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95 Range Rover County LWB - Blown head gasket. What are the chances of a trashed motor?

Bought a 95 Range Rover County LWB with the 4.2litre aluminum Rover motor. It certainly has a blown head gasket- white smoke out the pipe and water in the oil. What I want to know is what are the chances that the motor is trashed? 115k miles.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    Well you have radiator fluid in the oil not water and with an aluminum head 90% chance you need a new head and that one can't be rebuilt. Now if you drove the car for a long distance or if you still drive it you will prob need a new motor too, but more than likely your motor is fine. You are gonna have to get your rad flushed this way it will clear out your motor and resouviour to remove all the oil, but you still may see some oil here and there as oil is lighter that water and harder to remove of. But back to the head if you can take it off find someone who can check the clearances you will save alot of money and know for sure if you need a new one or if they can hot tank and clean yours up

  • 1 decade ago

    not necessarily.

    it depends on how much the previous owner drive the vehicle in this condition

    the heads need to come off and be checked for straightness, cracks, the top end will have to be rebuilt.

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