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Why does Yahoo allow trolls to use the same ID as legit Y/A users?

I know this is not just a Nascar section problem but that is the section I am usually in.

I click on a question thinking it is a name I know, only to find that it is a troll using the same name. How can we stop this???


Thanks to everyone who answered. I see the small differences now but it is confusing. Capital letters instead of lowercase is a different person. How stupid.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are not exactly the same. The trolls change something a little bit in order to sneak it through. They'll change a capital letter to lower case or some other thing that isn't very noticeable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you add the names you know to your contact list, it will have an icon on the avitar when you click on the question. That way you can tell the real one from the clone. You can skip over the ones that don't have the little icon on it, knowing it's not who you think it is. They can change something unnoticeable, like an extra space before the actual name, and it looks exactly the same. It makes it really hard to tell.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  • 1 decade ago

    The name you see here on Y!A is just a nickname. You are not seeing the real Y! user name. You can create a dozen different accounts and have the same nick name.

    Maybe it is tine for Yahoo to include the Y! name and the Nickname. Less ability to be anonymous.

  • Gene L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am currently in contact with the Pennsylvania State Attourney General's Office and Senator Alan Spector's office to see about getting Yahoo to more aggressively enforce it's rules established to protect Minors from such lewd online conduct.

    With pornographic images now being used as icons by these Trolls a seriously line has been crossed that places them in the Criminal realm and I fear that possibly these Trolls might also be sexual predators trying to prey on Minors.

    We as Users need to report these Trolls each and every single time they come on here and violate the Yahoo rules. It takes all of us reporting it ever single time and all of us being aggressive and forceful with Yahoo to put an end to the illegal activity that these Trolls are engaging in, here on Yahoo Answers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think we can.. Only Yahoo has the power to ban IP addresses and they won't do it.

    Maybe starting a petetion on this forum and getting as many people to sign/answer and then send that to Yahoo? I doubt it would do any good.. They don't care about the small percentile of the consumer that they are pissing off and ultimately will leave Yahoo.

    We are stuck with these damn trolls, and the only way to rid of them is to leave Yahoo and find another forum that has the balls to ban IP's.

    Source(s): 2 Thumbs down for Y/A!
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe the trolls will get tired sooner or later. hope so!

  • 1 decade ago

    They are slightly different.

  • 1 decade ago

    why do you care?

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