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Rod Bearing Labor?

How much should labor be to replace the rod bearings on an 8 cylinder engine?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot depends upon make and model. Foreign will be more expensive than domestic. Figure around average of six hours. I would replace the mains if I were you and in there.

    Not sure of shop charge out rates in your area.

    Good Luck

  • rowlfe
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Only the rod bearings? I doubt it. Having rebuilt several engines in my time, there is a significant amount of manual labor involved in engine work of this type. 75% of the labor will be taking the engine out and putting it back later. The actual bearing replacement will be a mall part of the whole. That said, if you need b=new connecting rod bearings, you need a lot of other stuff as well. You might as well do the mains since you will have that area open and exposed already to get at the connecting rod caps. And then you might as well replace the oil pump. And since you have the engine out, if you have a clutch, replace that as well just on general principles. Based on my past experience, I'd say $500-$600 plus some additional for parts and machine shop outsourcing. You do NOT just pop out a bearing and pop in a new one. You have to "size" the bearing for proper clearances or it will be just as bad as it was before and that takes machine shop work on the crankshaft as well as replacing the bearings. This is not an easy job. Count on 2 days at least.

  • 1 decade ago

    It can vary....but generally, if you're to a point that new rod bearings are needed, there's going to be a lot else that's worn or damaged.

    I really can't be more specific with the information you've provided...make, model, and a description of the problem would help to narrow it down.

  • 1 decade ago

    depending on what model, can vary, also mechanic's labor is around $90 a hour and plus parts. Ask how long it will take and get a rough estimate, dont be shy, also when you tell them how much say that "you are just getting an estimate" so they will try to get you the cheapest price, after you check three places go to the fourth and thats i s how you find out

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  • Nomadd
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You'd be crazy to nickel and dime a worn out engine. Get a good longblock and you'll save much money and grief.

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