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BB8 latest updates?

Ok, I just tuned into the latest feeds, go to YouTube/bb8, I guess The Jury attached Danielle. And once again this is ***** fault. I have been a Dick fan from the beginning. Did Danielle play a good game on her on? Yes, I believe she did.

So why in the world does she have this attitude problem all the time?. This child needs to look at the big picture here. She is sitting where she is because Dick put her there. Get over it kid! As a parent I really feel for Dick. It seems to be a No Win situation here. Am I missing something ? Please share your view's on this. Who do you think should win it all?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they had a great PARTNERSHIP after they got over the family tensions.Teamwork won this plain and simple.

    Danielle won alot of POV's and HOH's , some were very well timed too. Whereas Dick was the strategy man and ran interference with the other house guests. He was definitely the brains of the team.

    Neither would of made it without the other helping.

    I think they still have some issues to work through and that's why Danielle is acting out somewhat.And Dick is in a no win situation with her at this point , he simply has to suck it up and let it ride unfortunately.

    Ultimately I think Dick should win it all.He was willing to sacrifice it all for Danielle to stay in the game at one point and he was the strategist. That puts him on top in my book.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people seem to think that Daniele carried Dick because she won a few more competitions but I disagree. Daniele would have been kicked out very early in the game if it weren't for Dick. He had a strategy and he stuck to it. He told Daniele every move to pull. She never had a strategy of her own. She just did what Dick told her to do. Dick got himself and Daniele to the final two and he is the only one that was in the house that deserves to win the money.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that if the Jury votes on who played the best game for the winner they will choose DIck. But if they vote on who they like the best out of Dick and Danielle I think they will pick Danielle just because Dick personally(verbally) attacked every member of the jury house. I personally dont believe either of them deserve to win. Dick should have been kicked out for his behavior, and Danielle was only there because everyone was scared to get rid of her

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who Should I Hate To Say It But.......Dick Should Win I Really Don't Care Now Because I Don't Like Him Or Danielle But He Play Played The Game The Best Out Of Both of Them (And If It Wasn't For THE STUPID AMERICA PLAYER VOTE THEY MIGHT BE OUT OF THERE) I will Watch Just See What Was Asked And To Her And Then I Will Watch To See Who Wins And How CBS/Eric Lets The Rest Of The House Guest Know He Was American Player

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  • Hamish
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think Dick should win the big money. He nearly killed himself in the bunny hop competition and I didn`t think Danielle was ever going to tell him to let go. If it had been the other way around Dick would have insisted on her coming off at the first sign of pain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I cannot stand either one of them. Dick should have been kicked off a long time ago, and Danielle is a whiny little brat. But, I hope that Dick wins over Danielle because she is JUST that, a WHINY brat. And, I hope she reads all the blogs and sees what people really think of her and her father. And, it is not because of her father that people attack, it is because of HER!!!!!!!!!! She is the one that is a B......, as someone else has already answered. And, too, had America not been stupid enough to keep Dick in the house, neither one of them would be there. This has been the WORST season of Big Brother ever!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I liked Danielle in the beginning,but her ego and personality get in the way.

    I don't like how ED played the game,but as Zach said...."his tactics worked".

    Neither of them really deserve the money,but I rather the money go to ED.

    People only avoided nominating Danielle because they were afraid to face the wrath that is Dick.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a parent I think Dick is an insult to the human race. He is not a good parent, and never will be with the anger and attitude that he has. I feel I wasted my summer on a load of crap and now all I have to look forward to is a bad parent or a whiny child winning the money. I would rather have seen Jen win as these two and I didn't like her either. Jessica should have won it all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dick did not put her there, she got there really on her own. Believe me, I am no Daniele fan but she won 5 veto competitions and 2 HoH's on her own. To say she is where she is because of ED is completely absurd. She has proven to be a good competitor obviously if she is in the final 2.

  • Nana
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    she has this big attitude, because she is a spoiled rotten "*********"!!!! AND if things don't go her way, she whines!!!! and if she or her dad wins something, because she knows she will get part of it, than she is happy

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