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Would you vote for a candidate that would eliminate?

social security and government programs that give something for nothing (farm subsidy, welfare, etc.)?


Why or Why not?

Update 2:

ndgbill.... re read the question I establish a difference between social security and other programs.

try to relax.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Anybody who thinks these programs don't benefit America as a whole as well is too ignorant to govern effectively.

    1. Social Security is the favorite hate focus of the Right. Never mind that this is a Pension program supported by Employee and Employer contributions. The fact that old people who have worked all of their lives aren't left destitute, dependent on charity or turned out to starve is just too outrageous for some people to bear--especially since all that money being paid out to the contributors could be used for pork barrel projects on no bid contracts. and, you wouldn't be a Republican if you didn't think that stealing the pension fund shouldn't be illegal,

    Society benefits, because when the elderly and disabled get their money back with interest they buy things. This, not outrageous executive salaries and stock options, is what fuels the economy--ordinary people buying things. And we get spared the embarrassment of letting our elders starve, which would lower our status in the International Community.

    2. Farm subsidies protect Food Surpluses. Food surpluses are the most important thing necessary to creating and maintaining Civilization. They allow for Division of Labor. People can work at specialized jobs because they aren't spending all of their timegrubbing in the dirt to feed themselves. They prevent massive starvation when crops fail. Another thing that's been known to keep people from getting things done. Food Surpluses give us something to trade abroad, contributing to the economy and strengthening the Dollar. The dollar isn't backed by gold. It's backed by corn and soybeans. We do need to address the problem that the bulk of the money goes to corporate farms rather than the more efficient family farms--but that's a whole 'nother rant. Food is also an important tool of Diplomacy and the most important weapon of war. And if you don't get that one, you shouldn't consider yourself knowledgeable about war.

    3. Welfare. Not only is it unseemly to have a large starving class living in shanties, it's dangerous. I'm old enough to remember when there were riots in our cities every summer. Not just black people, but Latinos and Poor whites as well. The "Great Society" put an end to all that. It may be sometihng for nothing, but sometimes nothing is exactly what you want from people. Then too, when you give money to poor people, they spend it. The money isn't lost, it trickles back up fueling general prosperity.

    4. Not included in your question, but another thing Righties like to hate on is the School Lunch Program. Eisenhower rammed it through Congress in the 1950's as the "National Defense Student Lunch Program." In the first and second world wars and the Korean War, the most common medical reasons for rejecting draftees were Night Blindness and Rickets, both caused by childhood nutritional deficiencies. One good meal a day is enough to prevent both as well as numerous other deficiency diseases. This paid off in the Vietnam War, where we had enough healthy young men to field a peak force of 500,000 in addition to NATO, Domestic and SEATO deployments without slowingthe Economy. Or sending too much of the National Guard.

    "Something for nothing" is a stupid way of looking at things. When you put money into the bottom of the food chain, you always get SOMETHING back. Righties who don't understand that are like sharks complaining that the krill are too fat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    social security ?

    that's not something for nothing....I pay social security out of every check, and it better damn well be there when I retire.

    I would vote for someone who is willing to REFORM not eliminate these programs...

    for instance... Wellfare recipients unless permanently physically or mentally disabled, should have to have some sort of job, or perform some sort of service to the community, and be enrolled in state run job placement programs. Even some disabled people can bag groceries...I see it all the time at Walmart.

    I don't think we should ever give something for nothing...

    I don't know enough about farm subsidy to comment on that so i'll pass.

    But it seems like these programs started out as a good idea that has been abused over time... and we could use some reform in order to get rid of the people taking advantage of the goodwill of the working class taxpayer..

  • 5 years ago

    The IRS is NOT a PART of Our Government!!!! They are Contracted by the Government to Collect Taxes! Why Not Open this Service Up For Bids to ALL Privately Owned Tax Companies and see if we can CUT our Costs!!!!I am Not a Ron Paul Supporter by any means, but Not Playing the " World's Policeman" would Cut our Costs Dramatically AND Allow US to Deploy Our Troops Along OUR OWN BOARDERS instead of Someone Else's. That makes sense to me!! Now Getting the US Congress to Vote that IN is Another Topic!!!! Probably will Never Happen. TOO Much Money Involved To Congress Members Pockets to Let That Happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would vote for a candidate that would eliminate entitlement programs provided that that candidate's views on other things were in line with my own views as well, and provided that I thought they were a good person with the ability to be effective in the office they were seeking.

  • DC2000
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    While there are some people that profit off of this, there are also people that rely on it. You can't take it away

    just because some people choose to exploit it. Instead go after the exploiters and ensure that these programs are

    supporting the people that truly need them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Social Security is a program that gives something FOR NOTHING ??????

    Your ignorance drips from your post and any and all conclusions you make from your totally false pemises are equally false.GARBAGE IN,GARBAGE OUT.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only if they were also willing to eliminate globalization and Nafta. I want back every dime I have paid into SSI.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe yes or no. You still have to know his/her aims and purposes before you will decide.If he will eliminate for goodness


  • 1 decade ago

    Bingo... no more free handouts... as for SSN I'd rather get the money to invest the way I want.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I wouldn't.

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