You are going to be so busy partying and you spend hours if not months planning what napkins you wanted and what kind of flowers and which color the chair ribbons should be. Make sure your photographer gets all of that. Even if you do get to notice it the day of the memories will fade and its nice to be able to have that reminder.

    5. Have sewing kit handy at all time. Needle, thread, buttons, that sort of thing. You can carry it or one of the bridesmaids but torn hems and split seams happen more than you think so make sure there is a emergency kit. :)

    Source(s): All I can think of for now
  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure everything is taken care of so than on that morning you will wake up relaxed and you have all morning to think about your future and how happy you will live.

    Remember that there is no such thing as "perfect" and if and when you have a little flaw, brush it off and enjoy yourself.

    Savor the moment cause the day WILL flash before your eyes!

    I would also recommend to take a warm bubble bath with salts to relax yourself. You will feel so revived and fresh!!!

    Congratulations and Good Luck!!!

    Source(s): Newlywed
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  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, I'm getting married on Sat too! Congrats! I know that my fiance is freaked out at being the center of attention too, but remember, these are your family and friends, and they are all there because they love you. Just focus on your fiance, take some deep breaths (and have a drink if you need to!), and remember that at the end of the day, you'll be married to the man that you love!

  • 1 decade ago

    Take a breath and enjoy the day!! Make sure you have fun. Don't let it be all stress. Pack everything up for the wedding and honeymoon days before, and have family and/or friends close so they can support you.

    Take some comfort in the fact that you don't have to talk!! No speeches, you just have to march, then say "I do." That helped my nervousness! Enjoy the dressing up, the vows, your new husband, the food, the family and friends, because it's over so fast, you won't believe it. :-)

  • Mickey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Pause before going down the aisle. Take a deep breath and look (focus) only on the eyes of your man awaiting you at the end of the aisle. During the ceremony DO NOT lock your knees (that will cause you to faint). Smile, cry, and enjoy! The only thing you need on your mind is that the result at the end of the day is the same, you will become man and wife.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't you worry about anything, everything will be just fine. It's perfectly normal to be nervous, just take a deep breathe and just remember that you are marrying the man of your dreams and that you are grateful to spend the rest of your life with him..You will have a beautiful wedding and I wish you all the best. Congratulations to you and your groom.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly the best advise is to breath...deep breath it'll relax you and keep you centred. And remember that whatever hasn't got taken care of from that day forward there is nothing you can do about it. So sit back and relax enjoy the day it'll fly by and you'll be disappointed oyu let it go by without taking time to enjoy it!!!

  • Leah
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    focus on how happy you will be - marrying the love of your life! Envision how he will look on that day and how much you love him.

    Make a list of things that still need to be done, then when they should be done (manicure, pedicure, hair, pick up dress, etc).

    Last but not least (from personal experience) - move your engagement ring from your left hand to your right hand before you walk down the aisle!

    All the happiness to you!

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