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Ending the War on Terror - who surrenders to who?

Wars end when one side says "OK we lost where do we sign, who wants to take our surrender?" - either a conditional treaty or an unconditional surrender is agreed..

So if the 'West' decides it's losing who does Bush surrender too - who owns the concept of terror - and if as the White House say "were winning"- how soon will terror come out of its caves and surrender and how is that treaty enforced on a cellular and multi-faceted enemy?

Do we ask each and every enemy to surrender - what if some say "no you got the wrong guy I'm not terrorism".

How on earth does an 'ism' surrender?


Whilst some of you say there is no war on terror (which is arguably true) the President GW and Tony blair both stated they were declaring war on terror(ism). So I ask now as I did at the time of the declaration - what are the exit / end conditions of this so called war. (not the exit conditions from iraq/ afgan / etc)

to me the post condition is either agreed failure (give up) on the part of the instigators and go back to pre 9/11 status quo of defense - or a perpetual 'war' and active conflict (no end conditions).

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The west will never surrender to do so you may as well declare the end of the world.

    View this link below if you dare............and decided for yourself you want a world of terriorist in our country

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There will be no surrender in a conflict that will go on for generations. As long as Islam is taught and embraced around the world the war will continue. This is a "war" between Western Civilization and the religion of Islam for the control of planet Earth. You are correct is understanding that this is not a "war" in the conventional sense, say, like WWII. It is a war of ideas that also includes violence, death and destruction. The Islamofascists are not going to put on uniforms and adhere to the Geneva Convention. They will kill the infidels and non-believers wherever they can, whenever they can. Total world domination is the goal. We could "surrender" by turning over all national governments to the Imams and converting to Islam but somehow I don't see the West going out that way. Soon the terror will re-visit us here in the US. It is only a question of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    You make an incredibly valid point. The war on terror is a war against an idea. How do you defeat an idea?

    Do you request that everybody who has the inclination to commit an act of terror surrender from here to eternity? Is this a universal surrender, there are terrorist factions out there, may I say many of them that we are not concerned with, don't know about, or otherwise choose not to deal with or acknowledge.

    The main point is that it is not plausible to win a war against an idea. Every nation breeds terrorism, every social class, every economic class and every religion breeds it own terrorists. It is as asinine as trying to fight a war on happiness.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are two ways for a conventional force to win against an insurgent "army". 1. Kill everyone (nuke) and 2. Kill the enemy and imprison the fighter's families until the insurgents decide it's not worth it.

    America, as it is currently constituted will do neither.

    When the Muslims are lifting your chin so they can get a better slice on your neck with that ol' dull knife thing, you'll be wishing America had strong leaders in the first decades of the 21st Century.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Great question! I think that is a concept people keep overlooking. The war on terror doesn't end until one side or the other is dead. There is no surrender.

    It's a mindset that most Americans have not grasped.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What we need is a wall with terrorism on one side and oil on the other. As long as everyone stays on their own side of the wall everything will be just fine. It is only when you jump the fence that there is a problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WHAT "war on terror?" The terrorists are sitting safe in Pakistan and no one has made any effort to go after them for 4 years. Instead, we sacrifice our troops in Iraq trying to conquer a country that didn't attack us and had nothing to do with the people who did.

    This is NOT a war on terror. It is a war conducted by the religious right against Muslims for purely religious reasons and encouraged by special interests who are making billions off of it.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    OSama Bin encumbered hated u . s . of america as quickly as he found out we've been offering Iraq with weapons and armament interior the 80s. He grow to be pissed that we could do the form of element. purely he grow to be meant to be receiving palms from the U. S. governement.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is where our US Rule of Law comes into play, in my legal opinion. It's also why we have the Patriot Act, in my legal opinion.

    Terrorists must be treated as capital offenders and that should include the ones who help them.

    Why should the US tolerate this crap from some backwards little place when we don't tolerate it from our citizens?

    Think, people! You end an ism when you follow your own Rule of Law!

    Source(s): You do not try to give our sacred rights to people who are unworthy because they will not give others those rights!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no war on terror. Only in the minds of the weak does it exist.

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