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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is this proof that cons can't take a joke and Yahoo has a conservative bias?

Ruth has admitted to being Shrink and most of us know by now that RLP is also Aunt Acid and who knows how many other accounts they have. Ruth likes to say "Libs can't take a joke" yet when images and words from there 360 are put up for all to appreciate in good fun, then it's not so funny - I guess conservatives can't take a joke either. I have news for you all: calling liberals traitors for voicing opposition to a war is shameful and personal and you deserve whatever you get from us in response.

"If we DO NOT JUDGE - we lose the ability to decide what is good and what is evil..." is a direct word-for-word quote from RLP's blog. Ruth told Sister Aimee she didn't agree with that view but I bet she never told RLP that.

One of Sister Aimee's questions was "Do liberals just need a GOOD OLD FASHIONED SPANKING?" Yahoo called it a violation but said nothing when RLP asked the EXACT SAME QUESTION 4 months ago and no one complained. All you cons are PROVEN HYPOCRITES! ROTFLMAO!!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You probably don't remember this but Ruth's original name was Ruth the Meanie. Kind of said it all about her "brand" of answers and her agenda.

    She dropped the last part but stayed with the mean, self righteousness answers to anyone who dared to have an opinion she didn't share. Violations and targeted suspensions were and are her daily fare.

    Ruth and RLP need to get together and start a new life together. Also, who the heck is minding the kids?!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i don't know what the deal is, however the 'Neo-Cons' a strategies outweigh the different group right here it sort of feels. And it is organic chaos in this board. the place's the 'moderation' that Y!A speaks of??? The nicely moderated web pages might never enable one in all those bull that is going at right here. EDIT: I in simple terms watched your video, and it grew to become into on factor lol. i've got additionally observed the mysterious"rankings" which you talked approximately and questioned approximately that too. you may desire to understand, that some people right here will push aside something that is going against what they suspect. they'll even have you ever valid questions deleted once you post approximately something that they care approximately. and those questions will frequently have something to do with Republicans or Jews or Limbaugh or Palin etc. You get the image.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is nothing new that bias permeates through our society. Everyone has views, even the people running yahoo. Are they bias in this case, it is hard to tell and would be even harder to prove.

    Frankly it sounds as cons libs are sensitive babies, bickering about what the other says. Hey they cant say that can they! MOM!! Johnny cons says we shouldnt do this! hahaha. It is a cuthroat business to say the least, each side always trying to catch the others mistakes.

    But really who cares? flaunting flaws is only a way to rile the public up in their favor. I say LET SOMEONE REAL SOMEONE WHO GETS STUFF DONE TAKE THE STAND. BUT THAT WONT BE HAPPENING ITS TOO REAL TO MUCH ACTION FOR PEOPLE. heaven forbid something actually gets resolved and the bickering ends, both sides like to pick at things instead of fixing them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know how many times it has to be explained to Libs. Maybe we aren't talking slow enough for them to understand. But the most probable reason is that their political bias and insane hatred of Bush blinds them to reason.

    It's not the fact that they are against the war that makes them traitors. It's when they attack their own government and put down the troops that make them traitors.

    And if going down and hanging out with Hugo Chavez like Danny Glover and Cindy Sheehan did isn't being a traitor, I sure as hell don't know what is.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Who cares. People like you are splitting the country down the middle, quit blaming others and figure out a solution to todays problems

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Proof for me that cons can't take a joke and Yahoo has a conservative bias was the following:

    question: is bush the best president ever?

    my answer: no

    I had my account suspended over that!


  • Emma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What's your point?

    This isn't a question regarding politics, let alone a real question at all.

    Stop ranting about fellow Y!A users. Yes, they're neanderthals. We know. No need to write a novel worth of a "question" about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, it is not true. It is just Yahoo! trying to pander to the masses. Nothing more, nothing less. Good supportive question too. I've had over 250 points taken away in just 2 weeks time!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone who uses other peoples images are scumbags, and libs ARE traitors, you must be one of the liberal losers with no life who likes to harass other users

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not proof of anything except what people can figure out about you.

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