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susann asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Any advice for possible ruptured ACL in dog?

My dog (10-year-old wire fox terrier) yipped after jumping off the bed and now will not put any weight on his right hind leg. I suspect a stifle injury, most probable is a ruptured ACL. I contacted the vet, but the soonest he can be seen is Friday. I asked what I can do to keep him comfortable and was told to give him an aspirin and use ice and heat packs, if he'll let me. I am going to find another vet tomorrow, but what can I do to help him until then? I would greatly appreciate any advice you can offer. Even though he is injured, he refuses to rest and I'm worried he will overdo it. Thanks so much!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep him as quiet as possible and not moving around as much as possible, if you are having a hard time with that you can try giving him some benadryl. Benadryl will help settle him down, it will make him drowsy with no harmful side effects. You give 1mg per pound of body weight so a 25 lb dog would get 25mg of benadryl or 1 tablet. If your dog is under 20 lbs i would recommend using the liquid childrens benadryl. Childrens benadryl is 12.5mg per teaspoon full so a 12.5 lb dog would get one teaspoon. This is effective for a mild sedation because it just makes them drowsy. I've used it for dogs that have been through surgery and are very hard to keep quiet. And staying in a small room or even possibly a crate would be best. But definintely see a vet as soon as you can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely crate rest or confinement. Also, once you see the vet, please be advised that if it is, in fact, a stifle injury there are several options. What really helped me out through my oreal with my dog's cruciate ligament repair was the yahoo group "orthodogs". However due to your dog's age and the fact that you might not be able to get your dog in until Friday, you might really want to check out the yahoo group "ConservativeManagement." Conservative Management is what you can do to help your dog with a stifle injury without actually doing surgery and the orthodogs group discusses all options regarding all orthopedic injuries for dogs and people are always talking about what surgeries they chose, why the chose them and what remedies they used for keeping their pets quiet/calm/happy, etc. Good luck with your fur-baby!!

  • 5 years ago

    I would suggest seeing a vet right away! I also have an older dog, Zoe, that had a leg injury. It turned out to be a torn ACL so we went the conservative route and got a brace from Woundwear. It has helped her so much and she is now able to walk around without pain!

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried to see if you could gently touch the leg. My dog jumped off the couch and hurt himself. It was just a sprain and all he needed was rest. If he won't rest, put him in a crate. I hope he feels better soon. My pup started feeling better in two days, although he still limped a little. I hope your dog feels better soon.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Keep him confined(with company) to a smaller room(bedroom,larger bathroom) til you can get him to a vet. He may do more damage to the injury. good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    this is one ..and only ONE ...of the reasons all dogs should be crate trained.

    heat and/or ice is best done with you sitting with the dog...if he'll do that...they tend to tolerate the sensations better if you're snuggling with them...

  • D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well if you don't want to wait you could always take him to an emergency vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wrap duck tape around his shoulder and body, nice and snug untill he can get seen.

    Source(s): old trick my momma tought me .
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