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Lv 4
Sister asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

"Thinking Outside The Box"!!!?

Can someone give me a "Clear Understanding" of what a person means when they say "You have to think outside the box". I mean as far as applying this to my life. Please who ever answers this question for me, will you give me an example. Also, I need only mature answers. No games please!!! Thank you for your cooperation.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK for me thinking out side of the box meant trying to figure out how I could get my daughter the help that she needed because she's a learning disabled student and I didn't have the money to hire an attorney to help me fight the school system. Doing that would mean thinking in the box because that is what most people would do. They would either hire an attorney or if they couldn't afford one go to legal aide. I chose to do some thing different, I chose to fight on my own using the medical advice of all of the professionals that interacted with my daughter. I made sure that I had a private evaluation done and that I had a school ready to accept her so that when I went before the school board I had everything in order. Because I had all of my papers in order and I had recommendations from all of the medical personnel I was able to get her out of the public school system with out having to go through the hassle of hiring and paying an attorney. I was able to do it on my own thinking differently about how to do it. Thinking out of the box.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thinking outside the box is a cliché or catchphrase used to refer to looking at a problem from a new perspective without preconceptions, sometimes called a process of lateral thought. The catchphrase has become widely used in business environments, especially by management consultants and executive coaches, and has spawned a number of advertising


    As for an example,The first appearance of the phrase is not obscure to people that worked in the Disney organization in the 1950's and 1960's. The nine dot puzzle was used in training sessions within the company. Each dot has a meaning and the two points outside of the box where labeled as "The Vision" and "The Method". After Walt Disney's death in 1966, everyone would ask, "How did Walt think?" Mike Vance, then Dean of Disney University would explain the nine dot puzzle and how you had to Think Outside of the Box to solve it, as how Walt Disney's thought process always worked. This term became common in the Disney organization from then on. Upon leaving Disney in the late 1970's, international speaker Mike Vance would talk extensively about the nine dot puzzle and how Walt Disney would "Think Outside The Box" in all of his speeches and seminars. Mike was encouraged to write a book about thinking outside the box, which he did in 1995. There is no doubt that the thousands of speeches that Mike gave in the 1980's and 1990's popularized the term "Thinking Outside the Box,"

  • 1 decade ago

    Ahhh yes. Thinking outside the box! It means that you are deciding to look at something in a totally different and new and fresh way, from the normal way you would normally be thinking about it. Example. --You have decided that you no longer like the general style of clothing you now are wearing and want to change your clothing style. You would normally probably decide to go to the local mall and browse all the stores for styles that you might like, and then buy them. Let's say this is the normal way you yourself do this--this is your "box." Now you decide to think outside the box. So instead of browsing the local mall, you decide to do something you have never done before when buying decide instead to do something you would NEVER normally do to solve your style dilemma--you decide to take a small coarse at a local college on the study of clothing styles, even tho you know that it will cost money and take six months to complete. This is --"thinking outside the box." --Changing complete direction of the way you normally think to solve a problem, or change a situation, by trying something utterly, and totally different from what you would normall try.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thinking "outside of the box" means not just confining yourself to the status quo answer. Look for other ways to figure out how to solve problems, do more with your job and life. For example, you may be very shy and for you, signing up to sing in the church choir would be a very big step "outside of the box". Anything that is beyond your normal life, is taking a risk. That's what it means.

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  • tak
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Easy. To think in a manner most people wouldn't.

    This is a perfect example.

    A child is wheeled into the emergency room of the local hospital requiring emergency surgery. The surgeon says "I can't operate on this child, he is my son".

    The surgeon was not the boys father. How can this be?

    Think about it for a moment and people who think OUTSIDE OF THE BOX would simply reply "easy, the surgeon was a woman and therefore, the child's MOTHER".

    Do you see what I mean? To think outside of the obvious way you might normally think ie. that the surgeon must automatically be a man, so how can this be?

  • 5 years ago

    Why think outside the box. I spent 9 months in there & I've been trying to get back in ever since.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thinking outside the box means to just get creative, find other ways of doing things, do what works for you.

    Someone else who responded also gave the info from this wikipedia site, however what they didn't include is the game pictures there on that website. You need to see those so you'd have a better understanding of how to think outside the box.

  • 1 decade ago

    That you use your imagination and experience in other areas of your life.

    Example: you get hired as a office worker for a trucking company; boss comes and says they need a new logo (image for the company).

    Everyone else thinks of logos with speedy trucks, tires with wings, etc.

    You think of a character from one of your favorite video games. Maybe a giant flying dragon carrying things in its huge talons.

    That is thinking outside the box.

  • 1 decade ago

    Real answer: People think along certain perameters. anyone who thinks outside of the box is thinking in ways that the human mind does not usually work. For instance, a puzzle on which youlook at the spaces between the pieces instead of the pieces themselves.

  • "thinking outside the box" generally means to think differently than you and every one around you already do. example: making an air craft so people can fly too, before an air craft was thought of people believed that they were destined to be on the ground forever.

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