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Men Claim They Don't Want a Woman That Plays Games, So Why Do They When The Woman Does Not Play Games?

By the way I am not a kid...I am a woman in her 40's that is dating men that are in their 40's!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    According to some experts in the field of men, they say... men are natural hunters and they want a woman they can hunt, chase, work hard to get, but usually once she is gotten they go on to the next one...I think men play games especially the ones "our age" because think about this if a man is single in his forties usually he has issues anyway...and he is usually alone for a reason.. most decent fellows in their forties were snatched up a long time ago... I don't want to talk against men our age but, I am finding better, more quality, more honest relationships within the younger ranks...(early thirties)... them old dudes have too much stuff with them and they are not willing to change. I am 44

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    First off, you can't make a blanket statement like that and be accurate. Not all men claim they don't want a woman who plays games...not all men who do claim that turn around and play games themselves.

    There are game players of both sexes in the world...and just like with liars, most people who do it don't care to have it done to them. They want it to work for their benefit, but not have others use it against to benefit anyone else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had to go online to find the answer, since the bars aren't where my lady would be. Our culture has a deficiency in the whole thing, dating. It's full of hate and finger pointing and ruthless social strata. I decided not to play the dating game at all, from high school - where I knew nobody was mature enough to do anything right, to my 30's. I failed even there, having to go through a divorce because of these games. You have to be as honest with yourself as you can, and don't waste ANY time with anything remotely gamish. Even if it looks like fun. Make sure you have loads of fun with whomever you are with, otherwise don't bother. If you are both worried about rules of dating etiquitte instead of having fun together as friends, the rest of it won't matter. Be you, and don't be shy about what you want and don't need.

    Now I have my first real family!

    Source(s): / eharmony
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Men prefer women who do play a little hard to get. They just don't want to catch on that she is playing a game with them. Playing hard to get adds a little intrigue to the relationship, it forces the guy to work a little harder to secure your full attention. Men simply don't like it when a women is too available. If you give them that impression, they will put you on the back burner for emergency purposes only. And, they will only keep you around for that purpose if they don't see you as a needy headache.

    I would suggest that when you first meet a man, maintain your own personal space; you know a little elbow room. Give him your undivided attention. Listen to him, point out his good points, state your areas of agreement, keep negative opinions to yourself and laugh at his jokes. Give him the occasional smile. First dates should be very easy going and not to serious. Let him know you had a really good time and would like to see him again. Tell him to call you. If he does not call, "MOVE ON."

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  • Jessie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Playing games isnt really playing games. Im most cases its one person being confused about what they want, everyone feels like that sometimes. So as soon as things don;t go a certain way or like they planned the other person is automatically "playing games". Kinda stupid to me. All relationships arent ment to last, but each one will let you know more about what you want, playing games is just ..... dating

  • 1 decade ago

    Men don't think they like when women play games, but some of them really do. Some of them are playing games without even realizing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The why is easy... because they want to feel in control. They want the upper hand. Male-female dynamics have always been a power struggle. While most societies frown upon physical domination, no one makes any laws against being the emotional victor in a relationship struggle. Sorry to say, but men are just big little boys... but we have our moments.

    Good luck. Its lonely at the top.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't play the games with them. Send the player on his way!

    It may be a part of their species to play games but it's up to you to either put up with it or not.

    Source(s): Good Luck! Have a nice day!
  • 1 decade ago

    If they are still playing games in their 40's , they are still not grown up.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dunno, maybe its something alnog the line that some men cant handle the challenge of a woman being on the same wavelength

    i prefer a woman who will stand her ground and give me a run for my money

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