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Anonymous asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

Can posters please report the trolls that post abviously anti-Semetic messages?

What I am talking about are the obvious things like "the Jews control the media" which is a myth as well as "the Jews control the United States (UK, Canada, etc..)." We can have rational discussion on the Arab-Israeli conflict without such references as well as things like I reported when I saw it on the Egyptian board that Arabs smell like goats (talk about a rotten thing to say). As I have left in my posts my mother spent part of her childhood living in a Muslim country (Turkey) and one of my cousins lived in Egypt as well as my own personal interactions with Arabs (both Christian and Moslems) in my life. I ask you to help me in reporting the obvious anti-Semitic (or you can call it anti-Jewish if you rather). Thank you for your support on this (I hope - lol).


There is no doubt that there are many Jews in positions of power within the American media - but that does not mean they work on concert or indirectly to control the media. This is just a continuation of the myth that Jews meet secretly to take over the world. This is an anti-semetic myth (just like the Jewish Bank myth they control the world).

Update 2:

Abir - with the exception of wikipedia - all the sites you give for reference are anti-Semetic websites. Talk about not relying on unbias sources.

Update 3:

Msawfat - I agree to a certain extent when it come to the goat comment and discussing Jewish involvement in the media. The myth that Jews control the media is something that can be discussed and disproven easily. I was only making the point I as a Jew have reported obnoxious things said about Arabs, that Arabs can do the same thing about Jews. Thank you for added your comments to this question and to everyone else as well.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mike, the "tin-foil-hatted" Jew-baiters that hang around here aren't going to disappear just because they get flagged.

    They'll simply open new accounts and keep coming back . . . it's a mental thing.

    If you want to see the kind of stuff they regularly read (and believe !), check out or click on this link to see what's standard fare in the Arabic press:

    I don't even bother flagging or blocking them . . . Just ignore them.

    The kind of stuff abir posted is S.O.P. for the anti-Semities and nothing you or anyone else says or does will change the hatred in their hearts. They live in their own private Hell and, personally, I think they deserve pity more than censure.

    As far as we're concerned, our place is to just "keep on truckin' " with our discussions on Israeli related topics on Y/A and be thankful the "tin-foil-hatted" Jew-baiters DO drop in and remind us that eliminating anti-Semitism is an ongoing, 24/7 task we're all responsible for.

    All the best !


  • 1 decade ago

    Well Mike I agree with you that obvious insults to one side or the other are not conducive to any thing and need to be reported immediately, I support you fully in this. You might have noticed that I personally refrain from posting any comment to such insolent remarks.

    But I would also not recommend going as far as trying to silence the voices of others with different opinions even if you consider those opinions incorrect or a myth. I think trying to expose what you consider falasities using logical debate and convincing arguments a much more beneficial way.

    I guess you would agree with me that there is a big difference between asking "If Arabs smell like goats" and "Do Jews control western Media?". Its not exactly the same thing.


  • MUDD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have and will continue to report all obvious trolls. It keeps the place friendlier, and more scholarly and I have no hate for any race, religion, creed, or amount of sun tan you were naturally born with. I don't shut down discussion just because I don't agree with it however. IF someone honestly think that the jews control the media, you should have a chance to prove your case, and you will never get to do that if we cut them off at the knees.

    If they are spouting vitriol, slam 'em into the primordial soup where they belong. If they are misinformed however, I'll leave them to you. I'm sure you are up to the task.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The anti-Semitic stuff is just plain vile. It's the lies that led to millions of Jews being slaughtered over the centuries. None of the insults to Christianity I've seen descend to anywhere near that level. For the most part, anti-Christian posts are against the religion and anti-Semitic posts are against the people themselves. That's also a big factor. It's the difference between "I think your religion is silly" and "I hate you and blame you for all the evil in the world."

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  • 1 decade ago

    If Rupert Murdoch is Jewish, he must have converted in the last 5 minutes. Because his mother was born Elisabeth Joy Greene in Melbourne, Australia, to an Irish Protestant father and an upper-class English mother.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anytime I see answers that are either attacking the asker or a group of people I have to admit I do turn them in. I thought this forum was for not only asking questions but learning about other cultures, religions, way of life, and opinions. There is SO much nasty hate-filled attacking on here that I have really contemplated just not participating any longer. I'm Christian, and I have absolutely no problem with any poster that is of another faith posting questions dealing with their religion or asking about mine. So, yes Mike from RI, I will report any blatantly hate filled comments that are written to do nothing but hurt the asker and a certain group of people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only those who brake the yahoo community guidelines by hate for Israel and are posting muslims questions should be reported, when they say Jews control the media, we can't do much about that. I am study the yahoo community guidelines to know what I can and cannot report yahoo is taken this serious about reporting for no real violations. I love the Jewish people.

  • I agree with yuri above me, Jews and Arabs are Semitic people and we shouldn't put up with anti-semitism and make it a peaceful section.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps the best thing is to simply ignore those who waste their time by posting blatantly spiteful remarks?

    Every time we answer them, we are in a way acknowledging them - let's just not respond at all.

    The rest of us are all doing well in terms of developing a real dialogue, so let's continue with that, and simply pay no attention, and spend no energy, replying to any idiots who make either anti Jewish OR anti Muslim comments.

    We can still give them the 'thumbs down', of course...!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Yahoo answers Community Guidelines were updated and we cannot report people for everything that bothers us and for stereotyping Jews. However we can report "hater" and those the muslims who want to invade this section with their hate and all their trashing of Israel. I already posted a question a while back to all those who trash Israel. Haters be warned: I don't play well with those who trash Israel. And make sure Muslim questions get removed they only attract haters.

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