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hankshammers asked in SportsFantasy Sports · 1 decade ago

Opinions on this question?

Does anyone else think the way I do on this question? I'd like to hear from people who really LIKE to play fantasy sports. Mine is the 1st answer, and probably won't get "Best Answer" since I am not telling this guy what he wants to hear.... but for guys like Crash, Dozer & Guru (and other people who give a darn) - whatcha think?


I had to laugh Guru - if I can get reported to Yahoo Answers for being truthful and not cussing at all, I think I may be done. Compared to some of my postings on league message boards, I was very gentle and coddling in my response...haha!!

Update 2:

Actually tadcack, far from it. The people who work for me are good folks and we all get along fine, working as a team. And I too served in the military, so don't try to pull that card. One of my guys at work has done 3 tours in the Marines in Iraq and has not only my gratitude, but also my admiration. So lighten up my friend - and thanks for all you are doing for our country!!

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer


    Your point about "if you sign up, you better be an active player" is legit. Too many so called "fantasy sports players" sign up, and forget and/or don't care. I love to play Fantasy Sports, it just gives you a chance to be competitive, but have fun at the same time. But on the flip side, if someone doesn't monitor their team, it only increases your chances of winning.

    My other pet peeve in leagues are the type who won't consider any trades, even if the trade benefits them a little. I have run into this many times, and it ticks me off. I mean, half the fun of Fantasy Sports is working out a trade, and having that thrill of having new guys on your team!

    And it doesn't matter if you don't tell him what he wants to hear. I mean, here are a couple options on what might happen.....

    1) sychly happens to answer the question and gets best answer when the question goes to voting. ( Although, I'm not sure I even care anymore, especially since Answers does nothing, so it's no longer worth my effort and time)

    2) Even though your answer was truthful and informative, you might get reported because the person didn't want to hear what you said. ( I know that sounds completely dumb, but it happens every day on Answers)

    3) [best option to hope for] The asker comes to their senses, and sees your point, and gives you best answer like you deserve.

    Sadly, 2 out of the 3 options are the ones that make Yahoo Answers no longer a fun place.

    I think our best option is just to continue giving good answers and go about our business, and maybe (Just MAYBE), Yahoo will do something, but even that's a crap shoot.

    EDIT: Agreed. I never said that reporting an answer because someone didn't like it was right or moral, but all I said was that I have seen it happen.

    Source(s): By the way, sorry if I got a bit off topic. It all seemed to go together when I was writing it!
  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't really get into fantasy sports until I became part of a serious keeper league. We keep up to 8 and theres 14 teams so find the hidden gem is at a premium. Plus, Its not just the draft. I have literally spent years shuffling this team and wheeling and dealing to continuosly improve. Its like owning a franchise in a way. Thats the stuff I really enjoy. Finding the guy who doesn't start this year but will and keeping him at the end of the season, swinging deals including picks etc....That stuffs addictive. I had a year where I stumbled into a lineup that was so good I didn't have to do anything, just make sure the starters were in. That was by far my most boring season. My favorite was the initial year of the league. The draft fell horribly for me and my team sucked out loud. I spent that whole year trading all my stars for draft picks and replacing them with waiver wire long shots. That team made the finals somehow (and lost by 85, but whos counting). I loved every minute of that year and went into the next with 9 of the first 21 picks. So yeah, I'm a big fat geek but I do like playing fantasy football.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like how you are MR. Knowitall. I'm sure you are one of those guys in life that walk around thinking you are better than everyone else and that you are always right about everything, when in all actuality people talk non-stop about how much they cannot stand you. why don't you get your panties out of a bunch, don't take life so seriously, and lay off when someone that came off of an 18 hour work day serving in the military in country full of un-appreciative jerks like you and would like a suggestion on a fantasy football team name because he is mentally and physically exhausted. by the way i would match my intelligence to yours any day of the week. i don't know you and even if you are older than me you will still never amount to half of what I've done in my short life. lighten up man, even your s*** stinks sometime

    additional: ok, then why all the slack about me simply asking for a suggestion about my fantasy footbal team name? i'm an avid fantasy player been so since 1997 and i'm simply running out of team names and wanted something new. my comment was meant to be harsh considering i don't know you right. that was my whole point. all is well, i hope to be in a league with you someday, the smack talk would be good.

    Source(s): a decent human being
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    You deserve best answer compadre. Awesome.

    I think I've unraveled the mystery of sychly. Watch the video, and see how much you want to stick around.

    The guy has some issues. I don't know if he's doing this for fun, or if it's his job at Yahoo. Either way, I don't want to see trouble for him at work, nor do I want to compete against that.

    I don't know what a "Tier 3 Fantasy Sports rep" does, but it certainly explains a lot.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats wonderful dude.

    I know tons of people that would do that! I might do it for golf myself...*Plays every year and sucks at that*

    You will get best answer...Its that simple...

    Anybody notice how sychly starred the question also? Think he is finally starting to catch on? .. Just a thought. Nice answer there bro

    Good luck!!

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