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Ken C
Lv 6
Ken C asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

For all users of the tem "Neo-Con"?

Quick Quiz time.

Who was the first President to be termed a Neo-Con, and First President to have it used as an insult.

Hint. Both came from the same person. Michael Harrington, a Marxist turned Socialist and Head of the Norman Thomas Socialist Party ???


Chi-Dog...After my nice e-mail to you....Grumpy, Grumpy.....

Update 2:

Why the Insults. I was not saying anything good or bad. Just a question on the term Neo-Con.

Update 3:

OK, The answer...This is just from History, not a Politicical Judgement.

It was first used by Michael Harrington to describe JFK and his Generation as "Intellectual Democrats", who were no longer "Liberal enough"...Harrington further explained that it had truly started with Harry Truman, as Truman had to delete or Modify the Social Programs of FDR no longer need by America.

He called FDR the "Last true Socialist in America".....

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ken, those that use the term still do not know what a real "neo-con" really is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Foremost neo-con list is surprising. Sociologists Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, Peter Berger, and Seymour Martin Lipset; the Commentary magazine editor Norman Podhoretz and his wife, the writer Midge Decter; the political activists Ben Wattenberg, Penn Kemble, and Carl Gershman; the foreign policy specialists Walter Laqueur, Edward Luttwak, and Robert Tucker; the traditionalist Catholic academics Michael Novak and William Bennett; and the art critic Hilton Kramer. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Jeane Kirkpatrick straddled the realms of scholarship and politics. No one was more important to the movement's rise to prominence than the intellectual entrepreneur Irving Kristol, who sometimes joked that he was the only self-confessed neoconservative.

    Jimmy Carter, who won the nomination and the election, soon disappointed the neoconservatives. Despite their concerted efforts, none received a high-level appointment in his administration. Moreover, Carter enthusiastically practiced affirmative action, remained committed to detente, and sympathized with Third World nationalism. Jewish neoconservatives complained that he pressed Israel harder than Egypt while negotiating peace between the two countries in 1978 through 1979. Such behavior was only part of a foreign policy that looked like weakness or a "new isolationism" at best, "appeasement" at worst. Writing in Commentary in 1979, Kirkpatrick claimed that Carter not only overlooked human rights abuses by the Soviet Union, but also drove from power "friendly authoritarians" like the Shah of Iran, who were then succeeded by full-fledged "totalitarian" regimes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They probably use it because it's easy to spell. Conservative has too many syllables. When will the neo-socialists stop calling themselves liberals or democrats? Mr. Harrington once said "In America, if you call socialism socialism, they'll never buy it. If you call it liberalism, they'll go for it."

  • John
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm considered a neo conservative by todays standards because I left the Democratic party in the 1970s because they no longer represented my views

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't know. Do know that Ronald "big government, deficit spending, illegal arms dealing, Beirut cut and running, illegal alien amnesty giving" Reagan was the first, 100% neo-con to become president of the USA.

    Ken C: The devil made me do it...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In other words the hateful know-nothing style of liberal basher is OK?

    Is that what your saying?

    The Ann Coulter style of bombast and hate without accountability or real answers is NOT good enough for America!

  • Brian
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would guess Nixon and Clinton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Neocons use the term to describe themselves, stop pretending otherwise.

  • Domino
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The term has turned from its original intent. I want to know the answer please.

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