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simone219 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

what are maltese puppies worth?

some one just gave me a 4yr old maltese female with papers because they cant have it where they are moving i'm thinking of breeding her what are the puppies worth


i have horses and i breed them a dog cant be that much different

Update 2:

ok here's how i came upon this dog we live out in the country and have 2 dogs 1 was a rescue dog we also have several hores 3 which are mares and have babies every year and of course we have numerous cats around the barn that we feed all the time

the person who had this dog got her from a breeder and she has been bred twice and the puppies sold. a friend of my wife's wound up with this dog for some reason but i dont believe she was taken care of all that well because she is 4 and still isnt house broke that person asked my wife to take it because she knew we would take care of it i just thought it would be cool to breed this dog but i guess most people are against it we would still take care of the dog and treat it like a member of our family this dog cost the original owner $1200 i just never heard of paying that much money for a dog and was wondering if the puppies would be worth that

Update 3:

the reason my wifes friend ended up with the dog is because she has a puppy from its first litter and knows the breeder very well the breeder is no longer breeding dogs and moving and gave her the dog but she doesnt have room for another dog

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not going to get on soap box and tell that you should not breed your dog, I have a female Maltese and I really love her quite a bit I paid $600 for her and I am think of breeding maybe 1 time. So the answer to your question out here where I am from they go for $600-$1000 maybe a little more depending if they are a toy size. As far getting her spaded maybe later on I had a Chihuahua that I had spayed after she had a litter she so sweet but she really blew up so I am not real big on rushing to get them spaded. As long as you give a good home and keep her fed and treat her well that is all that matters.

  • maxmom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh, please don't.

    I too have a pure bred Maltese with papers that was a rescue. He was most likely a puppy mill dog based on the health problems he is having (he is 7). Yours probably was too, given the popularity of Maltese. Check out the breed standards. I can almost guarantee that she does not meet breed standards for show and breeding.

    You would not have been given a top quality dog if she was show quality. Those dogs are too valuable to give away and the original breeder would not allow it anyway.

    Check your local Maltese rescue sites. They are Full of dogs like yours and mine.

    Edit; You and your wife sound like nice people. These dogs have been so over bred and poorly bred, it is ridiculous. The breeding needs to be left to the top breeders who watch bloodlines and strive to improve the breed.

    Have her spayed, train her and let her live as a pet.

  • 5 years ago

    4 years old is young for a maltese if it has been taken care of. It would be almost as good as adopting since the owner passed away, but I'm surprised they won't just be glad to give it to a good home. Ask if you can keep it on a trial basis for a couple of days, since it is an older dog. Be sure to take it to the vet to make sure it is healthy and you know what you are getting into.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    what are maltese puppies worth?

    some one just gave me a 4yr old maltese female with papers because they cant have it where they are moving i'm thinking of breeding her what are the puppies worth

    Source(s): maltese puppies worth:
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Do you have time to groom him (three times a week a nice all over brushing). Their hair does matt so you have to deal with detangling. Teeth daily, bath every 10 to 12 days. A yard to go pee... and lots of love? I would get him in a heartbeat :) remember that he is just as new to you as you are to him... and there may be some bad habits that an older dog has that you may need to work through, but it is SO well worth it. 4 is young...and you have plenty of years left to be friends. If it seems like things are getting difficult... remember you can start crate training and dog obediance classes no matter what the age.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The owner of the dog needs to know how to "operate" the dog, same way you can get into a car that's in perfect running order but if you don't know how to drive you won't have much luck making the car go anywhere. If the owner doesn't know how to maintain the training, the dog will soon become untrained again. Read more here

    People seem to think that once a dog is trained, that's it. Not true. You must reinforce the dog's training every single day in some way. It's best if the owner and the dog go together to get trained. As a professional trainer once said to me "We can train any dog in 2 days. It takes longer to train the owners

  • 1 decade ago

    I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I agree with the others that if you are only looking at breeding the dog for $$$, PLEASE don't! The others have already given you very good advise as far as the breed standard, possible problems, etc. I don't have a maltese, but I assume their worth ranges from "free" to $1500. Those worth the higher amounts are bred by "informed" breeders who spend alot of money assuring their pups are healthy, conform with breed standards, go to "approved" homes w/a guarantee that they will take them back for any reason. Are you willing to do this? Please don't be another backyard breeder who's only in it for money. There are too many unwanted/homeless dogs already.

  • Ashley
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): The Online Dog Trainer
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A natural way for dogs to communicate is to bark at things they find or see, usually which are interesting or a threat to them. If you have a dog that barks too much, then you want to find a way to calm down the instinct by offering the best dog training. While you want to make sure your dog can express themselves sometimes by barking, you also want to focus on not letting the noise become a burden. Following are some of the dog training tips that help your dog to stop barking while establishing basic obedience rules for the home.

    Start young. If you have an older dog that hasn't been trained to stop barking, it is difficult to stop. You want to make sure that you train puppies not to bark if they are doing it too much. The younger you start training them, the easier it will be for them to understand the dog training commands.

    Understand what barking is for. Barks from a dog are used for several reasons. You want to make sure you understand why they bark and whether this can be prevented. Some common reasons for barking are from the dog being bored or lonely. If there are distractions that the dog feels are a threat, they may also bark. You can prevent dogs from barking by giving them extra attention or by getting another pet.

    Reward them when they stop. Just like other types of obedience training, you can easily stop your dog from barking by showing them when to be quiet. This is known as one of the best dog training methods. Dog training commands and words such as saying quiet, with a voice that has a low tone, will easily stop your dog from barking. Once they do stop, you can reward them by telling them good in a higher tone and by giving them a treat. However, you need to do this instantly after they stop so they understand what the reward is for.

    Anti bark collars. If your dog instinctively keeps barking at everything, then you can get a collar for extra training. When the dog barks, a stimulus or scent is set off which causes slight discomfort for the dog. If you aren't around and your dog starts barking, it will immediately stop them.

    Know when to train. You want to make sure you don't leave your dog in a position where they can't express themselves. Even if you have neighbors who don't like the dog barking, there are certain times where they should be able to speak. Knowing when to apply commands and training and when to let them bark helps them to feel comfortable while allowing you to apply limitations.

    The ability to offer the best dog training is one that is reliant on consistency and understanding your dog. If you have a pet that naturally wants to bark, then finding a way to monitor the behavior is the best step to take. Following these dog training tips can help you to establish better behavior with your dog while allowing them to express themselves at the right time.

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  • Please don't breed just for money. Thats dumb.It would be best just to get the dog spayed and not riking puppies going to families who aren't going to take care of them and they have puppies who end up on the street.

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