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ludgar9 asked in TravelCanadaToronto · 1 decade ago

need to orientate mysef pre-flight for a westjet van-to-toronto trip-me long hair freak - tips/hints?

have not flown domestic in 20 yrs. Is it still as boring as taking the bus?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Airports get people much freakier than you, so don't worry about it. Westjet is a wonderful airline, very open minded.

    Just be polite and co-operative and you'll be fine.

    By the way, westjet is much nicer than taking the bus :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many WestJet planes have tv sets in the seat backs that are connected to Bell ExressVu Satellite TV. You can watch live television from a choice of channels - but no SexTV! WestJet is a great airline. They actually have friendly staff.

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