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Risking A Mere 5 Points?

Kids, I ask:

How many of you want to be actors? Really? It is not easy.


How many of you want to be Famous? Not difficult, but comes with a price. It can be a heavy price. Are you willing to pay? No backing out.

Actors work for the satisfaction of a well-done job.

Celebrities work to maintain Image.

An actor's job is to look for work. The show-cast is icing on the cake.

My Challenge: Working Actors! What advice can you give to young hopefuls who truly believe that Disney can make them RICH AND FAMOUS?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was taught if you say want, that's all the goal will ever be, a want. You should say I AM instead, of I WANT. So, I guess you could say I am going to be a more professional actress, than the one I am now, that just does local/regional theatre and local/regional commercials, informercials and print work, with the occasional national job.

    And trust me, I know it's not easy, it's extremely hard! Harder than most can imagine! People think, oh you just show up for an audition, read a few line, go home. But it is so much more than that!

    Fame? Only if it is because I am known for my talent. But if that is the case, and I am known for my talent, then yes, I will take it, accept it, embrace it.

    Am I willing to pay the price to be a professional actor? To have the chance to perform my talents for others and make them happy? To do what I love? Yes, most definitely, and I already have in many ways.

    My advice to other people wanting to be actors is;

    1. Be confident

    2. Be ruthless (just some extent)

    3. Be professional

    4. Be realistic

    5. Keep face

    6. Keep a level head

    7. Be polite

    8. Persevere

    9. Don't hold a grudge

    10. Get the best agent possible

    11. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people

    12. Concentrate, and always have purpose and you're eye on the prize

    13. Take comments with a grain of salt

    14. Know what to expect

    15. Don't compromise your integrity

    16. Have fun!

    Source(s): My own personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    Fame, not difficult? I beg to differ. Only about 10% of the hopeful actors ever get "big" in the movies. But acting doesn't just mean Hollywood. Personally, I see film as the easy way out. You can do take 2, take 3, take 27. There's room to make mistakes. But in theater, now there's something admirable.

    Take Alan Rickman for example. A brilliant actor, well established in both theater and movie making, yet he states that he prefers the theater. There's a passion that leads people to do the harder job, and there's a greed that leads them to take the easier, more rewarding career. But in the end, who is truly rewarded? Depends on your stance. As someone just entering the world of theater and art, I realize that there are major roadblocks. The trick is to take the time to find another way around.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a working actor, I'm a hopeful, but I find that my outlook differs from others in my peer group. What every professional has told me is that you should only seek out a career in acting if you really love it, and they don't mean love signing autographs and seeing your name on a program. They mean that at the end of the day, you would honestly be just as happy being an unknown actor working in small theaters and with a paycheck that's just enough to get by, if that -- simply because you love the experience; you love the feel of hot stage lights beating down on you, you love transforming words on a page into thoughts and emotions that are real and tangible. If you feel any less, your chances of finding any sort of success in acting are unlikely.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really want to be an actor, and i am willing to go the extra mile, take the negitivity, and pain. I don't want the fame, i just want to do it cause i love acting, i love working with people, i love the feeling i get when i know this is the right thing, to make people laugh. I love it when i make an impression on people, or when someone tells me they wanna be like me, or i am there role model. I just started out in my 6th grade dramma class, and thats probably how far i'll ever go, except next ear i'll be in a 7th grade dramma class. I'll never forget the time when i played opera, and. Me and RickyBobby( a boy in my class played him) were driving from a sword convition, and i had to play one of the most annoying, hyper charictors, and. And it finally ended up that ricky bobby crached the car, and i wasn't wearing my seat belt so i flew out of the car, and Ricky Bobby propped me up against the car, put the sunglasses on me and stuck my thumb up in the air, and i remember everyone laughed and laughed and laughed. And i loved it!You see most people like fam, but the ones you should really go for are the ones who like the reaction from the audiance, who like to hear people laugh after there joke that made no sence.

    I really wanna go into acting- i am only 12 years old!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont dream too much about bein an actor cuz if ur not a blonde n ur not skinny u aint goin nowhere in show biz!!

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