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why does earth has gravitational pull?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    because the earth is matter. all matter has gravitational pull.

    that about as far as we can go with "why"

  • sb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Gravity is the gravitational force that occurs between the earth and other bodies. Gravity is the force acting to pull objects toward the earth.

    Since gravitational force is happening to all matter (objects) in the universe, from the largest galaxies down to the smallest atoms, it is often called universal gravitation. Sir Isaac Newton was the first to fully recognize that the force holding any object to the earth is the same as the force holding the moon, the planets, and other heavenly bodies in their orbits. According to Newton's law of universal gravitation any two masses in the universe attract each other with a gravitational pull.

    G is the universal constant of gravitation (6.7 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2)

    Gravitation is actually a very weak force. The pull is too weak to be felt between two people and it is not even strong enough to pull together two lumps of lead placed right next to each other. It is only when one of the masses is the size of a planet that we can feel the force of gravity.

    The huge gravitational force of our nearest star, the Sun, holds together the nine planets of our Solar System. The planets move through space at speeds that just balance the Sun’s gravitational pull, so they are locked into a permanent circle (orbit) around the Sun. Moons orbit planets, and satellites and spacecraft orbit the Earth, in the same way. Satellites are not defying gravity in circling endlessly around the Earth, it is just that they are moving so fast around the Earth that gravity never brings them any closer.

    Gravity indicates gravitational force that occurs between the earth and other bodies. Gravity is the force acting to pull objects toward the earth.

    Gravity is the force that holds us on the ground and causes objects to fall back to the ground after being thrown in the air.

    The force holding objects to the earth's surface depends not only on the Earth's gravitational field but also on other factors, such as the Earth's rotation.

    The Earth’s gravitational pull extends out into space in all directions. The further you move away from the center of the Earth the weaker the force becomes.

    The measure of the force of gravity on an object is the weight of that object. Weight is measured in newtons (N). The weight of an object changes depending on its location in the universe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because of the very huge mass of the earth it is having the gravitational pull.

    Source(s): Mind
  • 1 decade ago

    Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which all objects with mass attract each other. In everyday life, gravitation is most familiar as the agency that endows objects with weight. Gravitation is responsible for keeping the Earth and the other planets in their orbits around the Sun; for keeping the Moon in its orbit around the Earth; for the formation of tides; for convection (by which hot fluids rise); for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; and for various other phenomena that we observe. Gravitation is also the reason for the very existence of the Earth, the Sun, and most macroscopic objects in the universe; without it, matter would not have coalesced into these large masses and life, as we know it, would not exist.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because the earth has mass. Anything with mass has some gravitational pull.

    Source(s): Personal
  • 1 decade ago

    Well according to the research on the theory of Everything. They defined particles for gravitational pull called as gravitons. They are also a kind of energy which produce gravitational pull, but this graviton is not as strong as any of our other forces like electric energy or magnetic energy. Thus you need a really huge mass to produce gravitational pull.

    Earth is not the only 1 with gravitational pull, every object on space has a gravitational pull proportional to their size. So in places like Jupiter and Saturn, there is alot of gravity. And because the sun is so big it attracts all the planets, but not strong enough to pull it to itself, thats why planets revolve around the sun.

    Also in that theory, they told that all particles, gravitons, photons, electrons, newtrons are made of smaller particles called Quarks i think. And these quarks are made up of Stings. The string concept of space explains everything thats why its called the theory of everything.

    Hope i answered your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    all matter in the universe has gravitational pull... it depends upon the mass i guess... so the things that are on earth dont pull each other with such force... but the size and mass of the earth is very large... so the gravitational pull is also large... similary... the size of the moon is less than earth.. thats y its gravitational pull is less than the earth

  • 1 decade ago

    If the earth didn't have gravitational pull, everything on this planet would be floating out into space. Ultimately, that which was living, would immediately be dead. Peace, Love and God Bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gravity is completely the result of mass.

    Any object with mass has a gravitational field (a donut, a person, a car, a moon, a planet, a star, a galaxy, etc.).

    The more mass in the object, the greater the gravitational field of that object.

  • 1 decade ago

    One of the best ways I ever saw that helped to explain this was if a blanket is help on all four corners, with it being level, if a ball is dropped in the center, it will bend/flex the fabric. If another balls is introduced, the new ball will be attracted to the displaced fabric. I obviously cannot explain in text as well as showing it, but try it. You are asking truly great questions and I hope you keep delving to find the answers. These are the questions that can change the way an entire planet sees everything.

  • Wayner
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because it has mass. Mass warps space-time and creates a "dimple" in its fabric. This dimple attracts other things to it (that also warp space-time). It is kind of like putting a bowling ball on a rubber sheet that has been stretched out. Gravity is the "dimples" in space-time. The more massive an object is, the more it warps space-time (the deeper the "dimple"). These "dimples" and objects with mass "falling" into them create the gravitational attraction between objects.

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