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Do you believe outer space beings really exist? (see this video)?

I found it on Utube, and it appears to be a real sight!


So far this question has sparked some very good insight! (The film of the hoax,

was meant cause a little laughter, and

spark a little pro -con thinking!)

Update 2:

Tamarack58- appears to be a real sight,

(all the stopping cars, the police, and on lookers ) not a real sighting!!! lol

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, what makes you think we are the only beings in the universe???

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From what I remember of them there are several who have a twisted sense of humor. This video was both humorous and insulting at the same time. Perhaps there will actually come a day soon when these crafts will be seen just before a major catastrophe. Some have even claimed that the Titanic was actually struck by a USO or submerged UFO and had replaced several of the floating bodies with dummies.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am hopeful that we are not alone in the universe. That would make it a very lonely place, considering it is so vast that we humans cannot even wrap our brains around the immensene size of it.

    It is highly unlikely, however, that we have ever received a visit from any being from another planet. Based on all that we know of Physics, it would take an enourmous (and I'm talking, HUGE) amount of energy to warp through space. Theoretically, general relativity does allow for warping of space. However, as Lawrence M. Krauss states:

    "Expanding space would require a kind of matter unlike anything we have observed directly - a kind of matter that is gravitationally repulsive rather than attractive. While the laws governing the behavior of matter on the subatomic scale make such a phenomenon realizable on that scale, we have no idea whether such material could be created even in principle on a macroscopic scale. Preliminary indications are not particularly encouraging.

    "It would take more energy than the Sun will emit in its entire lifetime to make such material useful for moving any macroscopic object, even if the material could be produced."

    If we truly have been visited by "ET's", I think it is more likely that they are from the future than another planet.

    Source(s): BEYOND STAR TREK by Laurence M. Krauss
  • John S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure (100%) that there is life out there. I think Frank Drake has proven that with his equation. What that life is like, well it wouldn't look like us. We might not even recognize it as life. I would be amazed to see anything that looked like us.

    Science says that traveling here would be next to impossible. I would have to agree with Carl Sagan when he said that we will know when we have been visited by UFOs because something will be missing, like all our water or some other resource. No one could afford to travel here and not make the trip worth while.

    Just the fuel for the trip would take a whole planet. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to meet an alien. But space is really, really, really big and things are real far apart. The nearest star that might have a planet like earth is 11 light years from here, that is about 5,879,000,000,000 X 11 miles away or 64,669,000,000,000 miles away. The space shuttle burns about 17,000 gallons of oxygen and 47,000 gallons of hydrogen per minute. And the best the shuttle can do is a low orbit to about 400 miles maximum.

    And remember warp drive is still science fiction.

    Edit 1. How did god get in to this, I thought you guys don't believe in Science. Science Rules! Rock on!

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  • Hi,

    I watch the video, Its good, I liked it.

    I do believe that there are other living creatures out there. Some less advanced than us, some more advanced than us.

    We visit other planets, either by sending a man to the moon, or sending space craft to Mars and further. Who to say that another race out there is not doing the same thing as we are.

    Any one who thinks we're the only living thing in this universe are in my opinion self centered.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More than 200 stars are known to have planets going around them. The planets discovered are Jupiter size and larger but where there are large planets there could be planets smaller and able to support life. The Earth cannot be the only planet in the universe to support life therefore there must be life elsewhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is an excellent example of the kind of videos that skeptics use in order to dismiss the possibility of real evidence (known in logic as the straw man fallacy).

    Yes, I believe that the probability is that life (even inteliigent life) exist elswhere in the universe. In fact most people in the world share this belief. Some NASA scientist even believe that life once existed and may still exist on Mars. They are speaking of microscopic not human level life.

    The debate is over if that life has ever visited Earth. SETI (Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence)

    believes they have not yet visited and looks for radio signals from other civilizations. Some members of groups like MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) believe that their is evidence of another civilization having visited earth.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that there is life elsewhere in the Universe. However, it would be nothing like what we are: 2 arms, two legs and a head with 2 eyes and a mouth, etc.

    Not only that, but they would be so far away that even travelling at the speed of light (which is not possible), they would never be able to get close enough to Earth for us to see them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, sorry, it wouldn't load on my virus riddled computer!

    In awnser to your question, though, yes, once you auctually take the time to consider how vast the universe is and how many hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, and then that they were formed more or less the same way, then it's crazy to think otherwise!

  • 1 decade ago

    ther may be more out ther but the ones that where here are dead and the tecnology and crafts are a top secret joke on humanity kept by the secret society.look around you. how many people do you see?where do they all work?micky ds

  • 1 decade ago

    it's a funny situation,very hilarious !but apart from the funny

    video,i think is a fact the existence of extraterrestrial biological entities

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