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Do you think it's about time to?

Do you think it's about time to get back to basics when our country stood on our own two feet and start bringing back our outsourced jobs and big business that went to third world countries for the cheap labor.

and more importantly. We get back to buying American once again?

PS, Star this if you believe in our country

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, I think going back to basics would be a MUCH needed improvement on America.

    By the way--I am not proud of my country.

    I might get hammered for this, but I truly think America has a long way to go...

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe in time we will get back to basics. So many corporations have moved to China and other countries, because of low labor and insurance costs. I don't believe any of them will return to the United States unless there is a confiscation of their businesses by those countries. If that happens, the United States must end trade quickly with those countries. Then the businesses affected that opt to return to the United States should sign a contract stating that they will stay in the United States.

    Meanwhile it is up to small businesses to expand and not go overseas. I think once a company begins to grow, that a mandate must be in place to prevent it from evacuating the USA to set up shop elsewhere. Expansion globally is ok, because that would benefit everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in the UK. I do not believe that cheap labor is right and i am very against it. I know what you are saying is not going to happen. I hope it's going to happen though. But you are right. It's best to keep the businesses at home instead of elsewhere. At least if you are bringing it elsewhere, give the people there a decent pay.

    And what American land do you need? Remember that America was build up by immigrants from all over, who stole the land you are living on right now.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a nice idea, but big business wouldn't stand for it. A $50 dress shirt can be made overseas for fifty cents. Do you think that they would pay union scale to have it made here? Those days ended when we became a country by the corporation, for the corporation.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Thank You for saying what needs to be said. Just think, we sent job over to China because of cheap labor, but look what we are getting back. Dog food that kills animals, tires that could possibly kill drivers and passengers, the list goes on and on. I say lets bring the jobs back to where they belong.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is beyond time, but business is not going to do it when they can make huge profits by producing in low income countries.

    They are turning north America into have nots, and we will soon be the third world.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's time we go back a little farther than that, buddy.

    How about back to the time when the First Nations ran the country, not these new visitors: the Americans. You think going back about a century will give the Americans back their land? It wasn't their land to begin with! What you call "back to basic" is more like "back to oppression, disease, and slavery" for the First Nations. Think about it.

    Source(s): Shut up you big baby.
  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    It is far, far out of our hands now. I starred this because I still believe in our country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not gonna happen. nice little speech though.

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