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PREMATURE TWINS (30 weeks) about to be delivered ....?

I am trying to find out some info for my friend who's family member is in the hospital right now about to have a c section to deliver her 30 week twins (1 boy, 1 girl).

I know that they were still breach yesterday.

There are about 2.5 - 3 lbs each.

What are the possible risks / complications?

What are the survival rates?

Any help (preferably with good web sources) would be very much appreciated.

Thank you


She is not being induced, her water broke and there was not choice.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My twins where 6 weeks early. My daughter had lung problems and had to use a c-pap for two weeks. She also had feeding problems and couldn't maintain her own body temp. My son was just fine, but he was small so he had to stay in the NICU for a week and a half. My kids are 1 now and are perfectly fine.

    Being 30 week, they may be on a ventilator or c-pap and will be fed through a nasal tube. They say babies can survive at 24 week, so these twins have an awesome chance!

    For sure they will be in the NICU for a while, at least 6 weeks. Be there for your friend as much as possible because having her kids in the hospital for that long is going to be really hard on her. Especially when they won't let you hold them for a couple days.

    One good thing to come out of them being in the hospital is when they come home they will be on a schedule. I'm sure they will be just fine! It is such a great gift to have twins!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes 34 weeks is premature, but the dr is most likely going to prescribe steroid injections to help insure the babys' lung development before delivery. Premature babies are at an increased risk for trouble breathing, eating, and maintaining their body temperature. Some babies born a bit early may experience these problems, others may thrive easily from the beginning. It can be very different for different babies. You should go into the birth expecting that the babies may have to stay in the hospital for awhile so that they can be sure that they are healthy and thriving. I'm thinking it's probably normal to be extremely uncomfortable at 30 weeks with twins. I was uncomfortable and had to sit and sleep in very particular positions at 30 weeks with just a single baby, so I'm sure it's much more difficult to deal with when you're much bigger with 2 babies instead of just one. Is she experiencing any contractions? (cramps that come and go in a pattern?) If so, she might want to contact her dr. to get checked out to be sure she isn't trying to go into preterm labor. Mothers of twins are at an increased risk for unexpected preterm labor b/c of the added stress on the uterus, so it doesn't hurt to call and speak to the dr. if she is at all concerned.

  • 1 decade ago

    At this point" it's not if they come home , it's when they come home" My sister-in-law had a boy at 28 weeks and he's a happy 10 year old. My doctor said at 28 week with my pregnancy it would be 90% he would survive, and her family member's baby is 30 weeks. For some reason unknown mulatable babies are more likely to survive prematurely than singleton baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend is on bedrest with identical twin boys. She was told that at 28 weeks they have a 90% chance of surviving. So 30 weeks is a lot better than that, I'm sure.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The baby will have some problems with breathing that it may need surfactant and be hooked to a ventilator, feeding problems where in nutrition is given parentally or tube feeding, infections, jaundice and thermo regulation.The youngest premie that ever survived was around 23 weeks but we still dont know the side effects like she can be blind or retarded.

  • 1 decade ago

    My twin grands boy & girl were born at 25 weeks weighting only 1lb.8oz. the main concern was their lungs were not developed.They stayed on a ventalator and could not even be held for months.Very heart breaking. They were born Sept.29,2000 the little girl came home Dec. 27th. and the little boy Jan.27th. Weighting then only 3.5lb. They will soon be 7yrs.old with no birth defects of any kind.They are truly miracle babies and God's gift to us, through the power of prayer.

  • 1 decade ago

    They have a pretty good chance; the first struggle will be their immature lungs.

    Complications can be cerebral palsy, brain bleeds, infections, feeding problems, intestinal problems, chronic lung disease, or eye problems. They might need Physical therapy or speech therapy to help with developmental delays.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At this stage they both have 80% chance of survival rate. The risks of taking babies this early is mostly that their lungs have not fully developed yet. Which means the babies will probably have to be in NICU for a while. Also, the babies havnet got enough fat on their bodies to hold its tempature. THe babies may not be able for anyone to hang on to them for a few days right away. THeir chances are very high of surviving tho. I wish her the best of luck and will keep her in my prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have 8 month old twin daughters. they were premature and weighed just over 2 pounds each. they are now almost 20 pounds.

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