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how do you feel about the amount of POLICE OFFICERS lost in the line of duty...?

Does it make you feel differently about the people you meet out there daily, how do you feel when your colleagues are murdered for

a job that is done -- in service to members of the public......................................................

EVEN though this is a life you chose -- does it have an impact on how you feel towards those

felons out there....Most of the people screaming brutality are out there committing crimes and use this as a blatant excuse to get

away with their criminality sometimes..............

how about those out there that actually have killed your friends and partners -- how do you

feel they need to be punished.........................

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I find it very disturbing. I think that those in law enforcement are very under-appreciated given the dangerousness of the job and considering the men and women put their lives in the line of danger everytime they go to work.

    It seems to me that the amount of officers lost in the line of duty has been on the increase, however, this could be because I'm more sensitive to this area since I now have several friends in law enforcement.

    I would like to thank all the men and women in law enforcement for your service, courage, and dedication in protecting all of us, even when the public lacks respect, you all continue to serve all of us without prejudices. Thank You.

    Take Care, Be Safe, & God Bless


  • Debs
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would like to participate in this question. I am not a cop or anything of a Law Enforcer. Just a regular citizen (law abiding). I posted a question yesterday about Douglas Russel (CHP veteran for 22 years); the way he died and the witnesses to that was other police officer's. He got run over and killed immediately! Police Officer's is the witnesses and how more bona fide can you get. That Zanan guy is going to trial for the death sentence. He showed up in court yesterday and pled not guilty! I think the law on that is half and half all nonsense and ridiculous. It all depends on the crime committed and knowing that person IS 100% guilty, should not have the choice to plead innocent. You know, cut the chase and go straight to the sentencing. It will save the family from going through more grief than they should. The Law Maker's should start thinking and having MORE COMPASSION for the innocent victims. That's all.

  • 1 decade ago

    In NYC, most of the officers who were killed line of duty were killed by people on parole, on a warrant or with criminal histories.

    I agree that those who scream brutality and racism for that matter are themselves the racist or brutal ones. Too many people look at cops as lazy and uneducated. That is not the case. In any profession, there are those who don't belong there like doctors, teachers, lawyers, bankers, bakers, truck drivers etc. Unfortunately it is the same with some officers. There are a very few who do not belong on the force and serve as an embarrassment to all of the others.

    Eliminate parole, bring in the death penalty for certain types of crimes, increase sentencing penalties for certain crimes.

    Say thank you to a cop as you pass by. Say "good morning" or just smile and wave. They are people too.

  • Debbie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think its a shame. I have nothing but respect for any law enforcement officer especially today with all the guns out there and drugs and disrespect and total disregard for the law. I think someone who murders a cop should get the death penalty. I also get angry when these bleeding hearts start their screaming when an officer hurts a suspect whether shooting in self defense, vehicular tragedy from a car chase, or whatever. They dont stop to think that if the idiot was being chased or drawn on, that maybe there was a reason!?!

    Police officers deserve 3X the pay they get to protect and serve us fine citizens. Its only those jerks that consistently break the law and the families who protect them, start screaming injustice. Heres to our fine men and women in blue!

    And hey Andrewmorone....dont you mean moron? Why dont you use the brain God gave you before spitting out such an assinine answer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My father served on the force for 30 years and we thank the Lord He was able to retire without being shot. And he in fact only had to draw his weapon once during that time for the safety of others. It is a thankless job all too often lost in the bad press and red tape. The low pay and long hours are never a headline we only see the dark side of the blue. But there is a much better and bight er side if we look hard enough. I know I served for 15 years before I left after 9/11.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a neighbor who is in law enforcement, My wife was employed by a retired Police officer for many years in a security company, as a secretary, and friends in law enforcement in a voluntary service organization that I am in. Whenever a police officer is killed it makes me think that that could have been one of my friends, neighbors, or relatives. It also reminds me that life is dangerous for all of us... if these semi-humans will kill police officers to keep from being stopped, How would they treat a normal person who resists being a victim? My state has a concealed carry law...Maybe I need to take some responsibility for my own personal protection...Maybe that would help in some way to slow these semi-humans down...Police can't be everywhere...

    But to answer your question, in my state, if they are caught and convicted, they usually get life or the death penalty. I think that life imprisonment in this type of case is an unwarranted drain on public funds. I favor the death penalty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Job of cops is not easy. They have to deal with elements of the society most of us don't want to even talk about. And then organizations like NAACP and most of the politicians, just to gain popularity and votes, help making laws that make it difficult for cops to do their jobs. We probably have more protection for criminals than we have for cops or other law abiding citizens. Unless we make the punishment system harsh and swift, we shall keep facing unnecessary loss of life of cops. Criminals should be afraid of committing a crime just thinking about the prison system. Society should not be paying for their stay in prison. They should be made to work at minimum wage (which is what a lot of other law abiding people earn) and pay their way through the prison time. We have a better health care system for prisoners than we have for the rest of us. Let the prisoners pay for their health care. Put them in the chains and make them repair roads, clean up the garbage and do other such jobs. Don't keep people on death row alive for twenty years. Don't be worried about their pain while administering a lethal injection. They never worried about their victims pain. If the rest of the society does not help cops in doing their jobs, sadly enough, cops will keep losing their lives.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i be conscious of what you propose - yet another occasion is the police place of work that Raul Moat shot being branded a hero, for what? If one desires to be callous it would desire to be argued that he became sitting in his automobile on the component to the line, he might have been waiting for dashing motorists or might have been eating his sandwiches for all all of us be conscious of. yet and whilst calling them hero's may well be stretching it too a great way i think of the explanation that they are labelled such is using the fact every time they positioned on their uniform and flow to artwork there is an hazard that they would be positioned into hazard which may lead directly to them getting injured or killed in the line of conserving the usually used public. i think of that's suited to understand the sacrifice that persons make of their jobs in basic terms as much as somebody who enters a burning development to rescue a newborn or different authentic heroic acts.

  • 1 decade ago

    i lost a uncle in the line of duty. it never made me mad at anyone but it made me be more careful and is really a sad day when a officer died. it is like anyone that loses a family member,i assure you that the police take no joy is taking a life. it reall deeply effects the officer. at time it is so tramatic that the officer can no longer do their job

  • 1 decade ago

    You're on a roll to night. The cops have my total respect not because I'm afraid, because they are needed. They weren't appointed the job it is a job they choose. There are a lot of true professional POLICE.

    Source(s): Serve and protect(even in the line of fire.)
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