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vampires are they true?

that vampires are real thing cuz someone left me wondering saying is this true or not u decide...and i have been looking it up on the internet but there are sites that say yes and some that say no?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are going to ge talot of different variations of what a vampire is with this kind of question. The truth is that there are alot of different kinds of vampires--- some more believable then others.

    Psychic Vampires:

    These are people who, for whatever reason, derive nourishment from"feeding" from the "life energy" of people around them. This form of

    vampirism falls into the category more of meta-physics and the occult than mainstream science. It seems psy-vamps have the ability to draw out the

    "chi," "manna," or plain energy of their victims. They do not seem to have the craving for blood found in most other forms of vampirism. In

    advanced cases, the vampire can choose from which victim to draw and even which types of energy to take. The one with whom I have spoken uses this

    ability to heal others by feeding from the "negative" energy in the victim's aura. From what I have heard from the "victim/patients," she is quite good at what

    she does. In less developed cases, the psy-vamp might not even know about this condition. Other people around him or her might feel "drained" from

    the person's presence, and hence the vampire will usually have trouble keeping friends. A good psychic can usually tell if a person is a psy-vamp.

    There is no known cure, but a psychic vampire can learn to control his/her feeding habits.


    "Spirit-Influenced" Vampires:

    These are, no doubt the most frustrating cases to study because they differ so widely. In the one case I have been able to study, the vampire

    was involved in demonology and either erred or made a pact he later regretted. It seems that certain "spirits" or "demons" can give people

    some of the characteristics of other types of vampires in exchange for partial possession. The new vampire then has certain enhanced abilities

    and, in exchange, allows the spirit to take over now and then. At first this almost sounds like a form of symbiosis, but the human in the deal

    soon finds that the spirit usually does things that are morally unacceptable. He seems to be in a constant state of remorse for the things he's done.

    He wouldn't go into details, but he did hint at murder. Also in this catagory are the vampires who claim to have been changed by a visitation

    in a dream or by the apparition of a ghostly vampire. Cases in this category are documented in the book _Vampires_Among_Us_ by ???????.

    I have not personally met any such vampire, but I have met people who were visited but not changed.


    "Viral" Vampires:

    This is the category where I have had the most expirience. "Viral" vampires are the ones that seem to have the most reason to call themselves

    vampires. This "virus" is what causes the change to take place. It is passed on through blood, sexual secretions, and occasionally saliva.

    Transmission is usually deliberate and ritualistic. I have heard of one case where the would-be vampire "got over" the virus, and a few cases

    where the recievers died during the process. It is unknown if this is an actual virus or if the effects are psychosomatic based on the archetype of

    the American Vampire. Nonetheless, the effects and changes associated with this type of vampirism are real. The process of change is the

    traditional exchange of body fluids in a ritual setting. The fledgling commonly expiriences a near-death-experience at some point, sometimes

    seemingly unrelated to the change into a vampire. Effects of the change include photosensitivity, increased night vision, anemia, dual-personality

    (one normal personality and another that takes over when the vampire looses it's temper), a blood fetish, a craving for rare red meat, and if

    the person had any psychic ability, this is increased. Sex drive is first decreased then increased beyond the intensity before the change. Most

    vampires describe the sensation as like that of being on LSD during a mild trip. From the descriptions, it seems to me to be more akin to the

    effects of thojune, the halucigen in Absinthe. Either way, the sensuality of a vampire is appearant. Some vampires notice a change in muscle

    movement. It is more direct, smooth, rapid, and efficient. Most vampires of this variety notice a slowed aging process. Depending on the strain of

    the virus, all of these changes are p resent to differing degrees. I have not met any one older than mid-sixties, so longevity is debatable. The

    one in her mid-sixties I met looked like a sickly mid twenties. Her lack of signs of aging was remarkable, but it remains to be seen how long these

    vampires live. The oldest one I've heard of anyone actually meeting was in his nineties. He is rumored to have looked not a day over 60.


    Vampires By Birth

    This is by far the largest catagory of vampires I have met over the 'net. It seems that in some circles, the proper answer to the question of "Are you

    a Vampire?" is, "All my life." This type differs very little from the viral variety, if at all, other then how they got that way. Many vampires by birth can

    trace their vampirism through several ancesters, though not always in a direct line. It seems that this type of vampirism may be genetic, being a

    recessive trait, according to one fellow researcher I know. Many vampires by birth are somewhat indignant towards those of the viral veriety, kind

    of like a king from an ancient houde would be towards a king at the start of a royal line. Vampires form birth do have their share of problems, however.

    Usually they don't know what they are. During puberty, they begin to show signs of what they are, and may not know who to talk to about it. This is

    why so many of them talk about it on the 'net. It is rather impersonal and don't have to be told to their faces that they are crazy, which, of course,

    they are not. Some, however are lucky enough to have parents and even grandparents who also have this genetic trait, so it is much easier

    for them to deal with what they are.

    Source(s): Here is a site for frequently asked vampire questions..
  • 5 years ago

    There are 2 general groups of people who use the term "vampire" Sanguinarians and Psy Vampires. Sanguinarian vampires need to drink blood because for some reason they cant store or generate their own prana - (life energy) properly, and therefore need to take in prana which is in blood - (the essence of life). Not all vampires get prana from blood, some called "Psi vampires" can drain energy directly from people by touch or just being near groups of people who are putting out alot of energy. Those who do use blood typically have a person or a few people called Donors who are clean and test disease free to give small amounts their blood because they understand and want to help. Some people will say that this is not medically possible and go on to say that prana is not real. which goes against not only "supernatural" things, but several religions as well. And to say that "prana and chi do not exist and are lies of the vampire community" is not only a blatant lie but is offensive to the people who have nothing to do with vampires, and believe in prana and chi as part of their recognized religions! I suppose we are supposed to discount so many peoples way of life and beliefs just because a few people preach "education" while believing in god and angels themselves! While getting educated I suppose that they missed the fact that,Troy was believed to be a myth until the 20th century and not too long ago it was believed that it was impossible to be made of tiny molecules, or that long ago it was impossible for the world to be round, because science and education at those times said it was impossible. Or perhaps they think that there is nothing left to discover, and science right now knows everything that there is to know, as people of the past thought when saying that the world was flat, that there is no possibility of things being made of smaller things combined, or that large machines would never be able to fly. There is so much more to life than what people know now and there are new discoveries every day. The "impossible" of yesterday is possible today, so why should we believe that what is impossible today wont be proved possible tomorrow. Try to ignore the ignorance of some people they cant believe in things that aren't currently proven unless a church or book tells them to.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the Dracula sense or Interview of a Vampire sense of a vampire does not exist. However, there are people who suffer from a certain disease called porphyria, which is also known as the Vampire disease. People who suffer from this disease is when your body has a problem making heme, which is a compent of blood and bone marrow. Those who suffer from this are sensitive to sunlight, so when they do go out they are covered or they usually go out at night time. Also, in some instances they are sensitive to garlic. Some people who suffer from this find that having blood transfusions or such helps alleviate the symptoms. You can see how this would be related to vampires. Also thereare many people in cults or the occult who call themselves vampires. They sharpen their teeth so it looks like they have fangs and they drink blood.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vampirism is actually an old religion that refers to drinking blood for supernatural powers or insight into other world and this one. People in this occult religion therefore would be called vampires, but not the kind in the movies actually hurting or killing people to feed to live.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm afraid you're going to be searching for a very long time... the closet thing you'll ever find are those weirdoes who pretend to be vampires, dressing in gothic clothes and drinking pre-ordered human blood (yuck!), thinking they have supernatural powers...

    Is this really something you want to get into, honey?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    in a sense, yes,

    theres a condition called vampirism , that people enjoy the taste of blood

    there was once a program on the discovery channel, describing how a noble woman back in the 1600's killed tons of her servants, and would drink and bath in their blood, because she felt it kept her young. i believe it was Elizabeth Bathory, but im not sure

  • 1 decade ago

    yes they r real but not like in the movies. people trying to avoid the second death preserve their body(like ancient Egyptians)their body is important because it holds their ethernic energy. vampires do not feed on blood but in on these energies (Asian refer them to chackra or chi)the lost of these energies make people feel faint which is interpreted as lost of blood.the form they take is not human and definite it kind of looks like smoke with red eyes.this is ancient magic and do not ask me because its best forgotten.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vampires don't exist. People who think they are vampires are usuraly insane.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. They are a myth. Some people like to MAKE themselves believe in them just for fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes it's true but the vast majority end up as civil servants

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