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Please help me ?

I've a very dear person who has travelled to india for vacation.. an Indian friend told me it's not a safe place.. and she might face several dangers.. since then I'm very nervous and moody, even here on Answers.. I get angry and nervous quickly... I don't know what to do... I've lost contact with that person since the trip...

Is that true that India is a very dangerous place?


I'm not offending Indians, but an Indian friend in my country told me that...

Update 2:

Red devil are you sure of that? Are you indian? Please tell me.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am an indian,

    tell me which place u r travelling to and i will tell everything about it,

    all places are safe in India as far as i know

    don;t worry much

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I know a woman who just came back from there....and a few others who have been. It's very easy to get sick there. And if you don't have people there to help you it's easy to kind of get 'lost'. It doesn't mean anything bad happened to her. A lot of times when people travel abroad (esp. to third world countries) they loose contact for a while...they get swept up in everything there. And at least to Americans I know lots of people see India as so exotic and it's well....just very different.

    India can be dangerous, like any other place. Has this person traveled a lot before? Each person is so different when it comes to things like this....

    Do you know anybody else that was in contact with them? How long have they been gone? Maybe they are sick and taking it easy or just so busy with all there is to do....

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Friend, I am sure your friend will be fine. India is not more dangerous than any of the other countries in the world. My Brother goes on business trips to India all the time, he never said it was a dangerous place. Do not panic. India is just like any other country, anywhere in this world can be dangerous. I am sure your friend will be careful and will not go to places that might be dangerous.

  • 1 decade ago

    its pretty much the same as any city in th usa where muggings happen all the time (idk which citys, and i dont want to insult a resident). true, rapes happen a lot in some parts of india, but not more than some parts of the US.

    she should take more precaution than usual, because men are so sexually deprived (cultural) that they rape a lot. if she is indian looking/ can speak the language, she might have an easier time. also, as said above, if she is in delhi or another big city, she shold over her face wearing a veil. it will help, as all muslims know. even if she isnt a muslim... she should wear it for safety.

    I dont mean this as an insult:

    if she is white/not asian looking, she should cover herself completely, or travel with a man at all times, be it father, husband, brother, even employee.

    foreigners are less safe, because they are targeted, they cant speak the language to authoriies, and lots of authorities are corrupt anyways.

    hope she has a safe trip. and dont worry. some cities have low danger (mugging, raping) percentages. she could be in one of those cities.


    Source(s): lots of indian friends and former pakistani resident (which is kinda the same as india...just not AS dangerous)
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  • 1 decade ago

    Salam dear brother.....Hope you are doing great !

    Well brother..don't worry about that doll, let me tell you..Pakistan is taken as the most dangerous place to live than india coz of some suicial bombing and other problems..and especialy the area where i was living ..i.e the frontier...the media project it as people are dying like ants there and no one can breath normaly and bla bla.. but bhai.these are exeggerations.......and situation is far less dangerous than this..we were having bombing.but we used to go out in public places, for shopping and other daily work and Alhamdulillah we are safe.people do live their normal life and everything is okay !

    She is in india and india has no such problem..well these conflicts are only in some places and they are not don't worry about her..she will be safe inshAllah with our prayers and one more thing...Let this thing to Allah.when He is there..why to worry ? hun?


    All the best !

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not true.

    it could be the place that she is at right now in India

    does not have the phone line connection.

    Why do you think that India is a dangerous place?

    How about the place that you are staying in

    right now?

    Is it considered very safe?

    No place in this world is considered safe.

    Crime is everywhere, there is no criminal

    who has a label on the face that

    says'i am a bad person'..

    what will hapen , will's fate. ( touchwood of course)

    Let me tell you, your friend is a grown up.

    She has her own mind to think about

    what she wants to do or not.

    You as a friend, shows concern, well, that is very good.

    I have friends who went to India for a holiday,

    and they came back in one piece, and happy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    India is dangerous if there is running conflict between muslims and non-muslim. Otherwise it is just common country with general peace and a few crimes like all thrid world countries. I hope your friend will have no problem. Indians do not call back in general because of misery not because of any problem. Take care.

    Source(s): gen
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think India is a very dangerous place.

    And I think you shouldn't worry about her too much, Insha Allah She'll save in her own home country, and she speaks Hindi also.

    It will be different if she is a stranger in India and can't speak Hindi or Urdu.

    You can monitor what's happening in India trough internet. Yes, some violences happen everywhere, everyday, not only in India.

    It's weird if you worried about her because she is in her home country... You just missed her yaarr!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Im not Indian nor am i married to one. But if we were thinking of traveling to a different country I would research on the current events on their society these days for safe tourism.

    Here is a website that has updated reports on countries on their society....I have already choosen India for you....

    Good luck to your friend. She will be fine. Inshaallah

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have been living with a mostly Indian-Bengali community here and to my knowledge i certify that India,Bangladesh and Srilanka are as safe as any other country in the world...I am completely sure of that and I certify that...however rare incidents may occur in India as they do in any other country...

    Its not the near the hell the media sometimes potrays it as. The people (many of them) are really poor and need our help. Insha Allah I will grow up to help these kindhearted misfortunate people living in the slums and villages of India...

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