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Is it really "art" when I try to paint, people praise my pictures but they are not what I wanted.?

The colors don't go where I want them to go, and the shapes don't follow what I try to do. When I try to paint a curve nice and smooth, it comes out all crooked. When I try to make the lines turn a particular way, they don't go where I try to go.

The picture paints itself, and it's not what I wanted to paint. Is it still art?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it is still an expression of yours, Art can be a drip rolling down a paint can, if it moves someone.

    Seriously, Andy Warhol presented the Campbell Soup can as art because it moved people to see this giant can; to some it represented the corrupt Big Brother in media and advertising; to some the warmth of hearth and home, and some just thought it was cool to see this huge can of soup.

    Art is subjective and if people like what you do, enjoy that, while you continue to close the gap between your vision and the outcome of your efforts.

  • 1 decade ago

    By all means, yes.

    You have to understand that not all art is as the artist intended. I have that trouble with painting, too though. I am too close to the finished product to appreciate its beauty, but others like what is done.

    Meanwhile, I have found that although I'm not pleased with the results, something about moving the paint with the brush manages to relax me despite my lack of skill. This is a rare and wonderful thing, and a good enough reason to continue working at it until my painting improves.

    My aunt is in her 70's and just started oil painting classes a few years ago. She doesn't think much of her painting either, but I'd hang her pictures in my house any day.

  • 5 years ago

    1. I would get a pre-stretched canvas of the size you want at any arts and crafts store. I would get one as wide as your bed to give the impression of a headboard. 2. Don't frame it, framing and matting is expensive. 3. Any paint will do but knowing their properties helps, you could go cheap and use house paint but it will crack and give an aged look, oil blends well and has a long drying time. Acrylics dry fast and dont blend as well. Watercolors must be put on acid and lentin free paper, are hard to work with, and dry and run. Guache is a cheap alternative to get a poster-like look. I love water soluble pencils. You can get very precise with a sharp point and blend them with water and a paintbrush. But, Acid and Lentin free paper is your best bet with water soluble pencils. Again you must use Acid and Lentin free paper. Lentin is in the tree and rarely removed in processing, but it turns to acid over time and ruins your work. If you use paper use a 1 to1 mixture of Poly Vinyl Acetate(PVA) and Methyl Cellulose to glue your finished paper work to the canvas if you choose to use paper. 4. I would get various small cans of greens and a blue or two and do an abstract painting. Drip and pour the paint on if you can, don't brush the canvas. When the house paint is nearly dry and sticky, scrape it with a knife if you want to give it texture and some blending. Don't blend too much otherwise it will turn brownish. Using house paint and a canvas, dripping and pouring, and scraping you should have "art" on the cheap.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe, but it's much more satisfying if you can paint what you want to paint.

    One tip:

    If you want a nice smooth curve, or good control over any line, don't use a tiny brush. A lot of people think they'll have more control the smaller brush they use, but it's not true. Use a somewhat larger one, and paint with confidence and not too slowly. That should help with line control.

    Source(s): I'm an art major, painting concentration.
  • 1 decade ago

    This is called “art of life”. You should learn more about the art of living. We all are like charged toys activate by a power full remote control. We may think we are doing things; all are simply an imagination but the reality is totally different from what we believe. There is no theory about life but only by practical experience we would learn it.

  • 1 decade ago

    As an artist art does one thing it speaks. It does not have t speak to others. Just to someone. Even you. If it speaks it is art. If it is a painting,a book or a piece of moded clay. Or in our case as the Master is still working on us we are the works of ART! So yes my dear it is art.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes , no matter how perfect or imperfect it may be to the artist , it is still art ...

    The problem is that the artist is far too close to the work to make an honest me , I'm married to one!

    Accept the praise of others & be encouraged !

  • 1 decade ago

    Art is a thing of beauty, an it is said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what may not be beautiful to you, may just be amazing to another,so it may not be art to you, but to another its art.

    Also it depends on if their compliments are genuine or just flattery.

    If you want real opinions put in on display and hang around to hear public opinion, without letting on that you are the painter.

    Who knows we might just have another Micheal Angelo in hiding.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the "art" is that people like it, the "art" has taken the lead with your brush! If people like it, If you like it, then keep painting! I think that some of the most beautiful paintings are just masses of color, like Monet! Monet's lines are not distinct, he uses dabs of color all over. His impressionistic style is beautiful to me with the use of muted colors, no real lines.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say yes.

    People throw paint through a jet engine and call it art.

    People plop their bare butt in paint and sit it down on canvas and call it art.

    At least your trying.

    So yes it's art.

    Save the presindents life cut off your ear and your paintings will be worth millions.

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