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Lv 43,744 points


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Strong Roman Catholic Live in the US Love dogs Attend High School Hope to go to a good college and give back to the world. Merry Christmas! smile = )

  • Who is your favorite Saint?

    Just asking around to get more information on all the saints out there.

    If you could please include why that would be great.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's your life's dream?

    Out of curiosity:

    Anyone out there have a life dream?

    Or what they would really like to do later on in there life?

    If you've already accomplished that, what was your childhood dream growing up, or what did you want to be?

    18 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why do we have to think outside the box?

    I've answered some questions, or should i say read some questions, of many people saying that Christians (or any other religion for that matter) don't think outside the box. That they're afraid to go out of their comfort zone, look at other religions, that sort of thing.

    My question is, do you really have to?

    I mean, I don't know about others personally, but for me, I'm content with my Catholic Faith. I think it gives me something to grasp onto and to accept whole.

    Has anyone ever tried other religion(s) and found themselves going back to the same belief after all was said and done?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you reduce the size by 1.39 GB on my movie?

    I've posted several questions on this, but i made a movie on windows movie maker.

    It wouldn't play on my friend's computer, because they didn't have the same program, so i converted it to an .avi file.

    Ok, i got that down.

    My original movie that wouldn't play for anyone else was 210 KB, and now it's moved up to 2.08 GB. I tried to copy it to a cd, but there wasn't enough free space (only 700 MB).

    Why is it taking more space? Can i reduce it in any way?

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Help with my window's movie program......?

    I filmed a video on Windows movie maker, but it doesn't play on anyone else's computer, and i guessing it's because they don't have the program.

    Is there any way to convert it to a way where it can be played on a DvD player, because that would be the easiest way to view it to other people.

    Anything helps!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • What are you planning to do during Advent?

    I know Advent is a really special time of year.

    I mean, we're celebrating Christ coming into the world- but what do you plan to do, or what are your goals during these 4 weeks.

    They say Advent is a time to really get to know God, what do you say?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion on Auburn's decision?

    What's your opinion in the fact that Tuberville resigned?

    Personally, for me, it's a little disappointing and sad, due to his legacy as being there for 10 years (leading them to Bowl games 8/10).

    He has such a passion for Auburn, and everyone knows that the players love him, but should he resign just do to a bad season, or was it due to the pressure of getting fired?

    What's your opinion?

    All in all, he will be missed.

    WAR EAGLE, and still love Tuberville

    ; )

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What chapter in Pride and Prejudice....?

    To anyone who has read the book, what chapter is this part -Elizabeth Bennets rejection of Darcy's intial proposal - ?

    It's for a monologue in theatre...

    So to anyone who's read the book, what chapter is it in?

    thanks = )

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me the exact text from Pride and Prejudice?

    Can someone give me the exact text of Elizabeth Bennets rejection of Darcy's intial proposal?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Any good speeches............?

    I've posted this before, but does anyone have any good/ memorable speeches from movies that i could do as a monologue?

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else seen these?

    I saw necklaces at Claire's that looked like rosaries.

    Is it just the store near me, or are they marketing those everywhere?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Any good speeches.............?

    Anyone know any good speeches from a movie or a published work?

    it all relates to this;_ylt=Am...

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for monolouges?

    I have to perform a monolouge in Theatre class, and I was wondering if you had any suggestion on what monolouge to pick.

    I can perform a monolouge from any published work (movie, book, script from a play) so if you could mention a good speech from a movie, or a book, or something from a script, that would be great.

    I'm open to everything, so just hit me with it!

    -thanks = )

    2 AnswersTheatre & Acting1 decade ago
  • Answer this question for me?

    Was Jesus really born on December 25?

    some say He was born in the summer?

    I know the bible doesn't give specific dates on when Jesus was born, but I was sure he was..

    Wasn't the annunciation may 25? so 9 months later it would be dec 25?

    help me out with this one, because it was mentioned today by one of my friends, so i'm just curious

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poll.................?

    Answer this question for me please.... = )

    Just want to see how you'll react....

    Would you feel safe if another terrorist attack happened from (x) and Obama was president during that time?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • For mccain voters.....?

    ok, i guess everyone can look at this...there's no stopping you... = )

    do you think life will change dramatically if obama is elected...?

    I mean, it seems to me that the taxes are going to go through the roof, and the troops are going to immediately be drawn from Iraq...

    that he wants to take away the right to bear arms, and increase the legalization of abortion to an even greater extent....

    idk...what's your opinion on his future plans for america? or what he could potentially do if he happened to become president?

    26 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anything Good happen?

    Did anything really great just happen in your life?

    just curious..... -it's nice to hear good news once in a while

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you predict the 2nd coming will be like?

    any thoughts about Revalation?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • does anyone have links?

    anyone have links to political cartoons....

    i love those....

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • help me with my movie!?

    i made a movie on windows movie maker, but i put it on a cd, and my friends can't play it on their computer....

    somone suggested that I export the project as an .avi file...

    do you know how to do that?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago