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The BIG L too soon??

Hi! I just started dating an absolutely amazing man a little over a month ago. We've known each other through friends forever, but we've just never both been single at the same time in order for us to get together. While I was engaged...I was bartending and he asked me if my then fiance was ever going to marry me...because I was the type of girl he'd love to settle down with! That was three years ago...and now we're together. He's 33 and I'm 26 and when I'm with's amazing. I can honestly say I think he's the man I will spend the rest of my life with. Ok...the question it too early to tell him I love him?I'm 99% sure he feels the same. I'm just worried maybe it's too early, is short. If I want to say it...and I know I mean it...why not?? I'm not one of those people that says "I love you" causually. I only say it when I truly mean it. I tell him tonight...or keep it on the tip of my tongue for a few more months?? Thanks for your thoughts!


Awww!! Thank you all!! There's been nights after he's left my house when I just feel like I have to go to his house and tell him or I'll burst!! Thanks for giving me a little boost of courage!!

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Although you may not be one to throw the word around too freely, why take the chance of being perceived that way? A month is not a very long time, and although you may feel sure of your feelings at the moment, you are in the beginning phase of your relationship. Both of you are on your very best behavior. Wait it out. Don't put yourself in a vulnerable position just yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    U could be honest now as long as you mean it..It's not like you are in a brand new relationship. You said you've known each other forever and so he probably already knows how you feel. You were friends before and now your relationship has been upgraded to romantically involved. I'm sure he would apprecite a bit of honesty from you since he's the one that has been forward with you in the past. Your at a great stage in life where you can cut through the bull **** and get to the point.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the boyfriend almost 4 years ago told me he loved me literally after 1 week of being together. He said he just knew that he loved me. We are happily together 4 years later, engaged, and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. I would let him say it first - I don't understand why women appear more naive if they say it first but just to make sure that he is there too, I would wait for him to say it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I recently got together with my best friend. We had both had notions of the other on and off, really since childhood, but had been in denial or too afraid to ruin the friendship. We ended up confessing our love only a few weeks later, because it had been coming for years.

    There is a different "appropriate" time for every couple, but it sounds to me like you're ready.

    Wait for the right moment and tell him the news he's been dying to hear!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your story seems amazing and from the tone of your question, it is obvious that this relationship makes you very happy. in my view, you should go ahead and tell him how you feel. It's never too early to say the L word, so be free with yourself and tell him!.. You may even surprise yourself. You've got to trust your instincts and live a little. you'll only regret it later if you dont do it now... Best of luck to you both!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband told me he loved me after 6 1/2 weeks. I knew it was coming because he was hinting at it. He didn't want to scare me off! I NEVER tell anyone I love them first. I was pretty crazy about him but I don't know if I really loved him by then - although I was definitely falling. I told him anyway! I just happen to always take longer than the guy! But all is good and we are now married!

    Source(s): I read an article that said the average amount of time for a declaration of love is 7 weeks.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you feel that your partner feels the same way you do, go ahead say it. but if I were you I will think more deeply before doing it, i will give at least 2 months time. bcoz lot of things can come up to life and end up relationships. simple argument can bring a big disaster. But if you think your partner is 99% sure about love then go ahead, he is waiting for your to say it or he is gonna say it later. somebody have to say it. good luck and congratulations for getting a wonderful partner in life.

  • Beth
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is honestly up to you and only you. If it were ME, I would say it when I felt the most compelled to...and you'll know when that time is. I commend you for not throwing around the words "I love you" as flippantly as so many others do. Your heart is yours to give to whomever you see fit...just don't give it away too's most definitely not an easy thing to get back..and more often than not, you tend to get it back in pieces.

    You'll know when the time is right! Good luck and congratulations!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    DON'T DO IT!!!

    Been there, done that. Sometimes it scares a guy away and he feels you are moving too fast!!! You were already engaged once. You don't want him to feel you just throw out "I love you's" right and left!

    My advice is to wait....enjoy dating and having a good time together. If after about 6 months or more no one has said it, then go for it.

    But after ONE way!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont think its to early. my partner and i..i think we said it after a month, and i was the first person hes ever said it to..hes 32. We got engaged after 5 months. It depends on you, and how you feel, if it feels right, and you think he feels the same, then go for it. If he doesnt say it back, dont be hurt by it, it doesnt nessisarily mean anything bad. It may be to early for him, he may be scared, he may not know how to say it, he may be uncomfortable saying it. So if you want to say it, say it with no requirements of him. Be fine with getting no response from him, be fine with a thank you, be prepared for whatever response you get. Again, no response is NOT a bad response...

    good luck!

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