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one young football dream team player 2007 (included subs)?

list out your dream team for young football player 2007..! around the world.....

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would choose Scott Carson (Liverpool) as my goalie for my young dream team of the year. He just had a good season with Charlton and Rafa Benitez urge him to compete with Pepe Reina next season. He is only 21 and he already appeared twice in England B squad.

    For my back four, I would choose Gareth Bale (Tottenham) as left full back, Philipp Lahm (Bayern Munich) as right back, Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid) and Philippe Senderos (Arsenal) as central defenders. They all already received national cap for several times and all of them valued more than £10m right now. They also capable of scoring goals and just not ordinary goal but one hell of a goal.

    For midfield position, I would like to have Cesc Fàbregas (Arsenal) and Javier Mascherano (Liverpool) as central midfielders. Both of them are important players for their team and both of them have been wanted by many big teams like Real Madrid and Juventus.

    For right winger, there's no doubt I'm going to choose Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United). He got pace, skill and strength. He is also a excellent crosser of ball. He is also have been chosen to received the award for both PFA Players' Player of the Year and PFA Young Player of the Year. For left winger, I would choose Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona). He often touted in the media as New Maradona, Messi has been publicly named as his "successor" by Diego Maradona himself. He also having a good tournament for Argentina in Copa America before losing to Brazil. He also scored a wonder goal against Paraguay.

    For strikers I would have Wayne Rooney and Robinho as my front line. They both capable of scoring goal from almost anywhere anyhow. Rooney is one of the main reason why Manchester won the Premiership last season. He already appeared over 100 times for United and have scored 59 goals. Last season alone he scored 23 goals and assists 16 times. Robinho can player as a forward and striker. He is also part of Premiera Liga winning team last season. Both of them could be one of the greatest attacking partnership in the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    Lb: Marcelo






    Cm:Yoann gourcuff

    Am:Leandro Lima


    Source(s): Subs: Gk: Foster Lb:Bale Cm:Pino Am:Morais Fw:Gabriel Agbonlahor
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with sicko.... If that is a real team, they would be formidable... and definitely not easy to beat..

  • 1 decade ago

    me (david beckham) of course

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