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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Now that the global warming hoax has been thoroughly debunked....?

Now that the global warming hoax has been thoroughly exposed, do you think that Al Gore and all the other "environmentalists", who are making millions with these doomsday scare tactics, will finally shut their pie-holes?

Source: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" Christopher C. Horner


Edit: to George W Coulter...Why are you bashing Christianity? WTF is you point? Doomsdayers have been in all religions. You would do good to educate yourself before showing your ignorance and extreme bias against a certain religion.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good alternative to the "consensus" science (consensus is a political term not a scientific one), I'm not sure it completely "debunks" the agenda but it does a nice job of exposing the marxist politics behind the movement.

    I would love for one of you lying leftists to show one piece of evidence that Horner is funded by Exxon/Mobil, but I know that is your pat response to anyone that questions your frickin "consensus". Let me ask, why is it you think Exxon has motive behind the counter science, but no one could possibly have any agenda when it comes to the original psuedo-science? Your greatest piece of evidence to date comes from the IPCC a division of the UN. The UN is a political organization not a scientific one. And they certainly have an agenda, greater governmental control of man with the ultimate end of one world government and the more international laws they can pass, like the Kyoto Protocals, the closer they get to this goal.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know much about global warming, but it seems to me that man isn't responsible. But im willing to listen to other arguments. As far as Horner being on the payroll of Exxon/Mobil, I don't know that he is, but the scientists you quote are probably on the payroll of someone like greenpeace, everyone has a salary my friends. They don't do it for free. I do know that for every scientist that says it's caused by man, another doesn't think so. That report the left always likes to quote, some of the scientits on it sued to get their names taken off of it, because they didn't agree with the summary, only the part they had written.

  • Jadis
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You'll never convince them. The MSM has told them to believe that mankind - especially George W. Bush - is to blame for "global warming." Funny - isn't this the same scientific community who was predicting the next ice age about 30 yrs ago, with the same amount of gloom and doom?

    Such a big deal was made out of the 1600 scientists who signed a letter warning us about the "devastating consequences" of global warming, but you sure as hell didn't hear much about the SEVENTEEN THOUSAND scientists who signed a petition stating there is no convincing evidence that greenhouse gases will disrupt the earth's climate.

    I still want to know who to blame for the last ice age, damn it! Alaska *used* to have a nice, temperate climate. Those damned Republicans! I just KNOW somehow, this is all George Bush's fault. ;o)

  • 1 decade ago

    You have a satirical piece called the POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE.... and you believe it as FACT and decide based on a PIECE OF SATIRICAL FICTION that global warming is a HOAX??? Wow--there's a waste of an education!!! Global warming IS A FACT....... if no one listens, if no one does anything about it, things as we now know it will NEVER be the same---and may all totally disappear one day... we are USING UP THIS PLANET and anyone who thinks differently isn't thinking at ALL!!!!! If you think there are stupid wars and things NOW, wait till oil reserves begin to totally dry up or suitable ground for crop planting become contaminated through AIR pollution and acid rain, or heck... why not just open up the ozone layer and every other layer and let the sun come in and FRY us all??? It CAN happen.... maybe not in OUR lifetime, but maybe in our CHILDREN's or Grand Children's life times. You want to believe idiots like Christopher Homer, go right ahead---you have a RIGHT to believe what you WANT, but all I can say is when that day comes when everything Al Gore has said about it become true and global warming begins to destroy our planet altogether, what will you believe in then? Many MANY animal species have become EXTINCT, and are becoming extinct at a rapid pace..glaciers are melting... look at all the crazy weather we've been having over the past few years... Here in New York last December 15, it was almost 60 DEGREES---it's NEVER that warm here in December... and 4 nights ago in August it was 38 degrees....hurricaines and a TORNADO in Brooklyn a few days ago... you HAVE to face FACTS that we ARE in the throws of something happening to our planet... we can't afford to not recognize it.... we were warned about pollution and now, more kids AND ADULTS have respiratory illnesses like asthma and chronic bronchitus then EVER before.....the only people profiting from this are DRUG COMPANIES... not the american people... WE would profit if we just started to CONSERVE our natural resources, stopped using products that destroy the atmosphere and each other....

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  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't done a lot of research on global warming.

    It seems true, and efforts to prevent it only help the planet, therefore helping everything on it. Environmentalism never hurt anyone before.

    Even if it is a hoax... Why don't Republicans and everyone else focus on a 'hoax' that actually has some negative effects?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Now that one author with an agenda who may or may not take money from Exxon/Mobil has put out his ideas, we should definitely disregard every scientific study and all the international scientists who have come to a consensus. And blast those eye witnesses who have watched huge chunks of glaciers fall off! And those lying polar bears who claim more of their friends are dying! The entire middle of an Africa that used to contain the largest lake on the planet now almost dried up--LIES! When will these lying Africans stop dying of thirst and quit trying to fool us?

    [From an amazon review of the book:

    This book is so much of a sham that it should bear the logos for ExxonMobil and other oil companies on its cover. Christopher C. Horner is a lawyer, not a scientist. This alone would not disqualify him from writing a guide for the layperson because he has no doubt done his homework, just as Al Gore did for his book. Mr. Horner is also a member of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), whose goal is to promote individual choices in a free marketplace. It should come as no surprise that CEI has been one of the main groups opposing action by the U.S. government to curb greenhouse gas emissions. CEI has been well funded for this work by companies such as ExxonMobil (well over $2 million since 1998, according to Exxon's own books). This one, to use a contemporary colloquialism, is a no-brainer. CEI did all it could to oppose the international global warming negotiations in Kyoto; this book is merely their latest (yet most public) effort to combat earnest science.]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope, trial lawyers are already geared up to take people to court for not running a "Global Warming Friendly" business.

  • The problem is the communists need somewhere to go and the best thing they have is this.

    Gore and crew will continue to run their mouths because it fits them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol I'd say so since it felt like fall last weekend. Hopefully they read State of Fear by M. Crichton. It is an excellent resource to defuse the global warming scare tactics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, it is a cause for them to rally around, so they won't give up!

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