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why do african americans, who are traditionally religous continue to align them selves with the party that?

murders unborn children?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It panders to them and makes them believe that they are victims of racism. I've met many black pro-lifers who are Democrats! I just don't understand them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because they know that "God's Own Party" or the "Greedy Owner's Party" is soley for the super-rich and powerful, and is against minorites, the middle class, the poor, and anyone who

    actually does honest day's work for a living. No thanks to them that they can still do so, because of their fervent desire to reward and encourage as many 'Mercan companies as possible to move offshore to exploit the cheap coolie, serf or slave labor of foriegn countries by giving these companies that do so financial incentives (tax breaks) to do so.

    Isn't the 'Grouchy Old Patriarchs party the same bunch who wants to bring in Certified Serfs (H1bs) to "do work that 'Mercans won't do?" 'Mercans willl do the work if you actually pay them a wage they can live on!

    The Party, that have used their influence to surpress their votes, rig or fail to provide enough voting machines in their districts, and who tied to take their votes away throughh intimidation, and dirty tricks. Such good xtians, who despise charity - the Party of Mean!! According to your precious Jeesuss, you're all going to H@ll anyways - oh, no one told lyou hat?...

    You know - the Party that loves the fetus, but hates the child. The Chicken Hawk Party of that loves to loudly say they support the military while simutaneously cutting veteran's benefits, and praises their sacrifice, but never served or dodged service themselves, and who won't send their sons and daughters into the service to fight their war and occupation of Iraq for the private greed of their supporters. Who lauds the sacrifice of others, but refuses to sacrifice their taxcuts for the "War on Terror", and who advocates handing out corporate military contractor welfare like candy, but distains and denigrates poor people on welfare. The place you're going is not called Heaven.

    The Party that opposes gay marraige, but has the greatest percentage of repressed, closeted gay politicians and perverts ever assembled in one place, excepting for the Catholic Church! (sorry, I couldn't resist.)

    "The Democrats are coming, the Democrats are coming to steal your guns, and ban your Bibles!! Be Afraid! Be very afraid!" ...

  • 1 decade ago

    Not sure. Maybe it has something to do with the extreme bigotry in the southern red states. Yep, I think its the bigotry of the neo-south that turns blacks off to the Republican Party.

    As for me, I look at people, not parties.

    I personally don't like the south as they feel entitled to glare at me with looks-to-kill. They fail to realize that coming from Chicago, I never learned how to be afraid or how to have low self esteem. They really hated me dating former Miss Utah while in Oklahoma City. That was great!

    For what its worth, I think this is a valid question...

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps for the same reason they don't want to be part of a political group that promotes zero tolerance for religions other than their own.

    Or questioning the paternal leadership when it is flatly wrong and committing moral outrages in the name of your so-called god.

    Clean up your own back yard now. Nice and clean this time.

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  • Stuart
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I know you put a lot of thought into this important question, so I want to give you an equally well-thought out answer.

    An intelligent English-speaking person has a vocabulary of about 400,000 words. They can utter those words in any order they choose. And yet, you chose to present these particular words in this particular order. Hm.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are picking the lesser of the two evils. Pro abortion vs anti poor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they do not like their grandparents who went to church and were good people.

  • 1 decade ago

    its all about the welfare checks

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