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fayra_elm asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

How could I get rid of a tooth absess without antibiotics? (or at least improve it)?


I just wanted to add that I was on antibiotics and reacted to them and can't go on anything else until the reaction clears up. It has nothing to do with the money (insurance covers it). I HAVE to see a specialist because it is a complicated root canal and that can't be done until the middle of September. I have a lot of experience with root canals and such so it is not a fear thing. I am just in a lot of pain and would love to be able to do something while I am waiting to be put on new antibiotics.

Thanks guys.

Update 2:

lol. After reading that one response, I wish I had added those details before! It makes me think that I came across with the wrong impression!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi! Sorry, but any tooth infection must have antibiotics to kill off the infection. I've been in dentistry for over 25 years and you can not do any home dentistry and not risk losing your tooth(teeth). This is way to serious not to see a dentist and gt a scrip for Amoxy that is only a few dollars. Get to a dentist NOW and get on meds and get a plan. If you lose this tooth, others will follow and you will then really be unhappy.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Toothache Remedies http:/
  • 1 decade ago

    Have you not heard the story of the little boy who had the abscess, family didn't have dental insurance, infection spread into his sinuses, then inner ear, then to his brain, then he died. This is nothing to play around with.....get the antibiotics....quick!

    In addition (after posting your new comments!) You can put an aspirin on top of the tooth that hurts and let it dissolve right there on the tooth. I know it will taste like crap, but it will help with the pain. It's worth a has worked for everyone that I have told (friends, relatives, complete strangers I see again) and they could not believe that it could be something so simple. If the pain is bad enough, the aspirin taste is only temporary. Only do this once a day with a full strength aspirin (5 grains or 325 mg). I know you are probably already doing this too, but chew on the other side of your mouth when eating. Good Luck!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am Alton's wife, Lorraine. I have had three abscessed teeth. I have gotten over them each time by eating a pound and a half of leafy greens a day. The first and second times I ate 1 bunch or 8 ounces of romaine lettuce for breakfast, or in the morning, 8 ounces of raw broccoli for lunch, and 8 ounces of romaine lettuce in the evening. It starts working immediately, but takes a week or so to completely get over it. This time I couldn't chew because my mouth was too sore, so I have a bunch of lettuce and 4 ounces of cruciferous leafy greens (broccoli, kale, collards, turnip greens, mustard greens) in a green smoothie for breakfast. I blend them with a handful of strawberries, a pear, a banana, a small handful of walnuts, and 1 or 1 1/2 cups of water. You can use any fruit. This is just what I have available right now. For lunch I have a blended salad. In that I put the lettuce, 4 more ounces of cruciferous leafy greens, a tomato, part of a red (or other color) bell pepper, a slice of onion, a clove of garlic, a cucumber, and a half of an avocado. My tooth is almost better. It has been about a week since I started treating it. I have a big hole in 2 teeth so I try to eat this way all the time, but because of trips, etc. I wasn't doing it. That's why I got an infection. I try to get at least 1 pound of leafy greens a day. It works for me. Good luck. The first time I started this, I found the information on the internet, but I have not been able to find it again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I too can't take antibiotics because of the horrible reactions I get. I also had an absessed tooth and man it was so bad it caused my neck and face to swell like a balloon and I could barely swallow. Anyhoo, I got Colloidal Silver which is a natural antibiotic that has zero side effects, no taste, can be taken safely even by infants and pregnant women. I got my absessed tooth cleared up in 3 days and when I went back to the dentist he was shocked that it was completely gone. I kept dropping the silver on my tooth and also took some in juice for good measure.

    They have been using it in the hospitals for years. They soak the bandages in them and use them in the burn ward for healing wounds and burns.

    It is guaranteed to work. I have been wusing it for years in our household and we have gotten rid of in the matter of a few days- sinus infection, absessed tooth, urinary-bladder- and kidney infection, toe infection, used it for viruses and colds, eye infection, and ear infection.

    I hope you can get it cleared soon so you can be feeling better. Colloidal Silver- Ionic Silver is the best, but the other will work just fine too. Natural food store.

  • 1) get the root canal asap or even have any dentist "open up" the tooth so that the environment changes. That will help with the infection. Tooth abscesses have anaerobic bacteria that don't like "air" so opening up the tooth will help considerably.

    2) disregard the "you need antibiotics statements." some abscesses are drained and can fix the whole problem (same philosophy as #1

    3) disregard the "aspirin on the tooth" doesn't work period and can cause a burn (aspirin is an acid)

    keep smiling,

    Dr. Marvin

    Source(s): licensed dentist
  • Serena
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It will get worse until you have a dentist take care of it. May as well just go do it. If you have to wait for an appointment, find a new dentist. Your oral health is very important. Poor oral hygeine is usually found in people who have other problems in the future, like heart disease, diabetes and strokes.

    Source(s): My uncles are dentists.
  • 1 decade ago

    this is to the person about the Colloidal Silver...would this be the same thing your talking about? here is a link.

  • 1 decade ago

    it wont get better unless you take antibiodics.

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