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Cindy Sheehan has quit the Anti-war movement. What are your thoughts? Play nice, please.?

The link to the Yahoo News Story is here if you need more details...

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have little sympathy for someone who uses her son's death as an excuse to further her own petty political agenda--the same agenda she had before he even died. This is a woman who is profiting from a son she didn't even raise--her first ex-husband and his wife raised Casey. As a soldier who has been to Iraq, knows what is actually going on there, and therefore knows not only that what the networks show you is malarky but also knows just how biased the reporters are who are SENT to Iraq to find any dirt on us that they can, I can say that the vast majority of veterans of this war support it, and despise Sheehan and people like her. We view her as a prime example of the horse**** that keeps fouling us up and keeps us from really doing our jobs. Know-nothing civilians with political agendas have absolutely no place, whatsoever, dictating policy, slants, or other drivel to us. Once we're at war, let us finish it and stay the hell out of it, and keep the commentary for afterwards.

    If Casey was anything like most of the rest of us who have gone and fought in Iraq, he would be utterly ashamed and appalled at his mother; indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if he got pissed and publicly disowned her and called his stepmother his true mother, seeing as how she's the one who actually raised him.

    Source(s): Army vet, OIF 1
  • 5 years ago

    i desire to work out this old decrepit hag attempt swimming the Rio Grande. And what the heck are you talking approximately, a good element to the Rio Grande is barely 2 feet deep and 3 feet extensive. i don't think of this wench can swim, fantastically if she became into recommended by potential of that fat alcoholic Teddy undergo. while Teddy became into youthful he knew all approximately swimming, fantastically out of a lake noted as Chappaquiddick. yet now's he's a fat alchy and in all probability could drown. additionally, i've got faith undesirable for the human beings crossing the border that could desire to hearken to Cindy's perpetual whining and consider out her grotesque damned face.

  • I'll be as nice as I can.

    I will give her points for sticking to her principles. She wants us out, now, and will not support anyone who doesn't agree with her. That's her right. And she is consistent.

    I disagree strongly with her policies and I think she is doing exactly what her son would NOT want. It's my right to comment on her views, since she is a public figure by choice.

    I guess I could "gloat" because the Democrats are now criticizing her like the Republicans did. But I think she is deeply troubled and has lived a nightmare - losing a child. Again, I have real disagreements with her. And the vast majority of "Gold Star Mothers" disagree with her, and get next to no publicity. But I don't wish her ill.


  • 1 decade ago

    She lost her son, hopefully she can now find the peace she's looking for...she realized she will never find it in the political circle, as none of us will because for all of our talk of freedom in this country, we have allowed ourselves to be dumbed and numbed to the point where politicians on both sides don't care what they say or do because there are very rarely repercussions for their actions that won't be solved with an idiotic and usually dishonest 30 second tv spot...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She was used, she NOW knows what we all knew. She has done a lot of damage and she will have one hell of a row to hoe. She sowed some very bad seeds and she will pay for the rest of her life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is such a shame that a mother finds her child died for "nothing". He joined the service knowing, I am sure, he could be sent to a war zone. He likely felt he was doing something good for the people of Iraq. She has spit on his memory. She is a disgrace, not only as an American, but also as a mother.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that's stupendous news!! Her son was a brave soldier who died doing what he loved to do . . . defending our country. May he and his memory rest in peace. Good bye and good riddance Sheehan!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Best news I have heard all day!! She states that America is not the country that she loves...I would be willing to buy her a one way ticket OUT...preferably to a place that doesn't have freedom of speech and see if she likes it better!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it shows the true mind set of the person - "If all aren't on me then I'm not playing the game" - remember also a quiter never wins and a winner never quits - BAMMMMMM

  • capu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    After a long time of being vilified by war mongering jackasses, it wore her down. Add to that, that nothing can make this administration change, that most Americans are apathetic and it was an emotional strain, she has had enough.

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