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moon3 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How can I stop my neighbors dog from barking?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Barking is as natural to a dog as is eating, it comes with just being a dog. To get your dog to completely stop barking would not only be nearly impossible, but inhumane as well. However, controlling your dogs barking will benefit not just you, but your neighbors and everyone else who may be affected.

    Use these quick tips to get a start on stopping your dog from barking.

    1. Give him or her attention. Dogs are really pack animals and one of the main reasons a dog barks is because he or she is lonely and wants attention. Spend the time with your dog he or she needs, play and exercise will result in a content and happy dog, thus, a dog who barks less. This happens often when I work long hours, so to help stop my dog from barking I make sure I take him on extra long walks or after a walk play a rowdy game of tag with him.

    2. Identify your dog’s fears. When a dog is afraid of something, or someone, he or she will bark in an attempt to scare this fear away. Figure out what things or people that cause your dog to bark then go about working with your dog to teach him or her that it is not something to be afraid of. By reducing your dog’s fears you will help keep him or her from barking so much.

    3. Are your dogs basic needs being met. Sometimes it’s the simple things that are overlooked when trying to stop your dogs barking problem. Does your dog have plenty of food, plenty of water? Is his or her general bedding area uncomfortable? Maybe there is a health problem that is confusing your dog. One of the way’s a dog communicates is via barking, could your dog be trying to tell you something?

    4. Your home environment. As previously stated dogs are pack animals, and just like human beings dogs tend to take on the characteristics of the pack. Your home and family is your dog’s pack. If your home is noisy and rambunctious, so to will be your dog. Try calming your dog’s surrounding to help stop him or her from barking so much.

    5. Is your dog simply protecting his or her territory? Your dog is bark to alert you, a member of his or pack, that there may be danger. To help stop this type of barking reflex simply don’t react when your dog barks at something outside of the home. By reacting, you are training your dog that every time he or she barks you will show up.

    Hope these five quick and easy tips will help with your dog barking problem. If your dog’s barking becomes a persistent problem, you may want to take into consideration a consultation with your vet.

  • 6 years ago

    Easy Solution - Use a digital tape recorder! Place it as close as you can to the neighbor's dog when it barks. Record the barking dog for four hours or so then set-up some speakers in your yard closest to the dog owner's home, crank up the volume and play the digital recording when the dog owners are home! It might take three or four nights, but the neighbor will comply most-likely. How else to teach an ignorant dog owner, but to put them in your shoes? Have a friend or two stay at your house during that time (as witnesses, added protection and shared laughs) and crank that volume up on those speakers! Let it play for hours for several nights! It will drive you neighbor crazy into submission.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Call the police and file a complaint. A friend of mine had the same problem. Certainly not the dogs's the owners lack of training. Anyway, he bought a bull horn with lots of different sounds. He cranked up the volume every time the dog was barking pointed it at the house and said the neighbors name and then put the dog in the house. ha ha The whole neighborhood heard it and thanked him. The dog was brought into the house and those people eventually moved. The dog was not take care of at all. Hope the one you're talking about is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Squirt it with a water gun/hose when it barks?

    That may not be the best answer but hey, it can work.

    Might try talking to your neighbors and finding out why their dog barks so much. I'm lucky, my pup only barks when there's a reason to.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You can get a bark-breaker, a hand-held device which sends out a high-frequency sound which hurts the dog's ears. Use it every time you hear the dog barking.

    You can buy these either with a sound which you can hear, or an ultrasonic which the dog can hear but your neighbors can't.

  • 6 years ago

    Look at your hand... you have opposable thumbs. We are the most evolved and therefore the most responsible.

    Look at Genesis, the first book in the Bible.. we as humans were granted (understandably) dominion over the earth. Wow , we have messed that up in so many ways, but as a dog owner for decades, I have to say that it is not reasonable for an undisciplined animal to relentlessly terrorise the neighbourhood. Ever...

    Go and talk to your neighbours... if they can't make the dog shut-up, then call the people that look after animal welfare as they clearly are negligent in their responsibilities as pet owners... they should recognise their evolved or devine responsibilities or have the dog shot...

  • 1 decade ago

    ask the neighbors to do something about it tell then to teach the dog not to bark

  • 1 decade ago

    Get a squirt bottle and put in a little soap and water. tell the dog "SHH!!" every time he starts to bark. If he is VERY stubborn. Squirt his face once. Use this sparingly, it hurts but stops them cold. I had a dog who would follow me when i left to go somewhere and wanted to go. I gave the command "HOME!" and as he gave chase stopped the truck and said "HOME!" and gave him a squirt. Now I can come out to go somewhere and either say "load up" or "home" and he knows and obeys.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to your neighbors. If that does not help. Call the police. Do not use 911. That is only for emergencies

  • 1 decade ago

    Please don't waste the nice folks at your local 911 dispatcher's time (my neighbor is a 911 dispatcher and can tell you a thousand stories of stupid calls), call the police non-emergency # it can be found in the white pages. 3 complaints and something will have be done about the dog.

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