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WHat is your opinion on the following?

8 Answers

  • ustoev
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting article. Our political process gives a lot of power to the people with the money. They are very careful to spread the money around which gives them the power without effecting a change in the leadership. We have been pro-Israel for many administrations. It has caused some of the animosity from the Arab side. That and the support given to some dictatorial governments in the mid east including Saddam. We need to hold Israel accountable for what they do. We need to argue that they need to disarm the nuclear capabilities if we continue to push Iran for the same reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello, I went into the site , read it very briefly. It is a very touchy subject, it is nothing new. We all have our conspiricies about the Isreali race of people, I would say yes to a point the article has a point and some truth, but you can not place all Isreali people in the same basket. There are alot of other races also profiting from the mayhem of this world, we all have learned for there to be a profit there most be distruction. These Isrealis that are profiting from the middle east affairs are also putting there own race at risk every day. It is something that they have to see and resolve themselfs. Like in Africa they are killing there own brothers and sisters so some people can have more than they could possibly need.

    Concerning the contributions to the goverment of the U.S, dont think that it is only Isreali money, there are more other Catholics and Prodistants. Orthodox, contributing than you think, it is just that they dont attract the same attention, and they dont have so many people looking on how to crusify them. Buisness is business, the biggest buisness today is arms an the biggest advertizing company is hollywood. I remember before the Bush presidency there was some terriorists but as soon as he came to power for some reason it just sky rocketed, why?? Are they using peoples fear to sell there weapons, and to keep us all apart, are they making sure that we will never unite. I remember there was a man in the U.S in the 60's that got more accomplished with non violence, than he would of got if there was violence. Look at the african american today, they are successful they got evry one in America wanting to be black, and he did it with a peace revolution. So these terriorists of toay the only thing they are getting is hatred, and with this hatred who is benefiting?? So for me all that is happing in our world is just Hollywood, some world leaders are the directors and producers, and the agencies are the star actors. So lets not just pick out the obivious all the time and blame them, yes some of there leaders are involved but yes alot of our leaders are also involved. If we want for there to be ever a change, it has to come from our children for they are our future, we have to teach them not to hate, we have to teach them on all religions. They have to understand that hollywood is just hollywood, and has nothing to do with reality, when something happens on this planet, before they judge, they have to ask first, who is benefiting from it???? Who is the beneficiary??

    Source(s): my opinion
  • 1 decade ago


    Well, some centuries ago, the Pope ordered that no Christians will be involved with banks, interest rates are not for the good christians, thus the Jews got the banks - and keep them since! After that, they have the way to control states, governments, poor and rich! USA is not different than the rest, we are only stronger and get the heat first!

  • 1 decade ago

    Jews control the US government and it is the reason why Israel is being supported with American weaponry and technology against the Muslims. There is no doubt that Israel exists amidst the Muslims in the Middle East because of US influence.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really believe in all this propaganda...

    I think the real terrorists are the Americans themselves. They have imposed this regime in which we all feel oppressed by this invisible terror force.

    I live in the UK and I dread going through airport security controls, because of the very humiliating 'random checks' targetted at my person.

  • xg6
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I stopped reading after the first paragraph

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Well, when we are interested only on the surface, when the media and banking systems are owned and directed by certain individuals and group, we end up slaves!

  • msijg
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Don't have one, the link wouldnt work for me. Maybe i will try it later on my laptop. Hope someone else can respond for you.

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