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I have been married for 14 years and we have a daughter in 4th grade. We live in Northern Virginia (suburb of Washington, DC), and I work as a senior regional sales manager for an international hotel chain. I grew up with a liberal Democrat Mom and a conservative Republican Dad who have been happily married for 43 years, so I respect everyone's opinions. I have a Masters Degree in Political Science with a focus in American Politics. I am also a Certified Hotel Trainer and CHSP (Certified Hotel Sales Professional).

  • My appetite seems too large... advice on appetite control?

    I am a 41 year old female, about 165 pounds. Trying to diet in a healthy way (not starving myself, eating good fruits and veggies, lean protein, fiber, whole grains). But it seems as though my appetite is way too large and I get hungry after eating what should be a regular sized meal. Any HEALTHY advice regarding appetite control? Thanks!!!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Advice needed regarding changing jobs?

    I am a senior sales manager for a hotel chain. I have been in my current job for a year, and I'm not unhappy here. However, recently, we have had a change in management, and some people in the department feel that their jobs are not secure.

    Meantime, a gentleman I used to work with has become the Vice President of a competing hotel company, and he called to discuss a job at one of his hotels with me. What they offered me amounts to a 10% increase in salary, and having the security of being chosen for my position by one of the senior executives of the company, which I believe would give me job security.

    That said, it's hard to decide whether or not to leave. The extra money, and the job security are the things that would make me do it. The loyalty to my current employer is what makes me hesitate. The job duties are virtually identical, and the new hotel is even more upscale than where I am now.


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My husband's job was cut yesterday. Anyone have advice as to next steps?

    My husband had been with his company for 11 years, and his job was eliminated yesterday as part of a reduction in workforce. Does anyone have any advice, regarding job hunting, ways to keep him from being discouraged... anything helpful? Thanks so much!

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Tomorrow is election day...?

    How many of you are going to vote?

    If you are not going to vote, why are you chosing not to vote?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Top priorities in choosing a hotel for business or leisure travel?

    Hello! I work as a sales manager for an international hotel chain. Our business has been suffering as a result of the current economic situation, so I am asking for the following feedback from all of you:

    What are the things that would make you choose a particular hotel when you are looking for accommodations, whether it is for business travel or leisure travel?

    Is it all about rate? Location (if so, what about the location)? Brand recognition or rewards programs? Amenities on property?

    And where do you get your information to help you make your decision? Any information will be appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Breathed in colored hair spray on Halloween - painfully irritated nasal membranes - help!?

    I was helping my daughter get ready to go trick-or-treating and I sprayed her hair with that colored hair spray. I breathed some in (didn't get in my lungs, didn't cough or have trouble breathing). But it did get in my nose, and ever since, it has felt like the skin in my nostrils is chapped and it hurts.

    I have tried vasaline, bacitraycin and neosporin, none of which helped. It is not getting worse, but it is not getting better.

    Any advice? Thanks!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What is a good lip balm or chapped lip cure for a child? She hates the taste of most lip balms.?

    She is 7 years old, and keeps licking her lips so they are getting really chapped. I have tried various lip balms but she has not liked any of them either because of the taste or that they sting on her lips.

    Please help!

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Would you REALLY leave America if a certain candidate wins the Presidential Election?

    Seriously, people who say they will move to another country if candidate X is your dedication to our country so fragile as to be determined by who the President is?

    Presidents are only in office for a few years! Would you really uproot your entire life and go live in a different country just because of the results of the Presidential election?

    If so, exactly why do you feel that way? Would you ever return to America once that person's term in office had ended? I genuinely want to understand the thought process of people who feel this way.

    PLEASE be respectful in your answers. Thanks!!

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If boss knows about sexual harassment committed on an employee but does nothing...

    Here's the situation. I work in an office with people from two different departments. My boss is the boss for 6 other people in the office, including a sweet new girl who is just out of college, very young and inexperienced as far as proper office etiquette.

    Also in our office is another manager who does not report to my boss, but still out-ranks the rest of us. This other manager, although he is quite openly gay, on two separate ocassions has sexually harassed the new girl. The first time was at an off-property event, he took a picture up her skirt with the camera on his phone, then sent the picture to various people in the office on their cell phones. The second time was in the office during business hours, he touched her breasts and raised her skirt.

    I did not witness either situation, but many others in my office did. My boss did witness the camera-phone incident and is aware of the skirt incident. However, he is doing NOTHING about it. I am afraid she is so young that she does not realize the seriousness of what took place.

    What, if anything, should I do about this? I am the second most senior person in the office, and my boss does not seem inclined to take any action whatsoever.

    Serious answers only. Thanks!

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • If boss knows about sexual harassment committed on someone in his dept and does nothing...

    Here's the situation. I work in an office with people from two different departments. My boss is the boss for 6 other people in the office, including a sweet new girl who is just out of college, very young and inexperienced as far as proper office etiquette.

    Also in our office is another manager who does not report to my boss, but still out-ranks the rest of us. This other manager, although he is quite openly gay, on two separate ocassions has sexually harassed the new girl. The first time was at an off-property event, he took a picture up her skirt with the camera on his phone, then sent the picture to various people in the office on their cell phones. The second time was in the office during business hours, he touched her breasts and raised her skirt.

    I did not witness either situation, but many others in my office did. My boss did witness the camera-phone incident and is aware of the skirt incident. However, he is doing NOTHING about it. I am afraid she is so young that she does not realize the seriousness of what took place.

    What, if anything, should I do about this? I am the second most senior person in the office, and my boss does not seem inclined to take any action whatsoever.

    Serious answers only. Thanks!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Neighbor ignoring HMA rules - dog off leash, in our yard, ripping trash bags, leaving droppings?

    We live in a townhome community, so there are many houses very close together. Here is the issue. We put our trash out back, per the homeowners association rules. EVERY week, someone lets their dog get into our trash which leads to broken trash bags and trash all over our back yard. Also, we have found doggie droppings in our front and back yards (which is how we know it's not a racoon or something).

    Our homeowners association has rules about not letting a dog off a leash, and about cleaning up doggie droppings. Clearly, one of our neighbors is not following these rules, but we are not certain who the offender is. There are many dogs in our neighborhood and we have never actually caught anyone in the act.

    Any advice? We already called the Homeowners Assn, but since we have never caught anyone doing it, and we have no idea who the offender is, they said they can't do anything. Thank you for your help!!

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Neighborhood dog off leash, going in our trash and leaving droppings on our lawn - HELP?

    We live in a townhome community, so there are many houses very close together. Here is the issue. We put our trash out back, per the homeowners association rules. EVERY week, someone lets their dog get into our trash which leads to broken trash bags and trash all over our back yard. Also, we have found doggie droppings in our front and back yards (which is how we know it's not a racoon or something).

    Our homeowners association has rules about not letting a dog off a leash, and about cleaning up doggie droppings. Clearly, one of our neighbors is not following these rules, but we are not certain who the offender is. There are many dogs in our neighborhood and we have never actually caught anyone in the act.

    Any advice? Thank you for your help!!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the best political book you have read lately? What makes it your favorite?

    I am always looking for great books to read, and I especially love political books. I am open to all respectful answers, and I read books written by people of all political philospophies. Thanks for your suggestions!

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What makes you pick a certain hotel to stay in?

    I work in the hospitality industry, and want your opinions on why you pick a certain hotel - what factors come into play for you? What is most important? Least important? Location, Rate, Brand (name of the hotel), Rewards Program, etc...

    Serious answers only, please. Thank you!

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago