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Bush seems to have his priorities mixed up....?

Bush has just ordered that Congress remain in session until his eavesdropping bill is drafted in a form he deems acceptable. Where was this ultimatum when Iraq's parliament decided to go on vacation in the middle of an obvious crisis? I feel like our President Bush really has his priorities upside down. He treats Pelosi like a deadly enemy and shares lobsters at his family home with Putin. Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy talk?


**For everyone who keeps saying Bush has no power over the Iraqi Parliament, you are all deluded and naive to truly think there was nothing he could have done to keep them in session. He just didn't try very hard, merely frowned at them, slapped them on the wrist then ruefully let them go on their way. Please don't disappoint me with that ridiculously simple answer again.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I must say I tend to agree with you...Bush does have his prioroties mixed up, but in lieu of some 'strange' occurrences and other decisions he has made, I think everything this man does, whether a game of golf, lobster with Putin, is done for a self-serving purpose. It is all part of the PR spin placed on things to create a perception in people's mind for him and his puppet-masters to manipulate into achieving what they want to achieve.

    To suggest as some have that Bush has no control over the Iraqi government is sheer folly given the fact that everywhere they turn they'll see US troops with rather large weapons trained on anything that moves. It could have been achieved by Bush had it really been of importance to him. If anything, it just shows the contempt he really holds for Iraq.

    I really mean this, and I hope people will look closely when he speaks; Bush can lie with his lips, and even sometimes with his eyes. He often let's slide with eye movement, but his body language is a giveaway. If you really observe him closely you can detect when he is 'uncomfortable' about what he is saying. Don't think I'm mad for saying this, because 80-90% of communication is through body language...

    To answer the question; I believe Bush APPEARS to have his priorities mixed up, but am starting to believe that this is what he wants us to think. The best way to mask underhand activity, is to play dumb and let everyone think you are stupid...he's obviously just a very good actor!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they are other crazies that think that is crazy talk too. We have to let them form a democracy on their own. We should only provide protection because we have the means to do so. He did try to make them stay but we can't force them to do it yet. Just remember, throughout history, there was never a successfull democracy in the first few years. English supporters were killing Americans throughout the first 25 years after 1776. Ultimatly, we need a democratic Iraq as a democracy a lot more than we need to pull out and see what happens.

    Sorry I disappointed you by not agreeing with you but that is what I think. Or are you just one of those people that asks a question and only wants answers that agree with your own. I say, why ask the question in the first place?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, how dare Bush ASK Congress to stay in session. Congress wanted to make history and plan to be in session LESS than any other Congress ever has. That terrible Bush might ruin that awesome accomplishment.

  • ken
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am glad to see that you think President Bush controls everything that happens in the world.

    As for Pelosi she had been briefed on the surveillance at least 5 times and she didn't say anything until the Times printed the story. Talk about dense. By the way is that a Liberal trait?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree there's a lot of "crazy talk" in Washington these days, You'd wonder if any of them live in our reality....

    As for the iraq parliment it's kinda of awkward to tell all the friends you pay & appoint what to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm with you on this one. He has his priorities way off base, but its easy to see why he doesn't give a s**t, he will do what is necessary to disc tract you from the horrible things he does, but showing you "hey hey democrats are doing this excuse me i need to sweep something under the rug". He is an incompetent buff on at best, at worst he is morally rotten person. Seems it works that way once your born again, you never know if you were a crappy person before or after. Your right in conclusion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh c'mon......... The Iraqi Parliament is a joke. We both know it wouldn't make a difference if they stayed or not!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I basically heard something this morning approximately how plenty he gets f/ $2 hundred- or much less contributions. it is not something in need of out of the undemanding yet those are additionally considered a renewable source which he will would desire to artwork extra durable to maintain. in assessment, Romney gets maximum of his f/ company u . s . a . which hopes his election will proceed to supply them the particular favors.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush has no say over when Iraq's parliament goes on vacation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he is the President of the United States , he simply wants a bill passed by the United States congress . He has no control over other governments

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