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Would you REALLY leave America if a certain candidate wins the Presidential Election?

Seriously, people who say they will move to another country if candidate X is your dedication to our country so fragile as to be determined by who the President is?

Presidents are only in office for a few years! Would you really uproot your entire life and go live in a different country just because of the results of the Presidential election?

If so, exactly why do you feel that way? Would you ever return to America once that person's term in office had ended? I genuinely want to understand the thought process of people who feel this way.

PLEASE be respectful in your answers. Thanks!!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK, serious question deserves a serious answer. If McCain were elected, I'd look into moving. (Realistically, it probably wouldn't happen, because it would be hard to find a job in my field. But I'd try.)

    It's not that my dedication to my country is so fragile. But I am getting kind of old, and I have some health problems. I've always wanted to see what it would be like, living elsewhere, and a McC/Palin administration would give me the additional incentive I need.

    I won't go into a rant about McCain. But I'll tell you two reasons I feel this way. (1) I've got teenage kids, and I worry they'll have to fight in an unnecessary war. (2) I can no longer afford U.S. health care. I have insurance, but I can't keep up with all the co-pays and deductibles..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Congress has a lot more influence over the "economy" as well as taxes and everything else. The president is really more of a figure head than anything else.

    Who has been in charge of Congress the last two years when Gasoline went from $2 to $4? Nazi Pelosi and Dingy Harry (Reid) both Democrats that have led congress to a single digit approval rating.

    No, I'll stay right here and join a local militia.

    McCain/Palin '08

  • 5 years ago

    I think you will and soon. However, a lot of independents lean to Democrats or Republicans and will run under that party flag. So, hopefully you will see a moderation in politics where the old hard liners will move out of the way and let the moderates take over. Then the gridlock will end because independents tend to agree on more issues than party hard liners. I don't think you will see an independent win in a separate independent party.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, i wouldn't move. If McCain won, though,I would be a little hurt, because I know that many people voted for McCain because they are afraid of Obama for some reason. White people are afraid they will lose something if a black man is running the country. I love America, but I fear that if McCain (or Obama) wins, racial tensions will be at an all time high, hate crimes will increase for a while, and we will be shown how truly far behind we are when it comes to caring for each other. I am truly praying that Americans will show some sort of compassion towards each other.

    I'm voting for Obama/Biden, but I think if Obama were to win, issues between blacks and whites would escalate. People who have been in power tend to have a harder time adapting to the idea of not having absolute power anymore. The problem many white americans have with Obama has nothing to do with the economy, or his ability to lead. It's the fact that if a minority can reach the top of the official hierarchy in this country, then that means that whites don't have the devine right to run this country anymore. Many whites think it's not right....but why? If a presidential candidate was catholic, nobody would be up in arms, despite the fact that over and over, catholic priest are caught doing despicable things to young children. Why is this not an issue, but the idea that Barack Obama could have been muslim was? Because it really has nothing to do with religion. Nobody likes to feel like they have been pushed out of something that is rightfully theirs. Whites nationwide would be outraged and scared, fearful that blacks would try to take back what they lost from past indignities. Blacks and minorities would be overjoyed and happy. For a black person to reach the presidency, would show many black people that we are not second class citizens in any respect anymore, and that we were truely free. Many blacks would rebel against everything they felt was wrong; thinking a black run government would protect them, and there will be conflict. I'm telling you, once people start feeling like they're trapped, pushed in a corner, their gonna lash out, and there will be blood.

    This election has been a series of historical first, but it has also showed us how divided we still are, even in the 21st century. I fear for America, because we haven't caught up with the truth in equality, the truth in tolerance, and we lack the ability to really care about our fellow men and women. We just haven't got there, and it's truey sad.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As Churchill said: It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

    America may suck, but I've yet to find any place better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have never said that but if I could leave and get set up in Europe with the same assets I have here I think I would go

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm still waiting for Babs and Alec Baldwin to get the hell out of here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. I remember Rosie O'Donnell saying she'd leave and she's still around. I honestly liked her better when she was in the closet.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, people have a choice on who to vote for....

    some people are extremists, and say they are going to do that....

    I think it's really overreacting if you did that......

    and i would never....

  • Smiley
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i am for mcCain but if the other one wins so be it.

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