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Spell Check...Check Your Spelling?

Why is it that so many people on Yahoo! Answers never utilize the Check Spelling feature provided to them by Yahoo?

Is it out of complete and utter laziness or something else?

Some people miss spell so horrible that it's not viable, even when it is a potientially good anwser and/or Question. What's your opinion.


Thanks for everyone who found the misspelled word. You’re so bright!

Update 2:

I am talking spelling, not grammar. I love how bitter people can be, so predictable. Bitter down folks, it’s just a question. Thanks for everyone’s response. Ü

Update 3:

Post Script - By the way I suck at spelling can't you tell? I just put forth effort to not misspell. I am not always successful, but I try.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agre thaat iz so stoopid. The nurv uv sum peepel

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm a translator and proofreader but I don't correct people on the net unless asked to because people that are not linguistically minded just don't care, it's a waste of time, and it just gets on their nerves. That said, poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation is disturbingly prevalent throughout the net, other people see it, and, knowing no better, copy it; and so the vicious circle goes on until poor English is the norm (if it's not already). I would have to quit my job to correct all the mistakes I see in a day's browsing: this page is full of mistakes (not including the intentional ones), as many from the preachers of good grammar as from the defenders of illiteracy; the lack or overuse of the apostrophe being the worst (Two Weeks' Notice or Two Weeks Notice? Yes, even Warner Bros get it wrong, so what hope for the rest of us?). And what can we do when even respected websites like the BBC are rife with mistakes? By the way, the spell check is useful but not perfect. I almost put "quite my job" because my fingers are always racing ahead typing common words before my brain reaches them to tell them what they should actually be typing. The spell check wouldn't have picked that up. It probably wouldn't pick up all poor punctuation either, e.g. the difference between it's and its. This site is actually not that bad compared to many forums I've seen, so perhaps some tolerance should be exercised.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not that I am a bad speller... it's that I am a really bad typist. I never learned how to type properly, and now... oy! what a mess I make. I try and remember to use spell check.

    What I don't like are the people who ask questions in IM language... shudder... you know.. like...

    I want 2 b a movie str, and U know Y I never did that? LOL

    I know I have to use the spell check, but that doesn't stop poor grammar or missed used words.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Interesting that in your whine about the spelling of others YOU misspelled "misspell".... It's not Miss Spell, it's one word, two "s"es. Also, since you seem to think you're so perfect...

    PROPER usage would be... "Some people misspell so horribly that it's not viable, .... and/or question." The last word is not capitalized and the adverb (word describing the misspelling) is "horribly" not horrible.

    And "What's your opinion?" is a question, SHOULD end in a question mark, not a period.

    So, my opinion is... You need to learn the language and EVERY single spelling before shooting off your big mouth and making yourself look like an idiot.

    Thumbs down... LOL, Not surprised, people don't like to be told they are stupid when they think they're right.

    Tsalagi star... It's "GrammAr"... So, before griping, GET IT RIGHT YOURSELF.

    Source(s): Abe Lincoln... It's better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not requiring the use of spellcheck services myself, I can only make a guess.

    I bet it's that people don't like to be slowed down too much in their posting, nor do they want to be reminded of what horrible spellers they are.

    (And, BTW, the word is "misspell.")

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I usually don't do spell check, because I'm a great typer. Fast and accurate 99.9% of the time. If I'm unsure of a word I'll check my spelling. I think others don't really want to use it because they are too lazy, think they spelt everything right, don't really care about it, and things similar to what I've said.

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG!!! and I thought I was so anal... LOL

    I'm very particular with spelling and grammar because my mom used to say it reflects the kind of breeding and education of my family so I better not embarrass them... LOL

    I did not realize that there's a "spell-check" haha

    what a dork... I keep on hitting the preview and modify buttons til I get it right.

    thanks for bringing this to my attention...

    Source(s): own experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I always use my spell check,because English is not my first language and I actually learned some new spelling, which I didn't know before I did so. So it's very helpful.

    Source(s): No misspellings found
  • 1 decade ago

    You misspelled several words too: potentially, misspell and answer (probably a typo), but I can understand your point of view completely--I feel the same way.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are lazy and the over use of slang terms has caused their use of the English language to become obsolete.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do you care so much, or are you just not very interesting. Come on you can think of a better question. Just try real hard now. I promise no one will laugh, yeah

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