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How much do F1 cars cost to build?

and how can the teams afford it?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    F1 Magazine 2003 budgets (Keep in mind these are 2003 figures) F1 Magazine ran an article in March 2003 in which they admitted that no accurate figures were available due to the secretive nature of the business. However, they said that they had “nagged and cajoled dozens of key team personnel to reveal the odd titbit, after which [they] cross-checked and analysed [their] findings, then pieced together what [they] believe is the most comprehensive, definitive and accurate guide to F1 costs ever published". The results are further broken out into 10 spending categories:

    Total $2,141,100,000

    $443,800,000 Ferrari $353,300,000 Williams $304,600,000 McLaren $290,400,000 Toyota $225,100,000 BAR $206,800,000 Renault $119,500,000 Sauber $ 79,200,000 Jordan $ 78,800,000 Jaguar $ 39,600,000 Minardi

    Engine budgets $931,000,000

    $185,000,000 Williams

    $175,000,000 Ferrari

    $150,000,000 Toyota

    $140,000,000 McLaren

    $110,000,000 Renault

    $105,000,000 BAR

    $ 24,000,000 Sauber

    $ 18,000,000 Jordan

    $ 15,000,000 Minardi

    $ 9,000,000 Jaguar

    Operating the cars at tests $260,800,000

    $88,000,000 Ferrari

    $48,000,000 Williams

    $29,100,000 McLaren

    $24,700,000 Toyota

    $22,000,000 BAR

    $19,800,000 Sauber

    $14,600,000 Renault

    $ 7,500,000 Jaguar

    $ 3,700,000 Jordan

    $ 3,400,000 Minardi

    Team salaries $194,000,000

    $41,400,000 Ferrari

    $32,300,000 Toyota

    $30,300,000 McLaren

    $24,000,000 Williams

    $16,500,000 Renault

    $12,800,000 BAR

    $12,700,000 Sauber

    $10,600,000 Jaguar

    $ 8,800,000 Jordan

    $ 5,300,000 Minardi

    Operating the cars at races $187,300,000

    $28,500,000 Ferrari

    $22,500,000 Toyota

    $20,800,000 Williams

    $19,200,000 McLaren

    $19,000,000 Renault

    $18,200,000 Sauber

    $17,600,000 BAR

    $17,000,000 Jaguar

    $16,000,000 Jordan

    $ 8,500,000 Minardi

    Research and development $173,000,000

    $35,000,000 McLaren

    $21,500,000 Toyota

    $20,300,000 Williams

    $20,000,000 Ferrari

    $16,900,000 Renault

    $16,500,000 BAR

    $15,400,000 Jaguar

    $14,600,000 Sauber

    $12,600,000 Jordan

    $ 200,000 Minardi

    Driver salaries $132,000,000

    $44,000,000 Ferrari

    $24,000,000 BAR

    $20,000,000 Williams

    $13,500,000 McLaren

    $ 8,000,000 Jordan

    $ 7,500,000 Toyota

    $ 6,800,000 Sauber

    $ 6,200,000 Renault

    $ 1,500,000 Jaguar

    $ 500,000 Minardi

    Wind tunnel operating costs $93,600,000

    $15,100,000 Ferrari

    $12,900,000 McLaren

    $12,200,000 Williams

    $11,600,000 Toyota

    $10,400,000 Sauber

    $10,100,000 BAR

    $ 8,000,000 Renault

    $ 5,500,000 Jaguar

    $ 4,500,000 Jordan

    $ 3,300,000 Minardi

    Travel and accommodation $86,600,000

    $18,000,000 Ferrari

    $13,000,000 McLaren

    $12,000,000 Toyota

    $ 9,300,000 Williams

    $ 7,900,000 BAR

    $ 7,500,000 Renault

    $ 6,800,000 Sauber

    $ 5,300,000 Jaguar

    $ 4,500,000 Jordan

    $ 2,300,000 Minardi

    Corporate entertaining and catering $62,850,000

    $12,200,000 Williams

    $ 9,700,000 Ferrari

    $ 8,900,000 McLaren

    $ 7,200,000 BAR

    $ 6,700,000 Renault

    $ 6,300,000 Toyota

    $ 5,600,000 Jaguar

    $ 4,300,000 Sauber

    $ 1,600,000 Jordan

    $ 350,000 Minardi

    Car manufacturing costs $19,250,000

    $4,100,000 Ferrari

    $2,700,000 McLaren

    $2,000,000 Toyota

    $2,000,000 BAR

    $1,900,000 Sauber

    $1,500,000 Jordan

    $1,500,000 Williams

    $1,400,000 Renault

    $1,400,000 Jaguar

    $ 750,000 Minardi

    hope that helps !

  • 1 decade ago

    F1 cars cost anywhere between 7-10 million dollars. They get the money from the manufactors to build the cars and give additional money them for improvements. The smaller teams like super aguri, spyker, toro rosso, and red bull, they get alot less money than the big shots like ferrari, mclaren, renault, because they supply the smaller teams with equiptment. The bigger teams have budgets of like 500 million dollars while the smaller teams budget is only like around 40-60 million which is really nothing.

  • ,
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A LOT!!!! Well, the teams have sponsors and they have to make budgets so that they don't spend more than they have in hand. It takes a lot of planning to build an F1 car that is good and sticks to the team's budget.

  • 1 decade ago

    before the engin freeze it was in the $14 mil U.S. range, figure its that added salery of the aero dynamic engineers, the engin engineers, the tire engineers, the general mechanics (who all have engineering degrees) the accountants, the purchasing personal, and the exotic composits they use to make the cars, oh i for got the electronic engineers, the accountants, and the management, facilities, and utilities, this doesnt include the drivers saleries guest relations, sales department, or alonsos personal toilet paper holder,

    how do they pay for it? sponsorship, 870 million people world wide watch any given weekend that they race, thats how many people are seeing the vodaphone logo on the mclaren cars and driver suits,

    here in the us people are paying $30 mil U.S. for a 30 sec spot during the super bowl for around 130 million viewers world wide

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  • 1 decade ago

    To build s top car is about 3 million dollars.

    Top teams spend about 7 million a year in development.

    Sponsors, rights and merchandise and FIA support for top teams help them stay in business.

    FYI. 5 years ago, Mclaren got a new HQ and spent 32 million dollars in planting fully grown trees alone.

    The got some serious money.

  • 4 years ago

    which includes study, progression, manpower, wind tunnel and different testing costs, i could say approximately 70 to one hundred million usd. it particularly is that in the event that they have been to advance one from scratch. i think of distinctive the greater moderen communities merely take designs from previous f1 autos and take a inspect to advance on them as they flow alongside...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More than some nation's GDP

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    all i know is that it cost them plenty of money but there sponsers help pay for it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    500,000 TO 1,500,000 SPONSERS AND RICH MUTHA F******

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