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If you take an oxygen atom away, what would happen?

Water is made up of H2O. One part Hydrogen and 2 parts Oxygen? What would you have if one of these elements were taken away? Say you took one oxygen atom away and had only one hydrogen and one oxygen atom. How would that affect the makeup of water? I guess that if you took the hydrogen atom away, and had only 2 oxygen atoms, there would be only oxygen? Help!


O.K. so if you took away any one of these molecules, you would not have the element of water.

And the way that water can be a gas, solid or liquid is determined by temperature, right?

The reason I ask is that I was discussing God with a fellow Christian the other day and we got on the subject of the trinity, which I dont believe is the aspect of God. The Word says that God is 1, and only 1.

Of course the crux is Father, Son and Spirit.

He explained that he teaches his students that God is like a banana and that if you push on the top, it will come apart in three sections. I told him that if you take away one third of that banana, it is no longer whole.

I said that God is like water, 3 molecules make up one element. Water can be a gas, liquid or solid but it is still the same element.

Take part away, and you no longer have that element.

So the Father is the Spirit that is in the human

being that is the Son, i.e. one God in flesh.

Thank you for your answers, they are all good!

8 Answers

  • oldguy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hmmm, looks like two questions here.

    First water can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. It can easily be done with 'equipment' found around the home. The component parts are not water (which is not an element, btw) but can be recombined to form water again. (Note that the energy released at recombination is *always less* than that used to separate it.) Should not be a difficult concept.

    Second, the Godhead or Trinity, includes Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When taken separately they are individually Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and when taken together are the Godhead or Trinity. Again, should not be a difficult concept.

    Jesus both instructed and prayed that his disciples would be "one" even as He and the Father are one: (John 17:11, 17:22); "one" with or in Jesus and/or the Father (John 17:21, Romans 12:5 1Corinthians 6:17); and even men and women should one or one flesh(Genesis 2:24 Matthew 19:5 Mark 10:8 1Corinthians 6:16 Ephesians 5:31 Galatians 3:28) There are many other variations. If you can understand what He wanted of them (and us) you should be able to understand the 'oneness' of the Godhead or Trinity. Once more, should not be a difficult concept.

    Are we individuals? Yes. Do individuals become different and even more complete as they become of one heart and one soul(Acts 4:32)? Yes.

    Are men and women physically separate? Yes. Do they become different and even more complete as they unite in Christ(Galatians 3:28)? Yes

    Are all three individuals in the Trinity necessary for the Trinity to be whole? Must they be 'one' to accomplish what they are supposed to accomplish? Yes, or God would not have set it up that way.

    Use intelligence, wisdom, and open your mind to the direction of the Holy Spirit given in response to humble and faithful prayer, and everything becomes a lot more understandable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Water is a special molecule.

    First, the bonds are so tight that the hydrogen electron clouds are nearly entirely within the oxygen electron cloud. The molecule is often adequately modeled as a hard sphere.

    Next, it is the best example of a molecule for hydrogen bonding of the molecules to each other. Even though each molecule is electronically neutral, it has a strong capacity to share bonds with a hydrogen of up to two other molecules.

    Because of these strong bonds, it is actually difficult to separate the component atoms and when they are separated, they easily and quickly form bonds with neighboring molecules.

    Because of this unique bonding, it has been theorized that the complex large molecules that formed the basis for life originated in high-density glasslike ice (random molecular orientations rather than uniform crystalline ones) through the deposition bonding of other (mainly) midvalence atoms. We see a similar bonding occur in the creation of carbohydrates here on earth.

  • Yokki
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, firstly, H2O means that it's 2 parts Hydrogen, and one part Oxygen.

    So if you took an Oxygen atom away, you'd be left with a molecule of pure Hydrogen (ie. H2).

    If, on the other hand, you took a Hydrogen atom away, you'd have an OH- ion. I'm not sure if that can exist by itself in the atmosphere for long, but it's fairly common in alkaline solutions.

  • 1 decade ago

    you got it wrong. H2O is water. 2 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen.

    If the Oxygen molecule is removed, You get Hydrogen gas (H2).

    If a Hydrogen atom is removed, You get HO, but this compound is unstable and will join with another HO to form H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide liquid), pale blue colour.

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  • 1 decade ago

    first of all,water is a chemically bonded molecule which means that taking off oxygen requires considerable amount of heat leaving only hydrogen molecule

  • 1 decade ago

    If this could be done easily we have an endless supply of hydrogen for fuel.

  • Andy D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Definitely wouldn't be water.

    OH can't join chemically as a compound but can make a hydroxyl ion. You find them in alkalis, but you wouldn't get, say, a beaker of hydroxyl ions

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok relax now and take another hit. Puff puff, pass

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