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Maverick asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Since all Muslims are terrorists <---- (Sarcasm)?

Can anyone here name the last time that a Muslim on Yahoo! Answers threatened either you or your family with an act of terror?


Brian: Sorry. I see this typed in a good portion of questions about Islam.

Update 2:

Vincent: America is not a "Christian" country. We have these two little thigns called "Freedom of Religion" and "Separation of Church and State" ensuring that our great country will never become a theocracy.

Update 3:

Mexitalian: You've never heard Joseph in a terrorist plot, but what abuot Timothy or Theodore? Maybe Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kazinski (sp?) ringing any bells?

Update 4:

Roger: There are way too many times to count, where people accuse the entirety of the Islamic population of being terrorists.

26 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hey Muslim dude,

    I feel for ya. I was born in a Muslim country, but I am not Muslim. I am a Buddhist by family. So, in most Muslim or Buddhist or any country that is multi racial. I didn't received any kind of threats about getting terrorized.

    But I don't understand this though, so does that means that if a Buddhist, tried to threaten me that he will terrorize my hometown which is multi-racial, would the people in the government of my country actually call on President Bush and tell him to attack my country? OH NO!!! then I guess I should go and find a place to hide...maybe underneath Osama's robes. <-----(sarcasm)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I guess there has never been a direct threat that I have received personally from a Muslim. However, I do think that it is important to note that the terrorist that we face today are Muslim extremist. That is to say that they do not represent all Muslims just a extreme and radical view of Islam.

    I think part of the issue (and maybe someone can help me understand this) is that the so called majority of Muslims don't speak out against these radicals denouncing them. Which I feel fuels some of the resentment.

    At the end of the day the facts are clear... the enemies we face are Muslims, just not all Muslims. And maybe when the rest stand up and fight with use that line will become more clear.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've heard that all Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim. That helps to explain the stigma there is on that religion. I'm sorry that Muslims have to deal with that, especially since I've made many good friends in Kuwait who are Muslim. I've learned a lot about your religion that I would never have considered. I never knew that the Bible was one of your holy books, and many people don't. I saw one guy state that the bible is illegal in your religion. I openly try to correct mistakes like that.

    The sad thing is that as much as it may be horrible that Muslims are looked at as terrorists, and it's wrong for anyone to make that assumption, the reasons for these assumptions come from Muslims themselves. Islamic Extremists give Islam a bad name just like every other religion in the world has extremists who do great damage to what their ideology is really about.

    With all the focus on the War on Terror these days, you just happen to be "the enemy" of the day. In the past it has been the Commies, the Christians... everyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not at all. But you see, that can't be used logically. We know, though not always admit, that not ALL Muslims are terrorists.

    A majority of those in the Middle-East section of the world share the same beliefs of these terrorists because those in political power are either too afraid to take a stand, or very unwilling to release their iron grip on the people in those lands, Allah forbid that Muslims can think on their own. You see, it's been like this for ages. The Muslim leaders keep the masses blind in their 'holiness' so as to no longer INTERPRET Qur'an, they IMITATE it. All things that come out of the Imaam's mouth become Gospel Truth. It disgusts me.

    As they say, one man's patriot is another man's terrorist. The problem resides not in Islam, for Islam is, and always will be, perfect. No, the Muslims are the problems. In this day and age, the Muslim majority are the most backwards, close-minded, and ignorant people in the world. I say we change that.

    God is watching, God is judging. Vengeance will come. You know who you are. Karma is a b*tch.

    EDIT: I'm sorry, but the name ShortBus...43 Commands NO respect form me. You want to be taken seriously? Go read a book. Take a long walk off of a short pier. Go hold your breath-- forever.

    Don't attack my brother. Has he offended what little intelligence you have? Do you feel like crying? You annoy me. I mean, you don't REALLY annoy me because I care so little about your well-being. And I suppose I could riff off a few things that I care as little about as you...

    Lemme see, uhh.... Low-carb diets. Michael Moore. The Republican National Convention. Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-related products. Hi-def TV, the Bush daughters, wireless hot spots, 'The O.C.', the U.N., recycling, getting Punk'd, Danny Gans, the Latin Grammys, the real Grammys. Jeff, that Wiggle who sleeps too darn much! The Yankees payroll, all the red states, all the blue states, every hybrid car, every talk show host! Everything on the planet, everything in the solar system, everything everything everything everything everything everything--eve--everything that exists -- past, present and future, in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions.

    Oh... And Hugh Jackman...

    God is STILL watching, God is STILL judging. Vengeance will STILL come. You STILL know who you are. Karma is, as always, STILL a b*tch.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think they all are terrorists and don't think anyone with Intelligence thinks they all are terrorists. In fact my son has a friend at school who is an Iranian American and his family are against terrorists and think they are all idiots who hurt their people and their image here. I am a conservative and I have no problem with them being friends.

    The only threats I have had have been from people in this country with a different political party,and various other losers and psychos.

    However, I would agree that for us to really believe they are not, they should actively stand up and speak up against what is being done by others of their religion or we will continue to think you condone them. The people that are middle eastern that I know have told me personally that they were upset about what was happening. That is how I feel respect for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some Muslims are terrorist BUT its not the teaching of Islam. So if you follow Islam, you will NEVER be a terrorist.

    You would strive to eliminate those terrorizing innocent people

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, the only death threats I have ever received came from people who called themselves Christians.

    They weren't. When you invoke God's name as a justification for hate, you really worship Satan.

    The real issue isn't Islam, it's Theocracy. History shows that whenever Big Religions control governments, both are corrupted and bad things start to happen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, all Muslims are not terrorists... this judgment has seriously got to stop... OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! judge logically... just because a group(extremists) of Muslims do terroism activity doesn't mean ALL Muslims do that, there's already too much hatred and judgement in the world for this to be another one... why should others be blamed and hated for something only a porpotion does?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope can't say that I have been threatened. Can't say that I have seen many muslims denouncing the terrorist either mostly just saying it's not all of us and trying to protect themselves. Sorry to say to the average Joe it falls into the if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem. I know simplistic but it happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I get more threats and insults that try to pander to the Muslim terrorists. I think most of us know who those people are.

    I do not think that all Muslims are terrorists but I've never heard of a guy named Joseph in a terrorist plot.

    EDIT* Yes, I have heard of them and I feel that they are scum...well, one of them is turning into scum. Your example is taken. Most terrorists still have the name of Mohammed in their name and it should make one wonder why someone with a name of their peaceful God would murder innocent people.

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