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what did my boyfriend mean by this?

well i had a dream that me and him got married, and lived together...and i told him about that,...when i was explaining it i said 'it seemed so REAL ya know' and he said 'it will be soon'

does that mean he wants to get married and get a place together?

im 16 and hes 19

and DONT say im too young to know what love is, cause im not, youre never too young to love

and age is nothing but a number

so if youre gunna be a jerk..DONT ANSWER


im a virgin and he respects that

he said hes not gunna pressure me to do anything i dont wanna do

Update 2:

hes in his second year of college, and i see him on the weekends..and i trust him so i dont have to worry about anything

37 Answers

  • ....
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well.... if you are having sex then he is committing RAPE of a minor. Very bad way to start of a marriage.. one of you being in jail and all.

    I'm not saying you don't know what love it.. you very well may. but if love is being expressed in any sexual way.... its rape according to the law.


  • 1 decade ago

    no jerk here. If you're just DREAMING about what he's saying, believe me it's not real...what your dream is is you hoping he would say things to you. Dreams are what you or anyone thinks about all day. Sometimes dreams are a combination of several things we think about all day and that's why sometimes they come out strange. Anyway, stop thinking the dreams are real, and if you want to know what he thinks then talk with him and see what his intentions really are. Just remember that you're not of age and you need consent to marry. But also he could get into trouble and do jail time if he has sex with you because you are still under age. If you're already thinking marriage then you're in the danger zone. When he says "it will be soon" he could either be leading you on (I don't know anything really about the guy), or he could be saying you have at least 2 or more years ahead of you before he can even think about marriage.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sixteen is not grown . . Believe me it is a cruel world out there and living is hard. And him being away and 19.. He is not being an angel. He is a guy and their hormones turn on and their brain shuts down. Be smart get an education and a good job. Do something that will support you.. So much is there for you to grasp. Being married is the idealistic dream of every teenage girl. Goodness ...Shake that out of your head. It is not all that you think it is. It is not all rosey and painted pretty. It is 2 people learning to compromise and live as one. In good and bad times.

    Oh yeah he wants a place alright.. but not a living together place.. He is getting an education.. Do you really think he wants someone that has no education or college degree ??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It simply mean he is looking for a future with you one day. He may have sincerely meant it and he may have just said that to make you feel good.

    Age is far more than just a number. And yes, you know a variation of love at 16. So did I. But you have not had enough real life experiences and you have not stopped your emotional maturation, so there are more changes in your future. If you want someone to respect your opnions, you should do the same without being insulting.

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  • 1 decade ago

    One thing for sure, even a 3 year old kid knows what is love because you can clearly see the love of a kid and mum. So you are never too young to know what is love!

    But marriage wise...... is totally a different thing. I believe it is not about how young you are getting married, but how long have you two been together and also have you two experiences enough disagreements to accept each other faults. This not only applies to young couples but also for older couples who intend to get married.

    Honestly, your bf is a great guy to answer "it will be soon". I can't imagine how many of my guy friends will answer that.

    But if wedding bells are ringing in the near future, i reckon both of you go for marriage prep-course. The church nearby or Registry of Marriage offers such courses. It helps both of you to understand what is marriage gonna be. Take it seriously and both of you will have a loving and lasting marriage.

    BTW, guys around the age of 21 will tend to be stressful about career. Do be sensitive towards him and support him because his success in career is reflected by the love the woman supports him.

  • 1 decade ago

    He could have meant he wants to live together.

    He could have meant he wants to live together and then down the road get married.

    He could have meant he wants to get married.

    He could have meant he wants to get married soon, which could be this year or sometime in the next 5 years.

    He could have meant that he's interested in getting his own place and then moving you in sometime down the road.

    If it is so important for you to know, though, you'll have to ask him. Whatever you do, make the mature decision. If you have any doubts (and be honest with yourself about it), then wait. It's not uncommon for people to be engaged for 1 1/2 - 2 years before setting a date. At least wait until you've graduated from high will be more enjoyable and a little easier if you don't have school work and such hanging over your head.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think he meant exactly what you think he meant.

    And I'm not going to be a jerk and say that you are too young to fall in love but I do think that you are too young to get married. You should experience a lot more things before you choose your life partner. Get an education, travel a little bit - learn more about yourself and what you like and don't like and WHY. I don't mean break up with him - just don't get married yet. Live alone first.

    Enjoy this speical time - love is fun, especially first love!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    So I was once in the same position. (16 with a 19 year old boyfriend). I gave him my virginity and was in love or whatever. I thought it would last forever. It didnt. I've met other guys since then. I survived and now i dont even really remember so much of being with him. So it seems like a big thing right now, but later in life it wont matter. Just follow your heart and let it ride. but be careful because u will hurt.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm Going Tru What You Are I Would Love To Get Married Right Now But Im Still Young & Wanna Have Fun & i Think You Should To ur 16 live it up U can still be with him but have fun but if u feel like u gotta get married now & He Feels like u should To Then Do It ..

  • 1 decade ago

    I think age has nothing to do with anything in life unless your under 18. I am not saying your not in love. I just think you both have not been on this planet long enough to be ready to settle down anytime soon. Both of you need some life experiences.

    His comment may just mean he has thought about it, just don't get hung up on it. Talk with him without narrowing things done. Communication is the VERY important.

  • Die S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully he really does not intend to propose to you soon, I know you don't want to hear it, but you guys are really too young to get married. I won't say too young to love, but too young for marriage.

    I don't mean to rain on your parade but if you really think you're mature enough

    You gotta think about this:

    You're 16 he's 19 he'll be going to college soon maybe, and what will happen when he's there and there are girls willing to throw themselves at him. The same goes for you what happens when there are tons of guys looking for your attention?

    What happens if the two of you go different directions in life? A lot can happen between high school, college, and your career.

    What are your plans for the future? Are they the same as his? Really?

    Not trying to burst your bubble, just trying to help you see things as we're seeing them.

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