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Arthur J asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

Which bird should I get?

I live in a large apartment. I want to get a bird for begginers and I do not know whether I should get a cockatiel or a budgie parakeet. Please tell me which one or give me a different type of bird I should get. Can you also give me a website about the bird plus an average price.

9 Answers

  • Dani
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    both make great beginner birds. Heres a pro and con list of each


    pros- theyre friendly when tamed correctly, inexpensive to buy (generally around 15-30 dollars), inexpensive to own, they dont take up a lot of space (they need a cage big enough to fully stretch out their shouldnt get a cage meant for parakeets because those are always way too should atleast get a cage for cockatiels), they live longer than most small pets (15-20 years is average), they dont really make much of a mess, theyre easy to train and dont get as tempermental as larger birds, they can be trained to talk or whistle (but it takes some patience)

    cons- they can get loud (but not nearly as loud as larger birds). It's only really annoying when youre trying to sleep and they wake you up with the sun. If you cover the cage at night though, it's not much of a problem. they poop, a lot, so when you have them out, have a kleenex handy. Their poop is easy to clean up though so its really not much of a big deal. they flick seeds and husks out side of their cage. It doesnt take long to clean that up though.


    Pros- they're cheaper than larger birds (but more expensive than parakeets...cockatiels range in price from $50-150, usually), they also live an average of 15-20 years if properly cared for, they dont take up much space either. (like parakeets, they need a cage big enough to comfortably stretch out their wings), if trained correctly they make great companions, you can teach them how to talk and whistle tunes, but unlike larger parrots, its a little more difficult to understand what a cockatiel is saying.

    Cons- Same as the parakeet, they'll wake you up early, they flick seeds and husks outside the cage, they poop every 15 mintues, etc, but if you cover their cage at night they wont usually wake you up in the morning, the poop is easy to clean up, and the seeds and husks isnt really a big deal.

    both make good pets, so its really a personal prefence kind of thing. parakeets cost a little less to buy at first, but both are inexpensive to own and can be wonderful pets.

    I suggest a trip to the local library. Get some books on both, see which would suit you best. Or research them both online. Since they can live over 10 years, its best to do a lot of research to make sure you really want one before you buy one.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you want a cheaper bird, get a parakeet. they cost about $15-$20, theyre inexpensive but parakeets bite a lot and are harder to tame and they are rarely friendly. cockatiels are very good beginners pets and can cost from $45-$140(most expensive i have seen is 140). prices for cockatiels very a lot from place to place. it also depends on what kind of raised cockatiel and breed you want to buy: a parent raised or a hand-fed one. hand feds are better as they are more used to humans and are tame. some mutations of cockatiels are more expensive than others. lovebirds are also another option! they come in many varieties. some are black and blue-green, some are green with peach and soem are 3 colors. lovebirds usually cost $60. they are also wonderful and better companions than parakeets. but i have to admit that cockatiels have the best chance of forming a relationship with you. good luck and have fun!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    i would sugest a cockatiel, parakeets are cute but not as friendly, cockatiels are very nice if raised right and can develope quite a personality, i got a cockatiel a little over a year ago and my whole family has fallen in love w/ her

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you like bird song consider canaries or finches, parrot based birds make an awful racket though they are more demonstrative and affectionate: Canaries are to cats as Budgies are to dogs.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had a Meyer Parrot, it is a smaller parrot, with the ability to possibly talk. They are not overly loud birds, but they are cute and sweet.

    They require a fair size cage, but they are a lot of fun to watch play with bird toys.

    We paid $1000 at a pet store for ours.

  • 5 years ago

    Of course. Everyone knows about the bird!

  • 1 decade ago

    A parakeet is always cute. Another bird I recommend is the parrot or the cockatoo! They're all really cute! The price depends on how big and wat variation.

  • 1 decade ago

    my opinion... get a parrot... cuz they TALK if you work with them. my mother has one and he can make noises anywhere from knocking to a fax machine... no joke. he can be annoying at times making noises.. and he shakes hands too.

  • 1 decade ago

    A shetland pony ... or an albatross.

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