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Has anybody had the urge to go naked in public? Have you ever acted on that urge?

Yes I know it is illegal and getting arrested would not be fun but, just suspend reality for a second and answer honestly please.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Me being a nudist I have no problem going naked in public

    at nude beaches or nude resorts or at semi secluded public beaches, national forests, state parks, Usually try to nude hike everyday during my lunch hour if weather cooperates in a not official clothing optional public park with many woods and deserted trails, so I am usually very at ease and confident that while I am nude hiking I am semi safe because usually I see/hear other ppl long before they see me but if at a long secluded public beach or hiking skinny dipping at a national forest, state park that is fairly remote I will not cover up if someone does stumble into my area and will remain nude because I believe in the right of body freedom and self expression to be nude while out enjoying nature..

  • 1 decade ago

    Most definitely. As I mentioned in an earlier answer, I do have an exhibitionist side to my nature. Either as a shock value for a moral public or just because... There are other reasons, but I'm not into culture shock at the moment. I did spend two years in Japan, that in and of itself should offer some explanation. Some of my women friends are "exotic dancers" with a special "need" or desire to be fulfilled. And I think that is enough for now.


    Live clothing free has a great answer. I truly understand and can relate wholeheartedly. We have a lot of woods and trails. Spent some time going xcross country where it was a pleasure doing the same. Freedom, where is the freedom? Even here we get thumbs up/thumbs down. Who cares? Live and Let Live

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been naked 'in public' if a 'clothing optional beach' is considered 'in public.' Some folks had bathing suits on, some half on, some with none. Is sitting on my back porch considered 'in public'? I have nothing but ranch style houses around and a 6' + privacy fence. Been there, done that, too.

    I sometimes dream I'm naked, or just wearing a t-shirt, but no one seems to notice.

  • 1 decade ago

    Back in the 70's when streaking was a fad,a few of us took a run thru the traffic on the Miracle Strip in Panama City Beach,naked as jay birds in out and around the traffic.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As someone who lives nude a vast majority of the time, going nude outside the house is fairly common. I do some yardwork nude, take the trash out, and get the newspaper nude. I've driven nude many times. Been to nudist beaches, and hiked nude.

    We're about to leave for a beach vacation trip where we'll be nude almost 90% of the time. I've been seen by others, and most don't really care.

    Stay BARE!

    Barefoot-n-Nude in Texas!

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course. I think there is a sense of danger involved in something so taboo. My boyfriend and I really enjoy doing this, although we separate it from the whole 'nudist' ideology. For us, it's about sexual thrill and turning us on.

    We've done a few places naked, woods, the beach (non-nude) and a few dares from different websites. It's fun and really turns us both on. Very daring stuff.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've had better to many times the there is nowhere for me to act it out around here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't think I could ever do it. I'm way too shy for that! I wouldn't want to anyways!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No and No....

    Barefoot is as far as I public.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not in the least, no interest.

    sounds like some deep hidden neuroses to be honest

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