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Who considers themselves to be an exhibitionist?


Angie is right the term is a little odd. I just mean do you enjoy it when other sees you naked?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think I am in many ways, but I have always somewhat disliked the term because it sounds somewhat deviant. Still I have used it. I have always liked being seen in the nude since I was teenager.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My profile states that I'm a bit of an exhibitionists. One of my fantasies is to do an amateur strip tease. I would not be a pro and I would not do it in a sleazy place or if any of the guys were crude or raunchy. However, if the guys were nice and appreciative, I'm sure I would be laughing and blushing all over, but it would be fun if they could coax me into taking my clothes off.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like to naked in with friends and strangers, so I guess that would exhibitionist, But being nude is really not about exhibitionism to me its about freedom from clothing and freedom of self expression Freedom to enjoy nature as our creator intended if to borrow a line from you , Nudity is Freedom in mind, body and soul..

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